Honors English 

Tense - Answers when: past, present, future.

Independent Clause - Best describes as a complete thought.

Irregular (verb) - Does not conform to standard conjugation.

Abstract noun - Generally ideas or concepts. They are not tangible.

Run-on - Generally, best described as two sentences that are improperly joined together, such as a comma splice.

Parallel Structure - In a list of three or more items or in the case of two or more items joined by a conjunction, each must appear in the same format.

Dependent Clause - It needs additional help to make sense.

Proper Noun - Names of specific people, places, or things. They are always characterized.

Number - Singular or plural form of a verb.

Antecedent - The noun a pronoun refers to.

Concrete nouns - These are most often physical things, like a table or a car.

Conjugate - To provide a subject and verb tense.

Infinitive - To+verb

Fragment - Typically, considered an incomplete thought. It does not make sense.

Coordinating Conjunctions - Words such as and or because. Used to combine sentences or round off lists.