AP World History - 1400s Master Review for AP Test - 23-24
Key Events and Developments in Each Region during the 15th Century. Links with Strayer’s “Ways Of the World: Second Edition” Textbook :D
European Developments & Events
Age of Exploration Begins in Portugal!
The Spanish Reconquista! Ay, Caramba!
Spanish Christians began to take back the land they lost to the Spanish Muslims. They were victorious and began a long-standing stereotype of Spain always being Christian. They were completed the same year Columbus set out to sea, in 1492.
The Holy Roman Power Creep
The empire in question was experiencing massive amounts of growth in the 1400s
Guns and Roses, British People Edition
The War of the Roses, while sounding pretty, did not end pretty at all. The Plantagenet family was cut off the throne, and the Tudor dynasty arose.
Over the River, and Through the Woods, To the Balkans We Go!
The Ottoman Empire started its expansion into the Balkans, South-Eastern Europe. This marked a massive outbreak of power on Ottoman territory.
Asian Developments & Events
Mu-ove Ghals, Get Out the Way!
As the British East Indian Company and other British forces start to move into South Asia, Mughal forces fight back to the best of their abilities. This wouldn’t end well.
Ming Dynasty Adventures
Zheng He, a famed explorer from Ming China, finally quits his exploring and draft-shopping duties, letting his ships rot away. His and the rest of China’s main, infamous export was…well, china!
African Developments & Events
Kingdom Konquests and Kfalls
The Mail Empire starts to go downhill, but a new empire, the Songhai begins its rise to fame and power. Additionally, the Swahili city-states start to have brief encounters with the Portuguese. I wonder how that will turn out…
American Developments & Events
the Aztecs and the Incas
After consolidating power in the 1400s, Mexico’s Aztecs and Peru’s Inca became a formidable foe…at least until Europe came along
Middle Eastern Developments & Events
Byzantines Lost to Time
With the 1453 Constantinople takeover and rise of Ottoman influence, the Byzantine Empire finally fell, as its last remaining site crumbled.
Russian Developments & Events
Mongols be Gone…gols!
The Russians were finally able to rid the Mongols from their land with the assistance of Ivan III the Great
Japanese Developments & Events
The Onin War Breaks Out!
The beginning of a long stretch of social conflict in the 1400s