Chemistry - branch of Science that deals with matter
Organic compounds - materials that contain carbon
Friedrich Wohler - he opposed vitalism and synthesized urea
Organic Chemistry - study of properties and reactions of organic compounds
4 - number of bonds that carbon can form
3 - number of bonds that nitrogen can form
2 - number of bonds that oxygen can form
4 - valence electrons of carbon
5 - valence electrons of nitrogen
6 - valence electrons of oxygen
1 - number of bonds that halogens can form
7 - valence electrons of halogens
6 - valence electrons of oxygen
1 - number of bonds that halogens can form
7 - valence electrons of halogens
Expanded/Kekule structure - all atoms and bonds are written
Condensed structure - single bonds are omitted
Skeletal structure - uses lines to represent chemical formula
Points - they represent carbon atoms in the skeletal formula
Lone electrons - unbonded electrons
Lone pair - pair of unbonded electrons
Parentheses - indicates an enclosed group of atoms
Framework - can be linear, branched, or cyclic
Linear - framework of carbon atoms that forms a line
Branched - framework of carbon atoms that are extended outwards
Cyclic - framework of carbon atoms that form a closed figure
Composition - can either be carbocyclic or heterocyclic
Carbocyclic - a composition that only contains carbon atoms
Heterocyclic - a composition that contains carbon atoms and other pure substances
Number of rings - can be monocyclic, dicyclic, tricyclic, etc.
Saturation - can either be saturated or unsaturated
Saturated - a type of saturation in which carbon atoms form single bonds
Unsaturated - a type of saturation in which carbon atoms form double or triple bonds
Unsaturated - can be conjugated, cumulated, or isolated
Conjugated - double or triple bonds of carbon which are separated by a single carbon bond
Cumulated - adjacent double bond of carbon atoms
Isolated - double or triple bonds of carbon are separated by two single carbon bonds
Single carbon bond = alkane
Double carbon bond = alkene
Triple carbon bond = alkyne
Hydrocarbons - alkane, alkene, and alkyne
R-OH: alcohol and hydroxyl group
R-O-R: ether and alkoxy group
R-SH: thiol and sulfhydryl group
R-S-R: thioether
R-NH2: amine and amino group
Aromatic compound = benzene ring
R-X: alkyl halide and halo group