Study Guide, Part 11. Melanin protects the skin from?- Melanin is a brown-black pigment that gives the skin color andserves as the protective screen from the suns rays. (p.226)2. Astringents are suitable for what type of skin?- Oily and acne-prone. (p.322)3. When should the customer desire to polish color be determined?- During the client consultation. (p.790)4. The main function of an astringent cleaner is to?- Astringents may have an alcohol content up to 35% and may beused to remove oil accumulation on the skin after a facial or shave.(p.197)5. When is the Reverse BackHand performed on the client?- The Reverse BackHand position is only used during a neck shave.(p.347)6. When an astringent is too hard on the clients skin, what should be applied?- Skin tonics or toners and fresheners are milder forms of astringents.(p197)7. When using the hone, how should it be laying?- The razor should be stroked edge-first. (p.124)8. How many shaving areas are on the face?- 14. (p.340)9. What stroke does the barber use on the left side of the ear outline?- Reverse FreeHand. (p.341-342)10. When shaving, a barber always gently glides with what point of the bladeleading?- The razor is stroked with the point leading. (p.342 & 345)11. What stroke is gliding away from the barber when the point of the razoris leading forward movement?- The BackHand position. (p.345)12. To maintain a clients protection during a shave service, the barbershould?- Analyze client prior to shave.13. If a client has open wounds or abrasions, should the barber proceed withthe service?- No. (p.339)14. How is the cutting stroke with a razor achieved?- The razor is positioned at a slight angle to the skin surface and thepoint leading. (p.342)15. What can result when the skin is loose during the shave?- Cuts or nicks. (p.348)16. Which movement is used during lathering with the cushion tips of thefingers?- Rotary movements. (p.362)17. Lather prepares the skin by?- Lathering cleanses the skin and softens the hair. (p.348)18. For a right-handed barber, how many times is the backhand razor positionused on the right side of the face?- 2. (p.341-342)19. What is a problem caused by the close shave during the second-time-over shave?- It may irritate the skin and lead to infection or ingrown hairs. (p.349)20. A cosmetology or a barber establishment may be inspected by?- The Dept of Licensing and Regulation. (law book p. 33)21. Which of the following is required to obtain a business specialty permit?- An application on a department approved form and the required inspection fee.(law book p.15)22. The Texas Department of Reg had the power to?- They can issue, revoke, and/or suspend licenses. (law book)23. What must a barber and barber instructor need to do to renew theirlicenses?- They must renew on or before the expiration date. Licensed are good for twoyears. (law book p.18)24. A shop license can be revoked if TDLR find what?- Misuse and/or malpractice in shop. (law book)25. How many days does a licensed barber have to report a name change?- 10 days. (law book)26. After a change in ownership, what must the new owners of a shop do?- New owners must obtain new permit not later that 30 days afterdate of transfer. (law book p.16)27. Of the three porosity levels of hair (resistant, normal, porous), which oftenresist chemical solutions?- Resistant. (p. 582)28. In a permanent wave service, what is the prep condition?- Towel, cape, towel. (p.614)29. What is the correct draping method for a client receiving a chemicalservice?- Towel, cape, towel. (p. 286-287)30. Which chemical product is used to make hair more manageable, but notcompletely straight?- Chemical relaxers. (p. 605)31. What determines the process time of a chemical service?- Processing time is determined by the strength of the permanentwaving solution and the porosity level of the hair. (p.600)32. When is it acceptable to apply a thio relaxer that has been treated withhydrogen peroxide?- Hydrogen peroxide rebuilds the disulfide bonds broken by therelaxer. (p.587)33. A thio relaxer should never be used with hair that has been treated withwhat?