1900 - Present
The 20th Century was one of the most transformative and conflict-filled centuries in human history
World Wars, Inventions, Communism (Rise & Fall), Feminism (Women’s Rights), Civil Rights, Medical/Scientific breakthroughs, computers, nuclear weapons (bombs & missiles)
Countries involved in World Wars → Britain, Germany, Japan, USSR, and the USA
Communist China and USSR
Independence movement in India
Apartheid in South Africa
Decolonization in Africa (ex. Ghana)
Emerging countries in S.E. Asia (ex. Vietnam)
Latin America
Key Terms & Ideas: Deforestation, Desertification, Climate Change, Green Revolution, Medical Innovations (polio vaccine, antibiotics, artificial heart)
Scientific Advances in the 20th Century
Improved life AND threatened life
Medical Advances
Medicine, Vaccines, Surgery, etc.
Atomic Weapons
Humans have the power to destroy the planet.
Mutually Assured Destruction
Food Production
Commercial Farming (large-scale farming), Pesticides, GMOs, Green Revolution (science’s impact on agriculture)
Transportation & Communication
Begin to “shrink” the world
Globalization, travel, trade, migration, diseases, etc.
Climate Change, Extinctions
Key Terms & Ideas: Anti-imperialism, communism, consumerism, free market economies/policies, free trade, Great Depression, NATO, OPEC, regional trade agreements (EU, NAFTA, ASEAN, etc.), third world/developing world, perestroika.
Capitalism began to dominate the world’s economy
W. Europe & USA
Developing Countries fought for political and economic freedom
Socialism & Communism
Gained supporters globally → USSR, China, Cuba, N. Korea
Changed work, production centers, goods, prices, etc.
Key Terms & Ideas: Decolonization, appeasement, authoritarian regimes, containment, Fascism, government intervention in the economy, Indian National Congress, militarized states, proxy wars, segregation, superpowers, totalitarianism
Conflict & State Building
World War I and World War II
Decolonization movements
Africa, India, Vietnam
Communist Revolutions
USSR, China, Cuba
Armenian, Holocaust, Cambodia, Rwanda
Cold War
USA-NATO vs USSR-Warsaw Pact
Total War & Modern Weapons
Began to spread globally
Widespread death & destruction
Strongmen in Latin America
Pinochet (Chile) & Juan Peron (Argentina)
Key Terms & Ideas: Culture convergence, cultural identities (Pan-Africanism, Pan-Arabism, Pan-Slavism, Negritude), popular culture (Dada, Socialism Realism), propaganda
The spread of cultures accelerated during the 20th century
Culture spread globally from the west
Pop Culture
Movies, music, sports, art, food, social networking, etc.
Some societies saw the spread of Western culture (westernization) as a threat to their own culture, traditions, and beliefs.
Key Terms & Ideas: Antisemitism, apartheid, exclusionary reactions (Xenophobia, race riots, citizenship restrictions), feminism, women’s suffrage
Social structures transformed in the 20th century
Women began to gain rights (Suffrage) and equal treatment
Education, work, leadership, voting, etc.
“Classless” societies created
Primarily in communist countries (China & USSR)
Redistribution of land and resources
USA (Civil Rights → MLK) & South Africa (Apartheid → Nelson Mandela)
Opportunities in education, work, politics, etc.
Key Terms & Ideas:
Env: Modern Tech and Globalization Caused Pollution
Eco: Economic Inequalities
Pol: Unfair & Ineffective governments
Colonial masters, between the wars governments, communist regimes, Arab Spring)
Soc: Unfair social structures protested against
Women, Civil Rights, Apartheid
Cul: Retain cultural identity
Key Terms & Ideas:
Pol: UN (United Nations, EU (European Union)
Env: WHO (World Health Organization)
Eco: IMF (International Monetary Fund)
Transnational Organizations → Wealthy from the global spread