Wind energy: wind farms convert to electrical energy
Wind power is inexhaustible
Could meet the electricity needs of the lower 48 states
Texas and California are top producers
Net energy efficiency is how much useful energy we get from an energy resource after subtracting the energy used and wasted in making the energy available. Net energy efficiency includes the efficiency of each step in the process of making energy available for use. Two general principles for saving energy are:
Keep the number of steps in an energy conversion process as low as possible.
Strive to have the highest possible energy efficiency for each step in an energy conversion process.
Energy efficiency: How much helpful work we get from each unit of energy
Advantages of reducing energy waste
Usually, the cheapest way to provide more energy
Reduces pollution and degradation
Slows in global warming Increase economic and national security
Four widely used devices that waste energy
Incandescent light bulb
A motor vehicle with an internal combustion engine
Nuclear power plant
Coal-fired power plant
Prolongs fossil fuel supplies
Reduces oil imports and improves energy security
Very high net energy yield
Low cost
Reduces pollution and environmental degradation
Buys time to phase in renewable energy
Creates local jobs
Cogeneration: Combined heat and power or two forms of energy from the same fuel source
Recycle materials
Switch from low-efficiency incandescent lighting to higher-efficiency fluorescent and LED lighting
Green architecture
Living or green roofs: With specially designed soil and vegetation
Superinsulation: No need for a heating system
U.S. Green Building Council’s Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED)
Renewable energy
Solar energy
Geothermal energy
Renewable energy will be cheaper if we eliminate
Inequitable subsidies
Inaccurate prices
Artificially low pricing of nonrenewable energy
Large arrays of solar collectors in sunny deserts can produce high-temperature heat to spin turbines and produce electricity, but costs are high. Solar thermal systems can collect and transform radiant energy to high-temperature thermal energy (heat), which can be used directly or converted to electricity.
Solar has two forms for heating, passive and active. We can heat buildings by orienting them toward the sun (passive solar heating) or by pumping a liquid such as water through rooftop collectors (active solar heating).
Passive solar heating system: Absorbs and stores heat from the sun directly within a well-insulated structure
Active solar heating system: Captures energy from the sun in a heat-absorbing fluid
Net energy is moderate (active) to high (passive)
Very low emissions of CO2 and other air pollutants
Very low land disturbance
Moderate cost (passive)
Need access to the sun 60% of the time during daylight
Sun can be blocked by trees and other structures
High installation and maintenance costs for active systems
Need a backup system for cloudy days
High potential for growth
No direct emissions of CO2 and other air pollutants
Lower costs with natural gas turbine backup
Source of new jobs
Low net energy and high costs
Needs backup or storage systems on cloudy days
Can disrupt desert ecosystems
Photovoltaic (PV) cells: Convert solar energy to electric energy
Design of solar cells: Sunlight hits cells and releases electrons into wires
Hydropower: Uses kinetic energy of moving water and is an indirect form of solar energy
World’s leading renewable energy source used to produce electricity
Micro-hydropower generators: floating turbines
High net energy yield
Large untapped potential
Low-cost electricity
Low emissions of CO2 and other air pollutants in temperate areas
Large land disturbance and displacement of people
High CH4 emissions from rapid biomass decay in shallow tropical reservoirs
Disrupts downstream aquatic ecosystems
High net energy yield
Widely available
Low electricity cost
Little or no direct emissions of CO2 and other air pollutants
Easy to build and expand
Needs backup or storage system when winds die down
Visual pollution for some people
Low-level noise bothers some people
Can kill birds if not properly designed and located
Biomass: Plant materials and animal waste we can burn or turn into biofuels
Production of solid mass fuel: Plant fast-growing trees; biomass plantations Collect crop residues and animal manure
Widely is available in some areas
Moderate costs
Medium net energy yield
No net CO2 increase if harvested, burned and replanted sustainably
Plantation can help restore degraded lands
Contributes to deforestation
Clear-cutting can cause soil erosion, water pollution, and loss of wildlife habitat
Can open ecosystems to invasive species
Increases CO2 emissions if harvested and burned unsustainably
Biodiesel: Produced from vegetable oil
European Union countries produce 95% of the world’s biodiesel
Crops require large amounts of land
Production requires fossil fuels
Ethanol: Can be made from sugarcane, corn, switchgrass, and various wastes.
United States’ largest producer
Made from corn; low net energy yield
Brazil second
Sugarcane has a medium net energy yield
Cellulosic ethanol: Produced from cellulose
Reduced CO2 emissions for some crops
Medium net energy yield for biodiesel from oil palms
Medium net energy yield for ethanol from sugarcane
Fuel crops can compete with food crops for land and raise food prices
Fuel crops can be invasive species
Low net energy yield for corn ethanol and for biodiesel from soybeans
Higher CO2 emissions from corn ethanol
Geothermal Energy Heat Storage: Soil, underground rocks, and fluids in the earth’s mantle
Geothermal heat pump system: Energy efficient and reliable, environmentally clean, and cost-effective to heat or cool a space
Hydrothermal reservoirs: Drill wells and extract various streams
The U.S. is the world’s largest producer
Geothermal energy problems
High cost of tapping hydrothermal reservoirs
Dry- or wet-steam geothermal reservoirs could be depleted
Could create earthquakes
Medium net energy yield and high efficiency at accessible sites
Lower CO2 emissions than fossil fuels
Low cost at favorable sites
High cost except at concentrated and accessible sites
Scarcity of suitable sites
Noise and some CO2 emissions
Hydrogen: Eliminates most of the air pollution problems and reduces global warming threat.
Some challenges
Chemically locked in water and organic compounds - net negative energy yield
Expensive fuel cells are the best way to use hydrogen
CO2 levels dependent on method of hydrogen production
Can be produced from plentiful water at some sites
No CO2 emissions if produced with use of renewables
Good substitute for oil
High efficiency in fuel cells
Negative net energy yield
CO2 emissions if produced from carbon
containing compounds
High costs create need for subsidies
Needs H2 storage and distribution system
Government strategies
Keep the prices of selected energy resources artificially low to encourage their use
Keep energy prices artificially high for selected resources to discourage their use
Consumer education
We should evaluate energy resources on the basis of
Their potential supplies
Their net energy yields
Environmental and health impacts of using them
Making the transition to a more sustainable energy future will require
Sharply increasing energy efficiency
Using a mix of environmentally friendly renewable energy resources
Including the harmful environmental and health costs of energy resources in their market prices
Relying on a diversity of direct and indirect forms of solar energy
Would implement three principles of sustainability
Recycle and reuse materials to reduce the consumption of energy
Mimic nature’s reliance on biodiversity by diversifying energy sources