- Sodium hydroxide. (p.606)34. What is necessary for a remover of a pathogen before usingdisinfectants?- Proper cleaning. Cleaning is described as a mechanical process(scrubbing) using soap and water or detergent to remove all visibledirt, debris, and many disease-causing germs. (p.56)35. What indications in clients facial beard area would prevent the barber from aservice?- Skin infections or pustules. (p.339)36. Any contact with blood or any other bodily fluids is known as?- Exposure incident. (p.80)37. OSHA requires that chemical agents from the manufacturer be, what?- Be labeled relating to the handling, mixing, storing, and disposingof products. (p. 58)38. Why are standard precautions used?- OSHA and the CDC have set safety standards and precautions that protectemployees in situations when they could have be exposed to a blood-bornepathogen. (p. 80)39. What infection is most common in the hair follicle within the beard area?- Tinae barbae. (p.263)40. What process destroys all microbes including spores?- Sterilization. (p.72)41. Minor cuts can be treated with a gentle cleaner? True / False- False. (p.80)42. What condition do chemical exfoliates effectively treat?- Loose and dead-cell buildup. (p.322)43. What is the process of eliminating all forms of bacteria?- Disinfection destroys most bacteria. Only sterilization kills bacterialspores. (p.63)44. Completely submerging implements is called?- Immersion. (p.74)45. How can rosacea be kept under control?- By using medication prescribed by a physician, using proper skin-care products, and avoiding aggravating flare factors. (p.235)46. Which of the following following contain a higher volume of alcohol?Fresheners, Toners, or Astringents?- Astringents may contain up to 35% alcohol. (p.322)47. The presence of pus is a sign of what?- Bacterial infection. (p.67)48. What are antiseptics primarily used for?- To reduce the numbers and slow the growth of microbials on theskin. (p.79)49. Which type of bacteria can be transferred through air dust?- Cocci. (p.65)50. Which bacteria are capable of movement?- Bacilli, spirilla. (p.65)51. What is a method of disinfection?- Complete immersion, aerosol spray, and wipes. (p.74)52. Before cleaning an abrasion on a client, what must a barber do?- Stop the service. (p.95)53. What is the appropriate method of applying styptic powder?- Dispense powder onto a cotton round and use a cotton swabto apply to injury. (p.96)54. If an accidental cut is made during shaving, what is applied?- Styptic powder. (p.96)55. What is the final step of blood exposure?- Dispose of gloves. (p.97)56. What is the average rate of growth for hair?- 1/2 per month. (p.255)57. Which layer of the hair must be penetrated to absorb substances?- Cuticle. (p.250)58. What is the pigment that lies under the natural hair color?- Contributing pigment. (p.644)59. What products work to treat dry hair and scalp conditions?- Mild shampoos, moisturizing conditioners, balancing shampoos andconditioners, medicated scalp astringents, medicated scalp lotions. (p. 298)60. What needs to be performed before a clients haircut to determine a clientsdesired outcome?- A client consolation. (p.385)61. Which blow dryer technically creates a more finished appearance becauseeach section is dried in a different direction?- Diffuser.62. When using shears for cutting, which finger is inserted through the fingerhole of the still blade?- Ring finger. (p.112)63. Which facial shape should have the hair close to the widest point of theface?- Diamond. (p.389)64. Which base placement may result in the least amount of volume?- Off-Base placement. (p.593)65. What must a barber use to protect hair from damage from a flat iron?- Use a paper neck strip or end paper to test the temperature. (p.574)66. To determine the length of the hair, what must a barber do?- A client consultation.67. How does a barber avoid a clients pain or discomfort during the shave service?- By testing the temperature of the hot towel on the wrist.68. The process of coloring the hair for a month is known as what?- A retouch.69. What is a primary color?- Blue, Red, and Yellow. (p.645)70. What product is used to remove artificial hair color?