GEG 310: Week 2

GIS Tables & Attributes

Non-spatial data

  • Descriptive info that does not have location-based qualities 

  • Stored in attribute tables (spreadsheet-style forms)

    • Linked to a layer 

  • Stand-alone tables are possible (not linked to a layer) 

Attribute tables 

  • Associated to a spatial data layer

  • Store attributes of map features

  • Have special fields for spatial information, like “shape” that indicate the type of object (point, line or polygon)

Standalone tables 

  • Store any tabular data

  • Not associated with spatial data

  • Can have different formats like a CSV or an EXCEL table

Types of GIS attribute data (mid term question)

  • Nominal: unique identifier of some kind (categorical),

    •  Name of person, title, phone number, sex

  • Ordinal: represent a ranking 

  • Interval (numeric): difference btwn #s is significant but there is no fixed non-arbitrary zero point associated w/ data 

    • Celsius, fahrenheit, elevation, time (12 hr clock)

  • Ratio (numeric): difference btwn #s is significant but there is no fixed non-arbitrary zero point associated w/ data 

  • True 0 point = there can be absolutely nothing 

    • population  total, crime rate

Keys to joining tables in ArcGIS

  • In a Join, data from the source table are appended to the destination table

  • A Join can be removed when it is no longer needed

  • If a layer containing the destination table is exported to a new layer after a join, the new fields resulting from the join will be permanently saved in the new layer

  •  join is considered a one-to-one join if there is a one-to-one relationship between the tables: there is only a single record from each table being joined to a single record in the other table.

  • A many-to-one join is a join in which many records in an attribute table are joined to the same one record in the other table.

Selecting records in arcGIS Pro

  • Records selection: using select feature 

  • Select by location: select features in one or more layers based on their location in relation to features in another layer 

  • Perform Queries: select by attributes 

Queries in ArcGIS

  • Select a subset of features and table records 

  • Simple 

    • Ask one question in relation to data 

  • Compound 

    • Add multiple questions based on initial question 
