1. Uncle Tom's Cabin

  •  Book by Harriet Beecher Stowe, published bc of the Fugitive Slave law, one of the sparks of the civil war, banned in the south

  1. Distribution of The Impending Crisis of the South 

  • Book written by Hinton R. Helper, argued that nonslaveholding whites suffered the most, pushing them to join the North, banned in the south

  1. Bleeding Kansas 

  • Competition between Free Soilers and Proslavery advocates to vote for the state, divided it in two with two different governments and constitutions

  1. Lecompton Constitution 

  •  Kansas constitution from the free soilers due to corrupt votes from proslavery, divided Kansas and Congress

  1. Lessons Learned from Kansas 

  • this further polarized the nation, led to the election of james buchanan

  1. Brooks/Sumner Clash 

  • Sumner keep taunting brooks, brooks used a cane to beat sumner bloody and unconscious in congress

  1. 1856 Election 

  • Buchanan, Fremont, and FIllmore ran, Buchanan won with the majority of the south and some north voting for him

  1. Know Nothing Party

  • Formed around the issue of nativism, eventually self destructed due to internal struggles

  1. Dred Scott Decision

  •  Supreme court ruled that black slaves were property and could never be citizens, had no right to sue, and that slavery was allowed in all states stating missouri compromise was unconstitutional

  1. Panic of 1857

  • Didn’t do much economically, but more psychologically

  • Gold inflated the currency, and Crimean war/grain also was scarce, w/ 5000 businesses closing in that year

  1. Harpers Ferry

  • John Brown raided harper’s ferry with a group of enslaved men with arms, hoping to spark the slave revolution, Brown was later executed for this stint

  1. 1860 Election

  • Lincoln, Douglass, and Breckinridge were the contenders for the 1860 election, and Lincoln won the election, sparking outrage against the South and becoming the spark of the Civil War

  1. Government of the Confederacy

  • New capital in Montgomery, Alabama, made it known as the Confederate States of America, Jefferson Davis was the acting leader for the CSA

  1. Buchanans Positions on Secession 

  •  Denied that the states could secede under the union, but seven states seceded from the union by the time Buchanan’s term was over/Lincoln became president

  1. Crittenden Compromise

  • Failed amendments for the constitution, stated that slavery would have been fully legal past the border of 36‘ 30’ to please the south & popular sovereignty

  • Lincoln flat out rejected the compromise without hearing anything else about it

  1. Reasons for Secession

  •  Golden opportunity to set aside generations of “vassalage” from the North to the side, with direct trade to Europe without the north interfering

  1. Lincoln's Resume

  • Ran for Illinois governor, lost but became president in 1860 election

  1. Republican Party platform

  • Formed by antislavery whigs, democrats, and free soilers after the kansas-nebraska act, elected Fremont as the nominee to represent the party
