Annotated Degree Evaluation (aka DARS)
“Collapse All Sections” View of DARS 3
Part B. Graduation Requirements 6
Competency Requirements for Incoming Freshmen 7
Ethnic Studies Graduation Requirement 11
Part C: General Education Requirements 14
GE Lower-Division Requirements 15
GE Upper-Division Requirements 19
Outline for PSY Major Requirements on Major Homeroom 22
Lower-Division (Prep for) Major Requirements 25
Upper-Division Major Requirements 27
Part E: Psychology Emphases 30
Neuroscience Emphasis Requirements 32
Cognitive & Behavioral Neuroscience Minor 35
Industrial/Organizational Minor 36
Personality & Social Psychology Minor 37
Part G: Course List, GPAs, etc. 38
How Courses You Have Taken Will Be Treated 38
Academic Courses (Completed Courses Section) 39
GPAs: Institution, Transfer & Total 41
Incomplete Academic File (if applicable) 43
Exceptions to Academic Program (if applicable) 43
Degree Path. ‘Psychology’ for liberal (778301), Applied/ADT (778307) paths. Will include emphasis in title if appropriate. Applied path does not have foreign language requirement.
Catalog Year. Year joined major, a.k.a. major catalog year (e.g., F24 through Su25 lists as 2024).
Graduation Date. If applied to graduate, lists term & year (e.g., Spring 2025).
In Progress DARS. Default version (in some cases will be helpful to run a version that is not IP). Depending on time of year, IP can represent courses for up to 3 terms (e.g., late in Spring when IP with Spring courses and signed up for Summer, Fall courses).
Summary Graphs. Graphs/bars are clickable but include mistakes (for psy majors)
Major does not include UD major additional units so Ss mistakenly think < 31 units needed.
Ethnic Studies – 1 bar whether or not Ss have 1 or both ES requirements.
Language listed but no bar can mean already completed that requirement.
Graph Legend. Complete, IP/FP, Not Met clickable to narrow to relevant requirements.
“At Least One Requirement Has Not Been Satisfied” in red font. Will change to “All Requirements Met…” in black font when Ss is IP with final requirements (courses, plus unit & GPA requirements).
Close All Sections. Yields a view similar to a table of contents (see next page) to help focus on the larger picture. Can then click to expand individual sections.
Note the very top line which highlights in red font that not all reqs are completed or IP. This is very important to check when working with seniors! It can bring attention to missing requirements. See this Major Homeroom (HR) page in Scheduling & Registration Module for more information.
What If DARS. Used to see how Ss’ courses count if were to switch into a new major or add a minor (though section above does not show if just adding a minor). Not possible to do double-major What If yet.
If a nursing student wants to add a PSY minor, you have to choose a different major than nursing for them to generate a What If to look at the minor requirements.
Boilerplate text…
ADT ‘Banner’. Appears if student (Ss) applied to SDSU Applied PSY path and their ADT was verified.
Read Information on ADT pathways; Ss on contract with state to finish in 60 units. For psychology, Ss must have graduated with an ADT and applied to SDSU under the Applied PSY B.A.A. Ss on another PSY degree path cannot switch into the Applied path. If Ss have questions, refer them to Admissions.
Symbols used with regularity in PSY advising:
>D used with course repeat.
>X used with course forgiveness.
>S be careful, a ‘substitute’ course is not equivalent to an SDSU course.
IP denotes a course student enrolled in (includes current term and future terms).
MG is when multiple courses transfer in combination to satisfy one SDSU class but grades are different in each of the courses. E.g., if 2 courses elsewhere combine to equate to PSY 280.
Grad & GE requirements can vary by catalog year.
Memorize which requirements are graduation requirements versus general education requirements in particular. Although General Education is officially a category within graduation requirements, it is useful to memorize the categories above as graduation requirements and keep GEs separate (i.e., use “chunking” to help remember all of the content). This is because where requirements fall on the DARS and where they can be found in the SDSU catalog is split by GE v. grad requirements.
Note: New Ss beginning Fall 2025 will have a different GE pattern.
All sections of Part B of this document can be found in Canvas Major HR/Degree Evaluation/Graduation & GE Requirements module. More details, including clickable links for course options/requirements, are in SDSU Catalog under the Graduation Requirements tab. You should familiarize yourself with the online catalog sections so you can show students relevant information as needed.
Note: the catalog is the only location that lists courses that can be taken for the GWAR.
Most domestic students satisfy through courses/scores prior to college (e.g., standardized tests).
International students typically need to take exams and/or courses to meet these requirements. Registrar’s Office emails Ss info on taking needed exams/courses. Their scores determine if the competency is met or if courses need to be completed.
If requirement needed, an informational hold will appear under Tasks tile on my.sdsu. Informational hold serves as an alert to draw Ss’ attention to requirement; does not block registration and is not removed until after Ss completes relevant courses.
PSY advising tip: PSY Freshmen do not need to take Math or Chemistry placement tests (sometimes they confuse these with the “competency requirements”). However, if they want to take MATH 124, 141, 150 or CHEM 200 or 202 they may need to. More information can be found on the Testing Services website.
