AP World History Unit 1 Summary

1.1 Developments in East Asia

  • The Song Dynasty utilized traditional methods of Confucianism and imperial bureaucracy to maintain and justify its rule.

  • Chinese cultural traditions influenced neighboring regions.

  • Buddhism and its core beliefs continued to shape societies in

  • Asia in a variety of branches, schools. and practices.

  • The economy of Song China increasingly commercialized while continuing to depend on free peasant and artisanal labor

  • The economy of Song China flourished as a result of increased productive capacity, expanding trade networks, and innovation in agriculture and manufacturing.

1.2 Developments in Dar-al-Islam

  • Islam, Judaism, Christianity, and the core beliefs and practices of these religions continued to shape societies in Africa and Asia.

  • As the Abbasid Caliphate fragmented, new Islamic political entities emerged, most of which were dominated by Turkic peoples. These states demonstrated continuity, innovation, and diversity

  • Muslim rule continued to expand to many parts of Afro-Eurasia due to military expansion, and Islam subsequently expanded through the activities of merchants, missionaries, and Sufis.

  • Muslim states and empires encouraged significant intellectual innovations and transfers.

1.3 Developments in South and Southeast Asia

  • Hinduism, Islam, and Buddhism, and their core beliefs and practices, continued to shape societies in South and Southeast Asia.

  • State formation and development demonstrated continuity, innovation, and diversity, including the new Hindu and Buddhist states that emerged in South and Southeast Asia.

1.4 Developments in the Americas

  • Hinduism, Islam, and Buddhism, and their core beliefs and practices, continued to shape societies in South and Southeast Asia.

  • State formation and development demonstrated continuity, innovation, and diversity, including the new Hindu and Buddhist states that emerged in South and Southeast Asia.

1.5 Developments in Africa

  • In Africa, as in Eurasia and the Americas, state systems demonstrated continuity, innovation, and diversity and expanded in scope and reach.

1.6 Developments in Europe

  • Christianity, Judaism, Islam, and the core beliefs and practices of these religions continued to shape societies in Europe.

  • Europe was politically fragmented and characterized by decentralized monarchies, feudalism, and the manorial system.

  • Europe was largely an agricultural society dependent on free and coerced labor, including serfdom.