The Thirty Years War (1618-1648)

Characteristics of the Thirty Years War

  • Holy Roman Empire is the battleground

  • At the beginning, it was Catholics vs Protestants

  • At the end, it was Habsburg power threatened

  • Resolved by the Treaty of Westphalia in 1648

4 Phases

Bohemian Phase

  • 1618-1622

  • Ferdinand II inherited Bohemia

    • Bohemians hated him

    • Ferdinand refused to tolerate Protestants

    • Defenestration of Prauge→May 1618

    • Bohemians named a new king: Frederick II

  • Ferdinand becomes Holy Roman Emperor

    • borrows part of the Bavarian army

    • Frederick lost his land in the fighting

  • Rebellion in Bohemia inspired others

The Danish Phase

  • 1625-1629

  • Ferdinand II tried to end all resistance

    • tried to crush Protestants northern Holy Roman Empire

    • Ferdinand used Albrecht von Wallenstein for the army

    • Wallenstein defeated Protestants

  • Edict of Restitution (1629)

    • restored all lands Catholics lost since 1552

    • deprived all Protestants, except Lutherans, of political and religious rights

  • German princes feared Ferdinand → fired Wallenstein to try to calm them

The Swedish Phase

  • France and Sweden now involved

    • both wanted to stop Habsburg power

    • Sweden led the charge

    • France provided support

  • Gustavus Adolphus invaded Holy Roman Empire

    • Ferdinand brought back Wallenstein

    • Swedish advance stopped

  • German princes still feared Ferdinand

  • Wallenstein assassinated to appease them

The French Phase

  • France and Sweden switch roles

  • All countries in Europe has participated

  • This phase was the most destructive

    • German towns decimated

    • Agriculture collapsed →famine resulted

    • 8 million dead- 1/3 of the population

      from ~21 million to ~13.5 million

    • caused massive inflation (supply and demand)

    • trade was crippled throughout Europe

The Peace of Westphalia

  • Political Provisions

    • each German prince became free from the Holy Roman Empire

    • united provinces (Dutch Netherlands) became independent

      • southern part remained under Spanish possession

    • France received most of German speaking province of Algace

    • Sweden got lands in northern Germany on Baltic/Black Sea coasts

    • Switzerland became totally independent of the Holy Roman Empire →Swiss Confederation

    • Sweden won a voice in the Diet of the Holy Roman Empire

    • Brandenburg got important territories on North Sea and central Germany

  • Religious Provisions

    • Calvinists got the same provisions and Lutherans in the Peace of Augsburg

    • Ruler of each state could determine its official religion, BUT (except Habsburgs) he must permit freedom of private worship

Nobody was happy

  • Protestants felt betrayed

  • Pope denounced it → losing land, power, and money

  • For the next few centuries, this war was blamed for everything that went wrong in Central Europe