Canvas Major HR: See the “Freshmen Competency Requirements: Mathematics and Writing” page in the Graduation & GE Requirements module for more details when working with students in this situation.
One Course. Take one UD writing course to satisfy this requirement. Use the link to SDSU catalog to see the list of courses that can satisfy this requirement since they do not appear on the evaluation.
Most PSY students take RWS 305W (Writing in Various Settings) but you can take any "W" course listed as long as you meet the prereqs. If you are headed to a PhD program, RWS 508W (Scientific Writing) may be a good fit.
Grade minimum. C or higher—or “Credit”—needed to satisfy the requirement.
Counting toward grad requirement versus meeting course prerequisite.
To count toward GWAR req., take in the term you will complete at least 60 units (or later).
Onus is on you to not take a course too early—SDSU makes no exceptions to this policy. It is good to have a cushion (i.e., enrolled to complete more than 60 units), just in case you fail a class or earn an NC.
However, individual writing classes have their own prerequisites. Some have junior status as a prerequisite, so 60 units are completed before taking the course (for these, students can sign up during early registration if in progress to complete 60 units by end of Fall or Spring term).
PSY Advising Tips: Take 1 semester prior to Methods; at least not in the same semester as Methods because both are writing-intensive courses.
Can take a pair of courses to meet all 3 requirements, 1st course of pair typically in fall, 2nd in spring
Courses do not have to be taken in sequence (but check prereqs)
CA Government component
CA gov’t cannot be satisfied by AP or out-of-state transfer course even if appears as equivalent to SDSU course that can on DARS (e.g., HIST 110). See DARS examples of this before and after IP with SDSU course on major HR.
Ss can take the CA Government exam offered by Testing Services instead of a course. If passes, it satisfies the requirement. A study guide is available. There is a fee to take the exam.
Double-dipping options:
MyMAP: all AI and GE-F, Social & Behav Sciences
HIST 109 & 110 or POL S 101 & 102
all AI and both Ethnic Studies (but not Soc & Beh Sci)
AAS 100 & 101 or AFRAS 170A & 170B or AMIND 140 & 141 or CCS 120A & 120B or CCS 141A & 141B
Double-dipping restriction: Only 6 units of AI courses can double-dip with GE requirements. See explanation on major HR as this can be tricky to understand in practice.
Third-semester college equivalency.
Multiple ways to satisfy, see options above.
“Credit” can satisfy the requirement (but a D- or higher can satisfy it, so inherent tradeoff).
Native speakers cannot receive credit for taking a LD class in native language.
Ss cannot earn credit for an earlier numbered course if taken after completing a higher level course (e.g., no units for 102 after 201).
Look up specific courses in SDSU catalog with Ss to check eligibility to receive credit. E.g.,, look up SPAN 101 in the catalog and see Note for it. The “not open” language means Ss not eligible to take the course. If they would earn 0 units for it and not meet requirement.
Double-Dipping Option:
GE catalog year through 2024: 2 language courses can double dip with GE-F Humanities.
GE catalog year 2025+: 1 language course can double dip with GE-F Humanities (b/c there will be only 1 Humanities course required).
Canvas Major HR:
Read major HR page for details by Ss experience level and language b/c options depend on both.
Separate from GE Cultural Diversity requirement and from GE Ethnic Studies requirement.
PSY Advising Tips:
Double-dip option. If have both ES requirements, advise choosing a course from the GE V. Ethnic Studies group because it will meet both requirements.
Remember, if a student has not yet met all of the AI requirements, then they could take one of the following courses to go toward missing AI requirements as well as double-dip for both ES requirements (but then would not double-dip with GE-F Soc & Beh Sciences).
AAS 100, AAS 101, AFRAS 170A, AFRAS 170B, AMIND 140, AMIND 141, CCS 120A, CCS 120B, CCS 141A, or CCS 141B
but also remember there is a 6-unit cap on AI courses doubling with other GEs.
Incoming transfers should wait 1 term before taking ES course. This is because student histories need to be manually checked and updated to see how many ES requirements apply to them (if any). This process may not be completed until late into their first term.
Memorize all information in this DARS section. Following is additional pertinent information.
120-unit minimum to graduate, no exceptions. PSY majors can finish all requirements in under 120 units. Some decide to add minors while others will need “general elective” units to meet this mark. When working with UD Ss, make sure that you point these out.
If general electives needed, specify if they can be (a) LD or UD, (b) if extra can be taken in PSY, and (c) specify if any must be taken at SDSU (b/c Ss is close to or has surpassed transfer unit cap).
“Earned” units = completed + IP units, even though not yet complete. Take this into account when working with Ss.
Other Unit Caps/Limits
Credit/No Credit cap. Maximum 15 “elected” units of CR/NC. Students cannot choose to take any major units, or upper-division minor units, for Cr/NC (however, there were exceptions during pandemic terms).
CC Transfer units. Up to 90 units may be taken at other institutions, but only 70 of those at CC. CC courses in excess of the limit can still satisfy requirements (e.g., language), even though they will not count toward 120 units needed for graduation.
To be considered “transfer” Ss, must have taken (about) 60+ units prior to SDSU.
Note: an exception is high school Ss who completed a concurrent AA degree.
