(Maya, Inca, Aztec) (Inuit, SW, Plains, E. Woodland)

Geography of tidewater-eastern coastal plain-piedmont-mountains, Peoples of Archaie-Paleo-Woodland-Historie periods, Algonguian-Iroquoian-Siouan-Troquoian languages (Powhatan-Tuscarora-Catawba-Cherokee) (Wetmore)

Old World Context: 1000 AD-→ 1500 AD: (Invaders Norse-Magyar-Arab), West African trade empires (Mali, Songhai, Axum, Kanem

Bornu/) European Explorations: feudalism-> erusades-> commerce-> nations: Portugal (Prince Henry) , Spain (motives, Las Casas versus

Sepulveda at Valladolid, explorers Columbus, Cortes, Pizarro Desoto, Coronado), Erance (Champlain) , England of Henry VIII &

Elizabeth I, Motives: mercantilism-religion-rivalry with Spain-enclosure movement, mercantilism

English Revolution and North America

Tudors Henry VII and Elizabeth 1→ Church of England, 1588, Roanoke

Stuarts James and Charles I and 1630s→ Puritan migration,

Cromwell and 1650s Republic→ Cavalier migration, Restoration 1660→1670s Quaker migration,

Glorious Revolution 1688, Ibo migration 1680s, backcountry migration 1710-1770 (Fischer)

North American Colonial Graphic organizer:

Southern Colonies (VA, MD, SC, GA, NC), Jamestown 1607 & 1619, Bacon's rebellion 1670s→ Barbados slave code, noblesse oblige, backcountry seeds 1700s→

Northern Colonies (MA, CN, RI, NH), Plymouth 1620, Massachusetts 1630, King Philip's War 1670s, Salem Witch trials 1692

Middle Colonies (PA, NY, DE, NJ), Restoration Charles II owes debts to Penn family

1670s: Pope's rebellion-Bacon's Rebellion---King Philip's War

1700s Colonial Changes: Enlightenment versus First Great Awakening, Zenger trial, Ben Franklin, Eliza Lucas Pinekney

Ch. 6: Seven Years War 1755-63: English governors warning 1718 versus French settler's warning 1750, Beginnings-Middles-Endings: Albany Congress, Ohio, Iroquois, Virginia expedition, Pitt, Wolfe at Quebec

1759, 1763 events (4Ps)

Ch. 7: Road to Revolution 1763-75: virtual versus actual representation, mercantilism and salutary neglect, British actions-colonial responses-British reactions, Sugar and Stamp Acts, Committees of Correspondence, Sons of Liberty, Declaratory Act, Townshend Duties, Boston Massacre, Tea Act, Tea Party, Coercive Acts, Quebec Act, 1st Continental Congress, Gage's plan

Ch. 8: War of Independence 1775-81: Paul Revere, minutemen, Lexington and Concord, 1776, Common

Sense, Hessians, Declarations of Independence, New York campaign, New Jersey campaign, Burgoyne's plan, Jane McCrea and Saratoga, Southern strategy, pacification, Cornwallis, Tarleton, Greene, Marion, Yorktown, Treaty of Paris 1783

Ch. 9: Articles of Confederation 1783-89: Land ordinance, Northwest Ordinance, weaknesses, Shays's rebellion

Philadelphia Convention of 1787: Great Compromise, 3/5 Compromise, Trade Compromise, Slave Trade debate and Compromise, Bill of Rights, Federalist papers, Ratification debate and success (NY & VA),

Ch. 10: President Washington (1789-97): precedents, Judiciary Act of 1789, Jay Treaty 1794, Pinckney

Treaty 1795, whiskey tax and rebellion, cabinet, Hamilton versus Jefferson, farewell address

Art and Society: Judith Sargent, Abigail Adams, republic of virtue, neo-classic revival, University of Virginia, Monticello, Pierre L'Enfant, Richmond State House, Parson Weems, Phyllis Wheatley, Richard Allen, Prince

Hall, Royal Tyler's "The Contrast,' Ben West, John S. Copley, Charles Wilson Peale, John Trumbull, Gilbert

President Adams (1797-1801); XYZ→ Quasi War→ Alien & Sedition Laws→ Va. & Ky, Resolutions: compact theory-doctrine of interposition-states' rights-secession

Ch 11: Democratic Republicans:

Revolution of 1800, President Jefferson (1801-1809) Toussaint L'Ouverture, Haiti, Louisiana, Lewis & Clark, Burr plot, Barbary states, Embargo Act

Marshall Court: Marbury v. Madison, Gibbons v. Ogden, McCulloch v. Maryland, Dartmouth v. Woodward, Fletcher v. Peck, Worcester v. Georgia

Ch. 12: President Madison (1809-17) Non-Intercourse Act, Macon's Bills, War Hawks and War of 1812, Tippecanoe and Tecumseh, News of 1815 (NO, Ghent, Hartford)

President Monroe (1817-1825) Era of Good Feeling, Improved Foreign Policy (Rush-Bagot 1817, Treaty of 1818, Florida expedition, Adams-Onis 1819, Monroe Doctrine 1823)

Economic & Social Change: Clay's American System, Lowell, Whitney, Erie canal, King Corn & Cotton, Panic of 1819, market revolution, Compromise of 1820, elections of 1824 & 1828

Ch 13: Jacksonian democracy: "Corrupt Bargain, "Revolution" of 1828 (spoils, conventions, suffrage, party organization), Tocqueville, return of two party system: Democrats versus Whigs

President Jackson (1829-37) background, Nullification, Indian Removal, Bank War, Eaton affair, Henry Clay, John C. Calhoun, Martin Van Buren

Ch.'s 14-17: Groups: religion, utopians, reformers, educators, women's rights, abolitionism, Texas-Oregon-Mexico. (Master at least one specific issue for each broad subject area

Ch.'s 18-19: Sectionalism: Missouri Compromise, Polk (1845-49), Manifest Destiny, Mexican War 1846-48, Mexican Cession, Wilmot proviso, 1850 debates and Compromise, Kansas-Nebraska Act 1854, bleeding Kansas, Republican Party, Dred Scott decision 1857, Douglas-Lincoln debates and Freeport Doctrine 1858, John Brown at Harper's Ferry 1859, 1860 election, secession

Ch.'s 20-21: Civil War (1861-65)

Beginnings: Fort Sumter (April 12, 1861), Jomini, Manassas (July 1861), Shiloh (April 1862)

Lee-Jackson-Forrest success-Union officer initial ineptitude

Turning Points: Sharpsburg (Sept 17 1862) and Emancipation, Gettysburg and Vicksburg (July 1863),

End: Lincoln finds Generals: Grant-Sherman-Sheridan, Election of 1864, Appomattox (April 9, 1865)

Social: conscription, habeas corpus, draft riots, shortages, nursing, role of women, economic changes and legislation, 13th amendment, Mass, 54th, Sherman's march, Lincoln considered


Lenient Phase-1865-67: 10 % plan, Wade-Davis Bill, Freedman's Bureau, President Johnson 1865-69, Black Codes

Congressional Phase-1867-77: Civil Rights Act of 1866, 14th Amendment, "Swing round the circle," impeachment and trial of Johnson, President Grant 1867-77, radical republicans, freedman-carpetbagger-scalawag legislatures, KKK Acts and Enforcement, 1876 election and 1877 compromise

End of Reconstruction-post 1877: redeemers, solid south, status quo antebellum, Jim Crow, poll taxes-literacy tests-grandfather clauses, Plessy v. Ferguson 1896