- Tint or Dye removers. (p.657)71. Natural shaving is called what?- Once over shave.72. A patch test is done where on a client?- Behind the ear or the inner elbow.Study Guide, Part 21. How many shaving strokes on the face are freehand?- 6. (p.342 & 345, table 13-1)2. What label do you look for on products?- EPA approved. (p. 60-61)3. What is a traveling guideline?- A guideline that moves around the head. Move along section of the hair aseach cut is made. (p.400)4. What is a stationary guideline?- A guideline that stays in place. Over all one length. Blunt. (p.400)5. What elevation leaves the most weight?- 0 (zero) elevation. (p.398)6. What bond does a chemical service break?- Sulphur bonds (aka: disulfide bonds). (p.251)7. When applying shaving cream, how do you apply?- Using the fingertips. (p.362)8. How many areas use reverse freehand?- 4. (p.346)9. How many positions are in the barber service?- 4. (342)10. How many positions are in the shaving service?- 3. (p.342)11. How many shaving areas?- 14. (p.340)12. Should service be rendered on inflamed skin, whether it has infections or not such aspimples or blisters?- No, do not render shaving service. (p. 230-231)13. Sterilizing is the process of completely kill all?- Microbial (p.72)14. The parietal ridge is also known as _____ ?- Hatband, horseshoe, temporal or crest. (p.393)15. What do you use when trimming, finished work?- Outliners. (p.116)16. What is the ideal face shape?- Oval. (p.388)17. Where do you perform a patch test?- In the inner elbow or behind the ear. (p.678)18. What is applying shaving cream used for? Why apply shaving cream?- To raise or lift hair. (p.348)19. What is a manicure implement you can throw away?- Orangewood stick. (p.787)20. Before doing a chemical service, examine the scalp. If you see irritation, what do you do?- Stop service. Do not proceed with service. (p.581)21. What comb is used for thick hair?- Wide tooth comb. (p.106)22. Which comb do most barbers prefer?- All purpose comb. (p.106)23. What are the primary colors?- Yellow, red, and blue. (p.645)24. What are secondary colors?- When two or more primary colors are equally mixed.25. At what degree do you use a straight razor?- 30 degrees. (p.343)26. When shaving, the face should be?- Moist. (p.352)27. How much does hair grow in a month?- Half an inch. (p.255)28. What is the widest part of the head?- The Parietal ridge. (p.393)29. What do you tell a client when you have to turn down service due to irritation of thescalp?- Refer them to a physician. (p.580-581)30. When should you not use a hot towel?- When the skin is irritated or sensitive. (p.339)31. What do you use when you cut a client?- Styptic powder. (p.352)32. How do you place a cape during the shaving service?- Off the shoulders. (p.359)33. What agency controls all products?- EPA (p.60)34. What agency controls the workplace?- OSHA. (p.57-58)35. What disease causes AIDS?- HIV. (p.69-70)36. Jenny broker her leg. This is what kind of symptom?- Objective symptom (symptom that can be seen)37. Karen has a headache. This is what kind of symptom?- Subjective (symptom that can be felt)38. What is a sign of infection?- Pus. (p.67)39. How do you obtain an MSDS?- From the manufacturer. (p.58-59, p.76)40. What is an MSDS?- Material Safety Data Sheet41. What is the right-to-know law?- Employers must notify employees where toxic substances are located in theworkplace. (p.58)42. What agency enforces food, drugs, alcohol, and antiseptics?- FDA (p.79)43. What are volumes?- Measure of variety of strengths of hydrogen peroxide. (p.655)44. Living skin at the base of the nail plate and covering the matrix is?- Eponychium. (p.783)45. What is the scientific term for a nail?- Onyx. (p.782)46. The process of rearranging the structure of curly hair into a straightened form is?- Chemical hair relaxer. (p.110)47. What size of shears do most barbers use?- 6-1/2 inch - 7-1/2 inch shears. (p.110)48. Another name for attachment combs?- Guards (p.117)49. Disinfect implements with fine cutting edges with?- 70% ethyl, or 99% isopropyl.50. Phenols are used for what purpose?