56 Unit PSY cap. Any PSY course counts (except LD “generic” PSY transfer units). Courses such as BIOL 100, CFD 270, STAT 119, etc. do not count even if taken for major prep.
ADT PSY students will not have a cap on PSY units.
24 units from Open University or Extension courses, even if taken after admission to SDSU. Winter courses are taken through Global Campus at SDSU and do not count toward this cap (and they do still count toward SDSU GPA).
Residency refers to units that need to be taken at SDSU.
½ of UD major units (e.g., 16 UD units for PSY) and 6 UD minor units must be taken in residence at SDSU. Listed in the major (or minor) section of the DARS. Courses taken through SDSU’s Open University or Global Campus’ winter session count toward residency. Note that some Study Abroad programs also grant residence credit.
GPA requirements
2.0 or higher SDSU and Total (Baccalaureate-level) GPA required to remain in “good standing” (i.e., to avoid academic probation).
2.0 or higher SDSU and Total GPA required to graduate (also 2.0 or higher needed for major, minor GPAs to graduate).
Attend to GPAs when working with Ss to watch for red flags.
For GPA calculations, see Academic Coursework section of this document.
GE Catalog Year: Varies by year Ss matriculated to SDSU or, for transfers, the year they began their former program (assuming no lapse in enrollment).
Up to 2024: Most Ss who matriculated until Fall 2024 will have the same GE requirements (though there are a couple of exceptions, noted in appropriate sections of this doc)
Fall 2025 and later: Ss will have an adjusted GE pattern with 5 fewer units required. Details cited in appropriate sections.
GE catalog years cannot be changed.
Note: Ss on the ADT PSY path (778307) will not have LD GEs listed individually. Instead under the LD GEs header, it will say “Satisfied by Certification”.
Double-dipping Restriction: No more than 6 units of AI can double-dip with GE (LD or UD).
Canvas Major HR:
All sections of Part C of this document are located in Canvas Major HR/Degree Evaluation/Graduation & GE Requirements module.
More details also in SDSU Catalog under the General Education Requirements tab.
Note: to find clickable GE courses in the Catalog, you have to go through the “Specialized General Education Patterns” link.
“Golden Four” – requirements that must be taken in 1st year
For PSY majors: Oral Comm and Written Comm in Fall
“ ” Critical Thinking & GE Math/Quant in Spring (info in next GE-F section).
C- or higher needed for Golden Four.
Except PSY majors need higher on Quant/Math (see next GE-F section)
“Credit” cannot be used for Golden Four.
Ss will have informational hold under Tasks tile on my.sdsu to remind them to take. However, does not impede registration (which is why we need to check that they are taking on schedule).
AP/IB/CLEP exam scores can meet written comm & critical thinking. See the list in the online catalog under University Policies/Academic Credit through Examination.
***When setting up/checking Ss schedules, make sure that all Freshmen and Sophomores enroll in (or have completed) these!
Credit Limits (found in Course Description in Catalog)
Can earn credit in only 1 course per category.
Cannot earn credit in a Written Comm course after earning credit in a Critical Thinking course.
This can cause issues since Ss sign up for next term’s classes while in progress with the current term. Tell Ss that if they receive below a C- in Written Comm, they must retake the course before taking Critical Thinking.
If Ss takes a Critical Thinking course before satisfying Written Comm req., submit a Cases for A-team Review Google Form; the directors will follow-up with the Ss from there.
Some courses may count for multiple of above, if they include a lab section.
GE-F Life Sciences: BIOL 100 lecture for PSY majors
AP Biology exam score of 3 or higher will count toward major prep and GE-F Life Sciences.
BIOL 203 can be used in place of 100 (only recommend for Ss on a pre-health professions track or if current/former biology student).
GE Math/Quant:
C- or higher needed to meet this GE requirement,
but C or higher needed to meet PSY prep for major
and B or higher needed if declared with I/O Emphasis.
“Credit” in an SDSU course cannot be used
but AP Statistics score of 3+ will satisfy GE-F Quant/Math
Ss will need to take PSY 281 to satisfy PSY stats prep requirement
Course options for GE Math for PSY majors:
PSY 280 - Freshmen should take Spring of 1st year.
If Ss previously took a different statistics lecture course to satisfy this GE-F, note that they will still need to also take PSY 281 for prep.
PSY 101 course (or AP Psychology score of 3+) counts toward one of the needed courses.
Note for Transfer Ss: only 2 PSY courses can go to GE Soc & Beh Sciences across LD and UD. If former school allowed 2 LD PSY courses to count, PSY cannot satisfy UD Explorations.
MyMAP guides to double-dip one of these courses with AI requirement which would mean taking POL S or HIST course. But Ss can choose different courses if preferred.
3 courses total = 2 in one category, 1 in the other category
If students have a language requirement, can double-dip two language courses with GE-F Humanities.
DARS formatting “glitch”: If Ss completed 2 Humanities courses but not yet taken one for Arts, the Humanities course options will still appear. Reassure Ss in this situation that only 1 Arts course needed (and vice versa if taken two for Arts and needs one for Humanities).
