Woodrow Wilson attempted to make a referendum on the LEague of nations (Solemn Referendum)
he advocated for americans to vote for democratic candidates for congress and presidency
He wanted to ratify treaty of versaille and American participation in the league of nations
IN Election of 1920:
1. It was a total rejection of Wilson’s idealisms (self determination as the cornerstone of American policy for 100s of years )
2. Americans wanted simpler way of life (Don’t want to sacrifice, progressive crusade)
Supreme Court
*lower voter turnout
Harding and coolidge had unremarkable presidencies;
Coolidge had no numerous achievements
Coolidge won popularity in 1919 during the boston police strike (gov. Of massachusetts)
After the numerous scandals of the Harding administration which had been revealed to the public , the public was losing faith in office of the presidency
Harding had a Scandalous presidency, and he was replaced with man of character and integrity who restored America's faith in office of presidency
Silent Cal was a man of very few words
REMEMBER this and sum up his philosophy/Whole era of 1920s (from political perspective: The Business of America is Business
What he means by it: Europe has centuries of history—culture, contributed to music and art—-and look at US which is a relatively young country compared to old world
The man who builds a factory builds a temple
Fiscal conservative
Ex: Farmers and McNary Haugen
Farmers did well during the war years because there was demand for farm products
They were feeding american armed forces and allies and armed forces of our allies so production was very high and during this period of time a lot of farmers took out loans
This meant more acreage, more crops, modern machinery to increase their crop yield
Prosperous time meant a prosperous lifestyle
After war was over, demand dropped significantly
Problems of the farmer included overproduction
How does a farmer make money:
Demand is low because europeans are no longer ordering because war is over and europeans grow their own crops
Farm income goes down, farmer has debt
Farming is an independent business
Urge congress to help them
Congress writes McNary Haugen bill
Republican congress and president passes the bill, which goes to president's desk, but Coolidge vetoed it twice (they went back there and rewrote it)
Farmers thought he wasn't sympathetic
Fall of 1929: Great depression
Economic Depression