Religion Midterm

  1. Match

    1. Intertestamental period =  time between Old and New Testament (400)

    2. Sadducees  = liberal, greek helenization, pick and choose from the bible

    3. Octavian = Roman Emporere during Jesus' birth

    4. Caiphas = Jewish high priest during Jesus' public ministry

    5. Archelaos = Heard TG's son ruled over Judea and Samaria 

    6. Zealots = opposed Roman rule, refused to pay taxes, murdered officials

      1. Knife under garments 

    7. Herodians = supported Herod the Great, opponent of Jesus, worked with Pharisees

    8. Caesarea = city where Peter declared Jesus as the Messiah 

    9. Pharisees = conservative, waiting for messiah, believe in written bible 

    10. Herod Antipas = son of Herod TG,  ruled over Galilee, beheaded John TB, mocked Jesus during trial

    11. Pilate = governor of Judea during Jesus trial and death

    12. Tacitus = Roman historian, most important reference to Jesus

  2. Who were the 1st two kings whom did they unite the kingdom, and whom did Israel split? 

    1. Jeroboam (north) & Rehoboam (south)

  3. What was the time between the Old Testament and the New Testament called? 

    1. Intertestamental period 

  4. What happened in the year 63?

    1. Pompey entered and occupied Jerusalem. Palestine lost independence and came under Roman rule. 

  5. The Roman emperor of the time of Jesus was =

    1.  Tiberius Caesar

  6. The Roman occupation judea that the status of =

    1.  political unrest, Roman rule, and messianic deliverer, expected the messiah to be a military leader to overthrow Rome. 

  7. Name of ruling king in Judea in his life and later ministry was =

    1.  Herod the Great (early life), and Herod Antipas (during Jesus' ministry)

  8. Fortress Masada 

    1. = Herods fall out shelter, Romans built a ramp to get in the fortress, Jewish defenders inside all committed suicide. 

  9. Supreme court

    1. in the Sanhedrin, 71 people with priest

  10. Caiphas was =

    1.  Jewish High Priest during Jesus trial and crucifixion

  11. List two - to three rules of the roman procurators. 

    1. Maintain Law and rder, Oversee Tax collection, and Administered Roman justice. (workers for the Roman Empire. 

  12. Functions of the synagogue

    1. gathering place, school, multipurpose 

  13. Jesus was born when?

    1. 5/4 BC

  14. Why did the Jewish leaders bring Jesus to Pilate for the trial?  =

    1.  Jewish leaders did not have legal authority to put Jesus to Death. 

  15. Who was Josephus? =

    1.  Jewish historian who wrote about Jesus, 

  16. Which of the four gospels were written by eyewitnesses ? ( thinking of the work synoptics)

    1. John 

  17. Which of the following is not a synoptic gospel? =

    1.  John 

  18. The majority of the scholars believe mark was the 1st gospel =

    1.  Markan Priority, Matthew and Luke used Mark as a primary source. 

  19. Most of Jesus' ministry occurs where? =

    1.  Galilee

  20. The gospel of John it occurs where?

    1. Judea and Jerusalem 

  21.  Which of the following was most likely the place of origin for the gospel of mark? =

    1.  In Rome (60’s-70’s)

  22. From whom did mark most likely the material? =

    1.  Peter 

  23. Which word in mark indicates the dynamic gospel =

    1. Immediately 

  24. Describe the function of intercalation - sandwich stories

    1. A story with another story shoved into that story that is the part of the same idea. So basically adding a key understanding (the meat) to the main story. 

  25. Who were most likely the people of Luke? =

    1.  The Gentiles 

  26. The gospel of John was written

    1. about 95, in Ephesus, the last gospel, written to second-generation Christians who did not have physical contact with Jesus. 

  27. Give two lines of traditional views of what the physical appearance of Jesus was. ( evidence) =

    1.  Ugly, Irenaeus (weak), Origen (small, ill-figured), Jesus was the ugliest of the children of men. Isaiah’s portrait of a suffering servant. 

  28. What is the word ( what tekton mean?) =

    1.  craftsman/builder. Works with wood, stone, metal. 

  29.  How old was Jesus when he began his public ministry

    1. 30

  30. Name of Jesus in English is the equivalent of the Hebrew name. ( what does it mean)

    1. Yeshua, means yahweh (the lord) saves. 

  31.  Which characteristics are common to the 4 women mentioned in Matthew's genealogy

    1. non jewish women, each had ex husbands

  32. Give at least two gospel evidence that the magi could not have visited baby Jesus the night he was born =  

    1. They found Jesus in a house not a stable, slaughtering kids 2 and under meaning Jesus may have been up to 2 years of age. 

  33. The wealthy Israel jewish elite sect party was…

    1.  the Sadducees 

  34. Please name two non biblical historians, who mention the stories of Jesus 

    1. Tacitus and Suetonius 

  35. When Christ became a human being “he emptied himself” what does that mean? =

    1.  he didn’t have his divine qualities and submitted to all conditions of human life. 

  36. What is the meaning of the word apostle ? =

    1.  Those chosen by Jesus to spread the gospel. 

  37. What age did Jesus visit Jerusalem ?

    1. 12 years old. 

  38. John was written for? 

    1. Second Generation Christians. 