Fall 2025+ Change: will only have 1 Arts and 1 Humanities course required.
This GE became a requirement in 2019 thus not all students will have it.
PSY 117 is an option but not required for the major. Note that PSY 117 will count toward the 56-unit PSY cap.
Fall 2025+ Change: LLSD will be discontinued.
Residence Credit:
GE Explorations & Cultural Diversity must be taken in “residence” at a CSU campus.
However, Study Abroad programs that grant residence credit qualify (not all do, so you have to check), assuming next point is also met.
To Count Toward Requirement:
As with the GWAR, Ss must take in term will complete at least 60 units (or later). Thus all UD grad and GE requirements must not be taken before the term junior-level status is obtained.
Again, onus is on Ss to not take too early—SDSU makes no exceptions to this policy.
Double-dipping Options:
For one Explorations category, choose a course with a ‘+’ that can also meet Cult. Diversity.
For PSY majors, encourage to double-dip with Natural Sciences or Humanities.
Remember, for UD requirement, a GE Explorations course can double-dip with an UD major OR minor requirement (but cannot be used for both a major and a minor).
PSY Advising Tip:
Encourage Ss to take in term they will >= 63 units or later, to allow a buffer in meeting 60 units by term’s end.
Be familiar with which departments offer Explorations Natural Sciences or Humanities courses. This will help you identify when Ss have such classes in their schedule, which will tip you off to check if Ss will reach 60 units to have the course meet UD GE requirement.
Double-dipping Option for Explorations Social & Behavioral Science:
PSY majors (and students in the Personality and Social minor) can double-dip this requirement with either PSY 340 or 351 for the major if the following are true:
1) they had only 1 PSY course count for GE Foundations Social & Behavioral Sciences (see note on
DARS under GE Foundations Soc & Beh Sciences requirement),
2) the course is taken in the term a student will earn 60 units or later, and
3) and Ss in the Personality and Social minor do not plan to use it for their major.
PSY Advising Tip:
Encourage Ss to reserve 340 or 351 until they are juniors. May seem obvious, but some Ss who finish LD GEs early may plan both of these too soon b/c (i) they are not junior-restricted and (2) some sections are hybrid and can be easily accommodated in the same term.
Double-Dipping Option & Restriction:
If Ss has both ES requirements, choose 1 of the ES GE courses to meet both requirements. All ES GE courses are also options for the ES Grad requirement option (but the opposite is not true).
Remember, only 2 AI courses can double-dip overall with GEs (LD or UD).
56-unit cap on PSY department courses (applies to all PSY paths except the ADT path).
Major GPA: A 2.0 or higher major GPA in upper-division PSY courses needed to graduate (but D- or higher in individual course can meet a requirement).
Letter grades: Must take PSY courses for letter grade to count (except those only offered for Cr/NC).
Double-dipping: UD majors courses can double-dip with GE Explorations but cannot with requirements for another major or minor.
A minor is not required but depending on career goals, students may wish to consider a minor that is complementary to the psychology major. (If you have a minor, all upper-division courses in the minor must be taken for a letter grade.)
Residency: 16 UD units for PSY major/emphases must be taken in residence at SDSU. Note that some Study Abroad programs also grant residence credit.
Declaration timing:
Transfer students cannot declare until after completing impaction criteria.
Incoming students (freshmen or transfers) cannot officially declare until after Census their first term (6 weeks into semester, see SDSU Academic Calendar for date per term).
Emphases: Any student wanting to declare an emphasis must first complete the relevant prep course(s) with a B or higher (e.g., 211 and 260 for neuro emphasis).
Overall GPA. If prep not complete, GPA must be above impaction criteria (2.5 or 3.0, depending on path). If prep complete, major and total GPA must be greater than 2.0.
Previous PSY grades. Regardless of GPA, performance in previous PSY classes will be considered.
Applied/ADT students: adding a new major pathway breaks contract. For PSY Applied Ss, will add a foreign language requirement (could have different implications for Ss on ADT from a different major).
Time until graduation depends on path because (1) some courses are available only once a year and (2) course sequencing across semesters is required for others. If Ss graduation timeline will be extended by declaring the major, especially for junior and senior students, declaration requests may not be approved.
Liberal: 3+ semesters should be allowed just for upper-division requirements.
Neuro or I/O Emphasis: 4+ semesters for UD coursework.
Language requirement: 3 semesters if no prior language experience.
Canvas Major HR: Use Declaring a PSY Major page in PSY Major Requirements to cover policies & restrictions when students want to declare.
Major catalog year = academic year Ss declared psychology degree path. Updates if Ss change in between PSY pathways.
Impaction criteria (criteria needed to earn upper-division major status):
minimum grade needed in each prep course (varies by degree path)
“Regular” path – C or higher in prep courses
I/O Emphasis – B or higher in course(s) taken to meet stats requirement; otherwise C or higher in prep
Neuroscience Emphasis – B or higher in PSY 211 and PSY 260; otherwise C or higher in prep
minimum Total GPA needed (2.5 or higher, except Neuroscience emphasis requires 3.0 or higher).