- Disinfect implements. (p.75)51. Sudoriferous is also known as?- Sweat glands. (p.227)52. Water, shampooing, and acid solutions will break what bonds?- Hydrogen bonds. (p.252)53. The layer of hair that needs to be penetrated for the hair to absorb color is?- Cuticle. (p.250)54. A diffuser is on a, what?- Blow dryer. (p.419)55. The ability for the hair to absorb moisture is?- Porosity. (p.267)56. The hair layer containing coloring matter or pigment is known as?- Cortex. (p.250)57. The loss of hair in bald patches, or bald spots is known as?- Alopecia areata. (p.258)58. What does OSHA do?- Regulates, establishes, and maintains health and safety standards. (p.57)59. How does an out-of-state barber obtain a Texas barber license?- Present the board with all required documents, application fee, and license feefor a two-year Class A Barber License.60. Which finger goes into the finger grip of the still blade when using shears?- Ring finger. (p.110)61. Which finger goes into the grip of the moving blade?- Thumb. (p.110)62. The number of hairs per square inch is?- Density. (p.267)63. Acid balanced (ph balanced) shampoo is best for all types of hair except?- Oily hair. (p.193)64. What style of cutting is also known as a butch cut?- Crew cut. (p.412)65. What degree is used for layer, tapering, and blending?- 90 degree. (p.398-399)66. When a blood spill occurs, what is employed?- Disinfectant. (p.95-97)67. A freshly laundered towel should be used?- On each client. (p.352)68. Headrest covers must be changed when?- For each client. (p.359)69. 20% sodium hypochlorite and 80% water is?- Two-tenth sodium hypochlorite (p.75-76)70. What is rosacea?- A chronic inflammation of skin, face, and nose. (p235)71. What is eczema?- Dry or moist lesions on the skin that itch and burn? (p.322)72. Astringent is used on what type of skin?- Oily. (p..322)73. Emery board is?- A tool. An abrasive file used on nails. (p.787)74. If you nip the tip of your nail, what part of your nail is affected?- Nail plate or free edge. (p.782)75. What is a furuncle?- Infection in hair follicle, known as a boil. (p.265)76. What is the most important thing to look for when choosing a perm?- Hair porosity. (p.581-582)77. It is important when doing a retouch to?- Not overlap the line demarcation. (p.653, 662)78. What should you recommend for a client with greasy or flaky scalp?- Scalp treatment. (p.262)79. What would you use a traveling guide for?- Uniform blended layers. (p.400)80. A once over shave is?- Across the grain of the hair. (p.349)81. A close shave causes?- Irritation and bumps. (p.349)82. How would you determine the size of a curl?- By the size of the rod. (p.541)83. Skin disease characterized by red patches and silvery white scales?- Psoriasis. (p.236)84. Which massage manipulation involves deep kneading?- Petrissage deep rubbing. (p.311)85. What is the ideal water?- Soft water. (p.249)86. What does the hair bulb rest on?- Dermal papilla. (p.249)87. The hair shaft sticks out of?- The skin surface. (p.248)88. Hot towel provides what?- Moisture to the skin. (p.348)89. What is the most affected area when close shaving?- Lower lip area 14, and the Adams apple area 13. (p.349-369)90. Another name for subcutaneous tissue is?- Adipose tissue. (p.225)91. Resistance to disease is known as?- Immunity. (p.71)92. The destruction of bacteria may be accomplished by the use of?- Disinfectants. (p.73-77)93. Bactericides, fungicides, and virucides are classified as?- Hospital level disinfectants. (p.63)94. What process is a barber doing when washing hands?- Cleaning.95. Permanent waves or chemical hair relaxers are required to break?- Sulphur bonds. (p. 252)96. What is a fungicide?- Capable of destroying mold & fungi. (p.70)97. Curls that are designed to provide strong curls with only slight lift are called?- Off base curls. (p.542)98. An advantage of an alkaline perm is?- Room temperature processing. (p.596)99. What do you use to apply the neutralizer?- Applicator bottle.100. The partial or total removal of natural pigment or artificial color from the hair is called?- Lightening. (p.656-657)101. What term indicates the degree of lightness or darkness of a color?