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Biology Ch. 2

  • Atoms are composed of protons neutrons and electrons

  • APE MAN (Atomic Number, Element, Atomic Mass)

    • Electrons: negatively charged particles located in orbitals

    • Neutral atoms have the same number of electrons and protons

  • Ions: charged particle electrons change

  • Atomic Number: equal to the number of protons

  • Element: can’t be broken down into another substance by ordinary means

  • Atomic Mass: sum of protons and neutrons

  • Cations (cat eyes)

  • Anion (ant)

  • Isotopes: atoms of a single element that possess different numbers of neutrons

  • Radioactive isotopes are unstable

  • Nucleus is center of an atom ( DNA inside nucleus)

Electron Arrangement

  • energy levels

    KLM (k is inner) K-2 L-8 M-8

  • If an atom has a full outer shell it is non reactive


  • LEO says GER

Oxidation: lose electron

Reduction: gain electron

  • valence electrons: outer most shell

  • Inert: atoms outer most level is full

  • Octet rule: must have 8


  • carbon hydrogen oxygen nitrogen make up 96.3 % of body

  • Molecule: group of 2 or more atoms held together in a stable association

  • Compounds: molecule containing more than one element

all compounds are molecules but not all molecules are compounds


  • Ionic bonds: formed by the attraction of oppositely charged ions

  • Loses an electron to have a positive charge

  • Gains an electron to have a negative charge

electrical attraction of water molecules can disrupt forces holding ions together

  • Covalent Bonds: form when atoms share 2 or more valence electrons

  • Strength of a covalent bond depends on number of bonds present

Electronegativity: atoms affinity for electrons

  • Nonpolar Covalent Bonds: if electron sharing is equal

  • Polar Covalent Bonds: if electron sharing is unequal

Water Molecule Diagram with negative O and positive H

  • Chemical Reactions require reactants and products; formation and breaking of bonds

  • Photosynthesis Reaction: 6H2O+ 6CO2~ C6H12O6+6O2

  • Aerobic requires oxygen

  • The extent of chemical reactions is influenced by… temperature concentration and catalysts

  • as temp increases, molecule movement increases, reaction rate increases

  • catalysts: a substance that speeds up a chemical reaction (related to enzymes)

Many reactions are reversible

  • Water is life sustaining

  • most outstanding chemical property of water is the ability to form hydrogen bonds

  • Order of Increasing Strength ( H-BOND, IONIC, COVALENT )

  • Hydrogen bonds are stronger in numbers

  • Cohesion: attraction to one another

  • Adhesion: attraction to other polar molecules

  • Properties of Water

    1. High Specific Heat: theres a large amt of energy required to change the temp.

    2. High Heat of Vaporization: evaporation of water from a surface causes cooling

    3. Solid water is less dense than liquid water ex. ice floating

    4. Water is a good solvent: water can dissolve polar molecules and ions

    5. Water organizes nonpolar molecules: hydrophobic/hydrophilic

    6. Water can form ions: OH- H+

      1. Water freezes from the top down

      2. solute: solid

      3. solvent: liquid

Acids and Bases

  • aka pH

  • Acid- any substance that dissociates in water to increase the H+ concentration

  • Base- substance that combines with the H+ dissolved in water to lower the H+ concentration \

The lower the H+ the more basic (higher pH)

  • Buffer: substance that resists changes in pH, keeps pH in a certain range

  • Acts by

    • releasing H+ when base is added

    • absorbing H+ when acid is added

Biology Ch. 2

  • Atoms are composed of protons neutrons and electrons

  • APE MAN (Atomic Number, Element, Atomic Mass)

    • Electrons: negatively charged particles located in orbitals

    • Neutral atoms have the same number of electrons and protons

  • Ions: charged particle electrons change

  • Atomic Number: equal to the number of protons

  • Element: can’t be broken down into another substance by ordinary means

  • Atomic Mass: sum of protons and neutrons

  • Cations (cat eyes)

  • Anion (ant)

  • Isotopes: atoms of a single element that possess different numbers of neutrons

  • Radioactive isotopes are unstable

  • Nucleus is center of an atom ( DNA inside nucleus)

Electron Arrangement

  • energy levels

    KLM (k is inner) K-2 L-8 M-8

  • If an atom has a full outer shell it is non reactive


  • LEO says GER

Oxidation: lose electron

Reduction: gain electron

  • valence electrons: outer most shell

  • Inert: atoms outer most level is full

  • Octet rule: must have 8


  • carbon hydrogen oxygen nitrogen make up 96.3 % of body

  • Molecule: group of 2 or more atoms held together in a stable association

  • Compounds: molecule containing more than one element

all compounds are molecules but not all molecules are compounds


  • Ionic bonds: formed by the attraction of oppositely charged ions

  • Loses an electron to have a positive charge

  • Gains an electron to have a negative charge

electrical attraction of water molecules can disrupt forces holding ions together

  • Covalent Bonds: form when atoms share 2 or more valence electrons

  • Strength of a covalent bond depends on number of bonds present

Electronegativity: atoms affinity for electrons

  • Nonpolar Covalent Bonds: if electron sharing is equal

  • Polar Covalent Bonds: if electron sharing is unequal

Water Molecule Diagram with negative O and positive H

  • Chemical Reactions require reactants and products; formation and breaking of bonds

  • Photosynthesis Reaction: 6H2O+ 6CO2~ C6H12O6+6O2

  • Aerobic requires oxygen

  • The extent of chemical reactions is influenced by… temperature concentration and catalysts

  • as temp increases, molecule movement increases, reaction rate increases

  • catalysts: a substance that speeds up a chemical reaction (related to enzymes)

Many reactions are reversible

  • Water is life sustaining

  • most outstanding chemical property of water is the ability to form hydrogen bonds

  • Order of Increasing Strength ( H-BOND, IONIC, COVALENT )

  • Hydrogen bonds are stronger in numbers

  • Cohesion: attraction to one another

  • Adhesion: attraction to other polar molecules

  • Properties of Water

    1. High Specific Heat: theres a large amt of energy required to change the temp.

    2. High Heat of Vaporization: evaporation of water from a surface causes cooling

    3. Solid water is less dense than liquid water ex. ice floating

    4. Water is a good solvent: water can dissolve polar molecules and ions

    5. Water organizes nonpolar molecules: hydrophobic/hydrophilic

    6. Water can form ions: OH- H+

      1. Water freezes from the top down

      2. solute: solid

      3. solvent: liquid

Acids and Bases

  • aka pH

  • Acid- any substance that dissociates in water to increase the H+ concentration

  • Base- substance that combines with the H+ dissolved in water to lower the H+ concentration \

The lower the H+ the more basic (higher pH)

  • Buffer: substance that resists changes in pH, keeps pH in a certain range

  • Acts by

    • releasing H+ when base is added

    • absorbing H+ when acid is added