(Partial) Impaction statement that each course needs grade of C or higher (b/c this DARS is for Regular/ADT path students; appears differently for emphases). Remember, Ss also need min. Total GPA when finish impaction, 2.5 or 3.0 depending on path.
To memorize relevant prep for major info, use the “All Courses Offered by PSY Dept” sheet on the PSY Class Schedule Google Sheet that is also on Major HR under Scheduling & Registration section.
AP Credit: PSY 101, BIOL 100, and stats (lecture component only) can be satisfied by AP scores of 3 or higher. Will appear as “CR” instead of grade; otherwise these courses must be taken for a grade.
If AP/IB/CLEP or transfer college credit not counting toward courses, read Transfer Courses page for details on how to proceed. The referenced page includes information on petitioning a course to count toward a requirement, if applicable.
Course Prerequisites: PSY course prerequisites are computer-enforced thus it is essential that advisors know the prereqs for each PSY class in order to be useful/accurate when helping Ss!
PSY 101 prereq for almost all PSY courses, including other prep courses.
BIOL 100 prereq for PSY 260.
In addition to the PSY class schedule, prereqs can be found in the PSY Course Prereqs doc or by looking up course numbers in the SDSU Catalog.
Special notes on prep courses:
All prep courses must be completed, even if Ss transfers in on an ADT or other completed associate’s degree. Some Ss mistakenly think they only need to complete UD requirements.
CFD 270 at SDSU can count for Dev Psy major prep b/c equivalent to PSY 230.
B/c equivalent, Ss cannot take/earn units for both classes.
Some transfer classes that come in as CFD 270 will also meet PSY 230 prep, but a course listed as CFD 270 >S (S is for substitute) does not meet the PSY 230 requirement. Thus, be very careful when checking if transfer CFD 270 courses can satisfy major prep.
BIOL 203 can count toward prep (typically only taken if Ss is also a BIOL major/minor and/or on a pre-health professions track).
Statistics Requirement - there are two ways to satisfy:
Take PSY 280 (stats lecture and lab components combined),
OR take a stats lecture from a different department (SOC 201, STAT 119, STAT 250, POL S 201, ECON 201, or credit from AP stats) plus take PSY 281 afterward. Stats lecture and PSY 281 can meet stats req. for major prep.
PSY 280X is a support class that can be taken concurrently with PSY 280. It is basically like extra group tutoring though does include its own assignments to encourage Ss to not get behind.
Ss who have not met Freshman Competency Req for Math must enroll in this course while taking PSY 280.
DARS formatting:
PSY 211 & 260 are grouped, X will remain by “Required Courses” until both completed.
Caution: if prep courses completed with needed grades, section will have green checkmark, even if Total GPA lower than impaction criteria.
Emphases courses that need a B or higher listed at bottom with needed grade noted.
Statistics requirement appears differently on DARS for liberal/applied/neuro paths only if Ss already completed the AP exam with a high enough score or a stats lecture course. Can cause confusion for students about what they actually need to take!
If Ss earns grade below impaction criterion for their degree path, appears at the bottom of prep section:
The >X by 211 and 230 indicates grades were removed from GPA calculation because they had since been retaken under the course forgiveness policy, covered later in doc..
Major Units = 31 UD PSY units.
Courses from other departments cannot count even if they have ‘psychology’ in the course title.
Major GPA = UD PSY Points/Units Attempted
‘attempted’ means course taken for a letter grade.
Only UD courses contribute to a major GPA.
Must have 2.0 or higher major GPA to graduate.
but a D- or higher counts toward major, as long as balanced out by higher grades in other UD PSY.
DARS formatting:
Remember, in progress units are included in Earned units but not in Attempted units (because they do not have an associated grade yet).
How to provide overview of UD major to Ss:
31 UD units, 2.0 or higher GPA to graduate.
UD Major includes 3 parts:
Methods (4 to 5 units, depending on course selected).
Breadth (12 units for regular and ADT paths, 1 course from each of 4 groups).
“Additional Units” (14/15 additional PSY UD units to meet 31 units for major).
Not all CC Classes Count for Major:
LD courses from another institution can never satisfy UD reqs at SDSU.
E.g., if Ss took social psychology at a CC, for example, it unfortunately cannot count toward the UD major (though it may count toward general elective units). 🙁
Unfortunately labeled only as “Required Course”.
Read Major HR page explaining how to select a Methods course for student’s career path.
Memorize prereqs, general time in class meetings, difference in structure of the courses, and online options at outside schools for Ss in special circumstances.
Breadth includes 4 groups for ‘regular’ liberal and ADT paths but 3 groups for each Emphasis.
Memorize course numbers, names, and be able to describe each course.
See course descriptions in Catalog, prior syllabi on major HR for more detail.
Memorize course prerequisites for each, including which are junior-restricted.
Only 1 course per group counts toward breadth requirement; additional courses taken will count toward PSY “additional units”.
DARS Formatting:
In actuality, the 1st course taken from a group satisfies the requirement, however, while a student is IP with another course from the same group, the IP class will temporarily show up as satisfying the group. Once the IP course has been completed, however, the DARS will revert to showing the original course as meeting the requirement.
For this reason, running a non-in-progress version is sometimes needed, especially for seniors, to see if planned IP courses are truly needed to meet a requirement.