- Level. (p.646)102. Temporary color makes what type of change?- Physical change. (p.650)103. An average of how many hairs do we lose per day?- 75-100. (p.256)104. How many bonds are there?- 3. Hydrogen, Salt, and Disulfide (or Sulphur). (p.251-252)105. What is styptic powder?- Aluminum. (p.200)106. What is hair mostly made of?- A fibrous protein called keratin. (p.248)107. What do you do when a client has severe dandruff (pityriasis steatoides)?- Refer to a dermatologist. (p.262)108. What agency registers all types of disinfectants sold and used in the U.S.A?- EPA. (p.72)109. Shop located by residence?- Separate entrance door. (Law book)110. Hair above the skin is?- Hair shaft. (p.248)111. Lye relaxer is?- Active sodium hydroxide. (p.606-607)112. When you have a cosmetology and a barber shop, you need a?- Dual permit. (Law book)113. Thio-hydroxide relaxer and thio-relaxer.- Should not be used interchangeably. (p.606-607)114. Mobile shop requirements need?- Address. (Law book)115. Find definition for foil technique.- Slicing or weaving out section of hair to be placed on foil. (p.663)116. How many shaving areas are on the right side of the face?- 5. (p.341)117. Ph for thio is?- 10 (9.6-10.0). (p.607-607)118. Ph for hydroxide is?- 13 (12.5-13.5). (p.606-607)119. What is the secondary color?- Green. (p.645)120. What is the permanent way to treat split ends (trichoptilosis)?- Hair cut. (p.261)121. What is the method to do the S wave?- Finger wave. (p.418)122. How to smooth and straighten curly hair?- Hair wrapping. (p.540)123. When should you use gloves?- Dirty. (p.74-76)124. How do you treat rosacea?- Medication. (p.235)125. Pus forming organisms that grow in bunches or clusters are called?- Staphylococci. (p.65)126. A disease that spreads from one person to another is called?- Contagious or communicable disease. (p.67-68)127. Resistance to disease is known as?- Immunity. (p.71)128. Phenols are used for what purposes?- Disinfect implements/tools. (p.75)129. How many times do you lather the beard?- 2 times.130. Which test is given to determine the actual color and the condition of the hair.?- Strand test. (p.662)131. What is a fissure?- Is a crack in the skin penetrating into the derma. (p.233)132. In the shave, your left hand is?- Dry. (question based on right-handed people). (p.355)133. What curl creates more volume?- On base. (p.542)134. What creates less volume?- Off base curls. (p.542)135. When blood spill occurs, how do you remove gloves?- Inside out. (p.97)136. Draping for a chemical service?- Towel, cape, towel. (p.278)137. What is a complementary color to red?- Green. (p.645-646)138. What comb is used to detangle?- Wide tooth comb. (p.106)139. Give an example of a double process.- a.) Bleach and toner. - b.) Pre softening and tinting. - c.) filler and colorapplication. - d.) tint or tone. (p.663)140. What is the innermost layer of the skin?- Dermis (aka: derma, corium, true skin). (p.224,242)141. What should you do with the emery board after each use?- Discard or give to customer. (p.787)142. What is the stroke used on the left side of the head/nape?- Reverse backhand. (p.347)143. If youre a shop owner, you are not a?- Apprentice. (Law book)144. When should you make a new bleach mix?- Every 24 hours (when contaminated). (p.75)145. How long should you wait for a strand test?- 24 hours. (p.676)146. Hygiene is the science of?- Healthy living. (p.41)147. When shaving, with which part of the straight razor do you lead?- Point.148. Shaving both sides of the neck, below the ears and across the nape is called?- Neck shave.149. Ingrown hairs are a common problem is which type of hair?- Curly hair.150. The position and stroke that is most often used during a shave is?- Freehand.151. Shave performed by shaving a few more strokes is called?- Once-over shave. (p.349)152. A gliding stroke directed away from the barber is?- Backhand. (p.345)153. Lather is rubbed into the beard with?- Cushion of the fingertips.154. Pediculosis is the infestation of the hair and scalp with?- Head lice. (p.263)155. Solute + Solvent =- Solution (remember the pattern)156. What can you get from a pool?