AP World History - 1700s Master Review Guide for AP Test - 23-24

Key Events and Developments in Each Region during the 18th Century. Links with Strayer’s “Ways Of the World: Second Edition” Textbook :D

European Developments & Events

  1. Absolute Monarchy Dominated by Louis XIV

  2. The Seven Years War

    • Also known as the French and Indian War, America, Britain, and France had a conflict over the expansion of American lands, mainly over the mistreatment of the Native Americans already inhabiting the land. This resulted in Britain getting enormous amounts of territory in Northern North America, and France losing the majority of their American territory.

  3. 1789 - The French Revolution Breaks Out

  4. Hanoverian Kings in Britain Take Over

Asian Developments & Events

  1. The British East Indian Company

    • A company based in Britain that disguised itself as an ally and trade center to India, but later betrayed and invaded them.

  2. Limited Interactions with Foreign Audiences

African Developments & Events

  1. Europeans Moving In

    • Much of Western and other parts of Africa experience major immigration flows. People from the Netherlands, Portugal, and Britain came over for various reasons, most being negative.

American Developments & Events

  1. Colonization Efforts

    • In the 18th century, Britain and France encountered various mass-scale colonization efforts in North America and the Caribbean, while Spain ruled over a majority of South and Central America.

  2. 1776 - American Revolution

Middle Eastern Developments & Events

  1. Ottoman Empire Begins Its Decline

  2. 1730 - The Safavid Empire Goes Extinct

Russian Developments & Events

  1. Catherine the Great Liberated Russia

    • Ends up turning it around because of French Revolutionary influences.