PSY Additional UD Units (AU) needed to reach 31 UD units for the major:
Verbiage to avoid confusion with general elective units Ss may need to reach 120.
Always describe as units needed, not classes (b/c some classes are < 3 units).
Any UD PSY course not already used to meet a major requirement can apply.
Purpose can be to focus on career-relevant courses or explore topics if not yet settled on a career.
Number of PSY units needed to reach 31 upper-division units for major. Number varies because of Methods class choice (4 v 5 units).
Reg/ADT paths: 14 to 15 units
Emphases: 5 to 6 units
DARS formatting:
Again, there is no label for the “additional units” requirement.
Unfortunately, # of units needed are never listed, only the units earned.
Remember that the needed AU do not show up in graphs at the top of the DARS either.
Thus this can definitely be confusing for Ss! By far, this is the major requirement that students mistake the most. Always reinforce that they need to build to the 31-unit UD PSY requirement.
Canvas Major HR:
Encourage Ss to plan courses that prepare them for their future career (including choices within groups for the Breadth Requirement).
Relevant Experience and special options: PSY 490s classes including honors thesis, Study Abroad, CSU Fully Online
We will spend more time on these options later. For now, read through the linked Canvas Major Homeroom materials to be aware of the option but you do not need to focus on them in depth.
Residency refers to units that need to be taken at SDSU. ½ of UD major units (i.e., 16 UD units for PSY major/emphases) must be taken in residence at SDSU. Note that some Study Abroad programs also grant residence credit.
DARS formatting: # of units needed is often misunderstood as the # of AU needed but these are distinct requirements.
I/O impaction criteria differences from liberal/ADT paths:
B or higher in PSY 280 (or in each component used to meet stats prep).
Total GPA of 2.5 or higher, same as liberal/ADT paths.
Unfortunately, both options to meet stats req. always show to I/O emphasis students. Guide them to PSY 280 unless they already have AP or other stats lecture credit in which case they should take PSY 281.
Canvas Major HR: Degree Evaluation module/Psychology Major Requirements page.
Notice how core classes for the emphasis show on DARS.
Memorize the prerequisites, sequencing, and terms that emphases courses are offered!
Additional Units. Remember, only 5/6 additional units for emphases.
Special rule to declare an I/O emphasis:
Native Ss must complete PSY 280 or both a stats lecture and PSY 281 with a B or higher before declaring the I/O emphasis (and maintain 2.5 overall GPA).
(remember that transfer Ss must complete all major prep before declaring).
Residency refers to units that need to be taken at SDSU. ½ of UD major units (i.e., 16 UD units for PSY major/emphases) must be taken in residence at SDSU. Note that some Study Abroad programs also grant residence credit.
Neuro impaction criteria differences from liberal/ADT paths:
B or higher in PSY 211 and PSY 260.
Total GPA of 3.0 or higher.
Remember, generally do not recommend taking PSY 211 and 260 in same term.
Canvas Major HR: Degree Evaluation module/Psychology Major Requirements page.
Notice how core classes for the emphasis show on DARS.
Memorize the prerequisites, sequencing, and terms that emphases courses are offered!
Additional Units. Remember, only 5/6 additional units for emphases.
Special rule to declare a Neuro emphasis:
Native Ss must complete PSY 211 and 260 and earn a B or higher before declaring the neuro emphasis (and maintain 3.0 overall GPA).
(remember that transfer Ss must complete all major prep before declaring).
Residency refers to units that need to be taken at SDSU. ½ of UD major units (i.e., 16 UD units for PSY major/emphases) must be taken in residence at SDSU. Note that some Study Abroad programs also grant residence credit.
Minor GPA: LD and UD grades go into minor GPA.
A minor GPA of 2.0 or higher is needed to graduate.
LD minor classes can be taken for Credit and count but UD minor courses must be taken for grades.
LD courses can double- or triple-dip across GEs, majors and/or minors, if applicable to all.
But UD courses can only double-dip between a GE and a major OR a GE and a minor.
Ss can have up to 2 minors, each in a different department.
Department policy
Ss adding a minor should allow 3+ semesters just for upper-division requirements, because (1) some courses are available only once a year and (2) course sequencing.
Residency: 6 upper-division units for PSY minors must be taken in residence at SDSU. Note that some Study Abroad programs also grant residence credit.
PSY major Ss cannot declare a PSY minor.
Minor GPA. Grades for any minor classes previously taken need to average a 2.0 or higher.
Allow at least 4 semesters until graduation for minor coursework because (1) some courses are available only once a year and (2) course sequencing across semesters is required for others. If Ss graduation timeline will be extended by declaring the minor, especially for junior and senior students, declaration requests may not be approved.
Canvas Major HR: Use Declaring a PSY Minor page in PSY Minor Requirements to cover policies & restrictions when students want to declare.
Point out to Ss: PSY 211 is not part of the lower-division requirements for the minor, but it is a prerequisite for PSY 380. If Ss wants to take PSY 380, make sure they are aware of the prereq.
Ss will typically need at least 4 semesters to complete this minor because of course sequencing: PSY 101 and BIOL 100 are prerequisites for PSY 260, which is a prerequisite for many of the upper-division course options.