- Ring worm.157. A steamer is used for?- To smooth the surface.158. When hair grows after coloring and you have regrowth, what do you do to blend color?- Retouch. (p.662)159. What is an example of a disinfectant?- Bleach.160. On the level system, what is level 1?- Black (dark red/brown). (p.647)161. What color molecules prevent penetration beyond the cuticle layer?- Temporary color. (p.650)162. Remove cream form a jar/container with?- A spatula. (p.328)163. What is dandruff?- Large flakes & itchy scalp. (p.284)164. What process is a barber doing when washing hands?- Cleaning/preparation.165. What keeps curly hair smooth and straight?- Hair wrapping (same as question #122).166. What causes pus, pustules & abscesses?- Staph or staphylococci. (p.65)167. Acquired immunity overcomes diseases by?- Vaccination. (p.71)168. After implements are completely emerged, what do you do next?- Rinse, dry and put in a dry container. (p.87-88)169. How do you put on styptic powder?- Cotton swab. (p.96)170. What is a type of thermal styling tool?- Pressing comb. (p.571)171. How should a hone be placed?- Firmly and flat on a hard, smooth surface. (p.133)172. What pigment gives color to skin?- Melanin. (p.226)173. When becomes harder and the duct becomes blocked?- Sebum. (p.228)174. What shaving area can use either freehand or backhand stroke?- 12. (p.342)175. Lathering helps with?- Helps to hold the hair in an upright position. (p.338)176. What to consider when consulting with a client about suitable mustaches?- Facial features. (p.340)177. Before performing a perm or chemical service, what should you do first?- Client card record. (p.581)178. What implement is used for a relaxer?- Tail comb. (p.626)179. How many backhand strokes are for right and left hand?- 4. (p.345)180. What should you NOT use in coloring mustaches?- Aniline. (p.701)181. What is the outermost layer of skin?- Epidermis. (p.223)182. What is the bodys first line of defense?- Healthy, unbroken skin. (p.222)183. What kind of water do you use for the manicure?- Soapy water.184. When dying hair, why is foil used?- For foil test. (p.680)185. Check for proper curl development?- 5 minute intervals. (p.636)186. What kind of infection is in the hair follicle in the beard area?- Barbers itch (Folliculitis barbae). (p.264)187. How long does it take your nail to fully grow?- 4 to 6 months. (p.784)188. What kind of bacteria do you get from air and dust?- Cocci. (p.65)189. If the hair is fine and straight, what size rod should you use?- Small. (p.584)190. Where should relaxer first be applied? What part of the head?- Back of the head (nape). (p.620)191. How do you cross check?- Vertically at a 90 degree angle. (p.398)192. If a barber school change ownership, the new owner has how many days to change thepermit and pay fees?- 10 days prior to the change. (Law book)193. How do you detangle with a wide tooth comb?- You start at the tips and work your way up.194. In the hair coloring process, which is NOT a non-oxidation?- Demipermanent. (p.651)195. What does a neutralizer do?- Deactivate any waving solution that remains in the hair after rinsing. (p.601)196. What is a thio relaxer?- Permanent waving used to change hairs natural pattern. (p.606)197. What is astringent used for?- Helps to balance pH and remove residue. (p.322)198. What is the difference between sanitation and sterilization?- Sanitation is cleaning. Sterilization kills all microbial. (p.56 & 72)199. What volume is best to cover gray hair?- 20 volume. (p.667)200. What hair coloring shouldnt be used on a mustache?- Metallic or progressive dyes, and aniline derivative tints. (p.674)201. What is best for beard coloring?- Hair color crayon, pomade, or liquid eyebrow tint. (p.674)202. How many days do you have prior to an expired license to renew it?- 60 days. (Law book)203. When you move from another state, what are the requirements to get a Texas license ifyou already have a barbers license in another state?- Contact TDLR, submit paperwork, and pay a fee. (Law book)
What is the minimum age requirement to obtain a barber's license in Texas? - 17 years old.