This timeline works only if Ss can take 2 UD minor classes/term. If they have a conflict (e.g., with a major class) then the minor will not be completed and should be dropped.
Note: B or higher not needed in PSY 260 for the minor.
DARS formatting:
Remember, in progress units are included in Earned units but not in Attempted units (because they do not have an associated grade yet).
Residency: 6 upper-division units for PSY minors must be taken in residence at SDSU. Note that some Study Abroad programs also grant residence credit.
Canvas Major HR/Degree Evaluation module/Psychology Minor Requirements page.
Although students on the I/O emphasis for the major need to get a B or higher in statistics, those on the I/O minor do not). However, a C or higher is needed in stats lecture if Ss takes PSY 281.
As with the I/O major emphasis, let students know that it takes at least 3 semesters to complete the UD minor because (1) PSY 319 must be taken before 420 and 421, and (2) 420 is typically only offered in Fall terms while 421 is typically only offered in Spring terms. Although 319 must be taken first, students can take PSY 420 or 421 in any order. If students have not yet taken PSY 101, then it will take at least 4 semesters to complete this minor.
DARS formatting: Remember, in progress units are included in Earned units but not in Attempted units (because they do not have an associated grade yet).
Residency: 6 upper-division units for PSY minors must be taken in residence at SDSU. Note that some Study Abroad programs also grant residence credit.
Canvas Major HR/Degree Evaluation module/Psychology Minor Requirements page.
If students want to take any of the upper-division developmental courses (PSY 331-333), they must earn a C or higher in PSY 230 because that grade is required in the prereqs.
DARS glitch: Exactly like prep for the major, CFD 270 >S (remember, S = substitute) cannot be used in place of PSY 230. However, very unfortunately, the DARS currently has a glitch that makes it seem like the substitute course can be used. Make sure to discuss with Ss and note in the SDSU Navigate Summary Report that Ss needs to take PSY 230 instead.
This minor has one PSY “elective”, if you will. Students need to take 3 units of upper-division psychology coursework of their choosing.
Residency: 6 upper-division units for PSY minors must be taken in residence at SDSU. Note that some Study Abroad programs also grant residence credit.
Canvas Major HR/Degree Evaluation module/Psychology Minor Requirements page.
‘NTRNS’ = Units that do not transfer to SDSU and cannot count toward 120-unit minimum.
Credit adjustments adjust the # of units Ss can earn for a course because they have exceeded the number of allowable units for a single course or for a set of courses.
Credit adjustments show throughout the DARS, including for IP courses.
Single course limits:
Almost all SDSU courses can only be taken once for units.
Read in depth on Canvas Major HR/Academic Policies module/University Policies Related to Academic Challenges and Course Repeat Petition Steps (for the latter page, read for understanding but not memorization). Know when each policy is applicable, unit limits and impact on GPA.
If Ss retake courses that are not repeatable for credit, they will earn 0 units for one of the takes, regardless if used course forgiveness, regular repeat, or a course repeat petition. Thus, when such courses are retaken, they will show with 0 units except for one term.
Symbols indicate adjustment type. Revisit Legend Section To find for what “>X” and “>D” mean (note that the >D is with an IP class in this case).
Note: when IP with course, “>D” appears in this section and IP section of DARS whether Ss is actually taking under course forgiveness or repeat policy (compare to how prior take of course shows up under Academic Coursework section on next page).
Courses “repeatable for credit” still have limits on units count to graduation.
Examples of courses repeatable for credit include the PSY 490s and “common courses” across departments such as 299, 499, etc.
PSY 490s single course limits: 6 units for all, except 494 is 4 units.
Set of courses limits:
Stats LD limit: Max 4 units from a set of LD stats courses that includes PSY 280; adjustment made if Ss take more than 4 units (PSY 281 does not count toward this cap).
PSY 490s as a set of courses:
12 unit limit across all 490s (except PSY 498 does not count toward this).
Two options for course combinations to produce 9 units within 12-unit rule.
“Common Courses” are courses offered across departments (e.g., 299, 499) that have set limits as well. See information in the online catalog for specifics if needed.
Canvas Major HR/Degree Evaluation module/Academic Coursework page for all info in Part G.
Symbol | Description of “Other” Grades | Included in GPA? | Units Earned? |
>X | In this section, indicates course retaken and completed under forgiveness. | No | No |
>D | In this section, indicates course retaken and completed under course repeat policy (at SDSU or at another institution) or approved course repeat petition. | Yes | No |
CR | Earned C or higher in class took for Cr/NC | No | Yes |
NC | Earned < C in class took for Cr/NC | No | No (i.e., 0 units) |
MG | Grades for multiple transfer courses combined to equate to 1 SDSU course. Seen most often with PSY 280. Ss must meet min grades in each for I/O Emphasis, prereqs for PSY 301, 410. | Yes | Yes |
WU | Unauthorized withdrawal, treated like F for GPA. | Yes | No (i.e., 0 units) |
W | Approved withdrawal from course either via late schedule petition or retroactive withdrawal of course(s). | No | No (i.e., 0 units) |
I | Ss has active (or unresolved) Incomplete Contract with professor. Ss cannot graduate with I on DARS. If will not complete, make sure to check impact on GPA. | No | Yes (until resolved) |
IC | Ss failed to complete work specified by Incomplete contract on time. Treated like F for GPA. | Yes | No (i.e., 0 units) |
Read in depth on Major HR/Check Transfer Courses on Degree Evaluation page.
AP/IB/CLEP credits listed in the semester received by SDSU. See AP, IB, CLEP Exams & College Credits page on Major HR for how appear and what to do if they do not.
See SDSU Catalog/University Policies/Academic Credit by Examination for table of college credits granted for particular exams and scores. Do not need to memorize content, just be aware of what the resource contains so you can show Ss if relevant.
Equivalent courses. If deemed equivalent to a course at SDSU, both course #s appear as below:
Generic department units. If not deemed equivalent to SDSU course, can be accepted as units from a department with a number that either begins with 2T (for LD courses) or 4T (UD courses). 2T can contribute to 120 units; 4T can apply to PSY AU.
If a transfer course has not been reviewed yet by SDSU, it will appear as below:
If a student believes a course that does not currently count for a PSY requirement on the DARS could, review the Major HR page on petitions (aka RAARs) with them (read in depth on Canvas Major HR/Academic Policies module/Petition page).
Note: a LD course can never equate to an UD course, thus if a Ss took a course like social psychology as a LD course, it cannot count toward the UD major (but it may count toward the needed 120 units, assuming the student has not exceeded the 70-unit max for CC courses and/or the 90-unit cap on all transfer courses).
Each GPA = Units attempted/points
Earned units includes completed and IP courses whether taken for a letter grade or Credit/No Credit;
because this includes IP courses, be careful when discussing how many units Ss have left!
Attempted units, on the other hand, are units “attempted” for a letter grade and that have been completed (i.e., does not include IP units).
GPA Requirements.
To graduate, Ss must have GPAs of 2.0 or higher in all GPA categories except Transfer courses: SDSU, Total, UD Major, and (LD + UD) minor, if applicable.
To advance to UD major status, Ss Total GPA needs to be 2.5 or higher for Regular/ADT/I-O paths and 3.0 for Neuroscience path—in the semester that they complete prep for major courses (with associated minimum grades).
Read: Canvas Major Homeroom/Academic Policies module/Academic Probation & Disqualification and Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP appeal). Read probation in depth, others for familiarity.
“Good standing” (not be on academic probation or at risk for disqualification) = 2.0 or higher GPA for SDSU and Total (overall) GPA.
If Ss are below a GPA threshold, use the SDSU GPA Calculator to help them determine what kind of grades they need on average across courses to raise their GPA. The specific GPA needed to stay on probation depends on student rank and is assessed at the end of Fall and Spring terms (only), so help Ss be strategic with # of units taken and if taking courses over “breaks”.
If Ss had extenuating circumstances that impacted 1 or more courses, cover Retroactive Withdrawal which, if approved, converts grades to Ws that do not impact GPAs.
In Progress (IP). Depending on time of year, list can include courses for up to 3 terms—the term actually in progress (classes have begun) and future terms for which Ss have registered for courses.
This is why it is imperative to copy/paste IP units into the SDSU Navigate Summary Report, because Ss may change their class if session is held before add/drop deadline.
0 Units.
Remember, courses can have 0 units if the number of allowable units for the course (or set of courses) has been exceeded. In this case, the Ss is retaking a course that is not repeatable for credit, as indicated by the >D (remember, while course retake is IP, >D shows whether Ss is under course forgiveness or course repeat policy)..
Examples of courses repeatable for credit are the PSY 490s. An >R will appear by them in the course list when they are retaken.
Designates type of information SDSU needs for student. This can include AP scores, high school or college transcripts (including study abroad transcripts).
Alert student if section present. SDSU will not graduate a student if the academic file is incomplete.
If scores need to be ordered, refer students to NSPP page re: AP scores.
If applicable, refer Ss to submitting high school or college transcripts to SDSU.
For Ss studying abroad, refer Ss to the instructions provided by the Global Education Office. Note that it can literally take 4 to 6 months for abroad transcript to be received and processed. Council Ss appropriately about when they may be received.
If student no longer wishes to submit the transcript, use Registrar's Contact Us form, Grades & Academic Records question field, to request that the transcript be removed from the student record.
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This section will appear only if applicable:
Petition(s) was filed/approved to treat a course(s) as equivalent to an SDSU course or to adjust requirements for a particular student.
Graduation notes appear only after the Psychology Graduation Advisor from the Evaluations Office has completed a graduation evaluation, prompted by a student applying to graduate.
Evaluation takes into account all IP courses (current and future term) reflected on DARS at the time it was reviewed.
Check if IP with Last Degree Requirements. If Ss has made changes since the evaluation, you check the top of the DARS (under graphs, before body of text) to see if now IP with all requirements. See examples in the page on Major Homeroom within the Scheduling Classes & Registration module.
Move Application to Graduate. If Ss need to move their application to a different semester, see the guidance in the Graduation, Commencement, & Diplomas page on Major HR within the Graduation module.