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Cell structure 1

  • Cell is the basic unit of life

  • Cell theory - dictates that all living things are composed of cells, and all cells arise from other cells

    • “Living things” not composed of cells are things like viruses

  • Most organisms consist of a single cell

    • unicellular 

    • E.g bacteria, amoeba, paramecium, yeast

  • Organisms with more than one cell that work together

    • multicellular 

    • E.g plants, animals, most fungi

  • Cell theory only possible through light microscopy

    • Most eukaryotic cells are 10um in dimension

    • Most prokaryotic cells are 1-3um in dimension

    • Not visible to the naked eye

Prokaryotic Cells

  • Smaller and more simple than eukaryotic cells

  • Unicellular

  • No nucleus

    • Usually only have one circular piece of  DNA

    • Nucleoid region is sometimes visible, not properly defined entity

  • Prokaryotic cell contains:

    • One or two phospholipid-based membrane(s)

    • Rigid cell wall

      • In bacteria, solid portion of cell wall is made of a polymer of amino acid sugars (peptidoglycan

      • In archaea, cell wall is more variable. Most have pseudomurein (similar to peptidoglycan but different) while others have polysaccharides and glycoproteins

    • Many have:

      • Flagella (motion)

      • Frimbriae (adherence)

      • glycocalyx/capsule (adherence and pathogen avoidance)

  • Can be found in extreme environments

Eukaryotic Cells

  • 5-10 times larger in any dimension

  • Larger size creates issues with respect to surface to volume ration

    • As size increases, less SA to produce metabolic resources (ATP)

    • Solution = provide more membrane SA on inside of cell

  • Extra structure inside allow functions to be compartmentaliized 

    • E.g Mitochondria takes care of most ATP generation (in prokaryotes, it is handled by the plasma membrane)

  • Endomembrane system

    • There are membranes and membrane-bound bodies throughout the cell

    • Derives from the endoplasmic reticulum

    • Most, not all, transfer materials between them, directly or indirectly

  • Nucleus

    • Defined by a double phospholipid bilayer nuclear membrane, the nuclear envelop is part of the endomembrane system

      • Several pores allow selective entry and exit of specific materials (e,g M-RNA) from nucleus

        • Controlled by protein-based pores complexes

      • Inner surface of the envelope is stabilized by filamentous nuclear lamina

    • Contians all of the chromosomes

      • Linear strands of DNA woud around heads of Histones

        • Eukaryotes have more DNA than prokayotes

    • When are wound up tightly, individual chromosomes can be seen as discrets units under light microscope

      • When wound loosely, not visible (Chromatin)

  • Nucleolus

    • Dark unbound and non-discrete body within nucleus

    • Puts together ribosomal units

      • Ribosomal units compromised of rRNA and ribosomal proteins

    • Subunits are exported to the cytoplasm, where they are put together into functional proteins

  • Ribosomes

    • Found either in: 

      • Free in cytosol

        • Used to make proteins for use in cytosol

      • Bound to ER

        • Used to make proteins for export out of the cell or for inclusion membranes

  • Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER)

    • Memberous series of tunnels and sacs that run throughout the cell 

    • Is continuous with the outer membrane of the nucleus

    • Two types:

      • Rough ER - studded with ribosomes

        • Proteins for transport are translated and sent back into the cisternae

          • Carbohydrates attached become glycoproteins

          • Packed into vesicles that bud off from ER

        • Synthesis of proteins and lipids that become part of the ER, and other parts of the endomembrane system

      • Smooth ER - NOT studded with ribosomes

        • Synthesis of lipids, phospholipids and steroids

          • Adrenal gland cells that make steroid sex hormones have extenisve smooth ER

        • Deoxify poisons and drugs in liver cells

          • Smooth ER associated with enzymes add -OH groups to toxins

          • Makes them soluble in the cytosol and thus more easily eliminated

        • Glycogen metabolism

          • Smooth ER associated enzymes removes phosphate group from glucose, releasing it in to the blood

        • Stores calcium for muscle contraction

          • Ca^2+ pumped into the cisternae of the ER, then released into the cytosol when muscle contracts

  • Golgi Apparatus

    • Flattened membranous sac, very similar to ER

    • Products of the Er are brought via vesicles, are modified and sent to other places, especially for secretion outside of cell

      • Amylase in saliva

    • Cis Fae

      • Facing towards the interior of the cell

      • Receives vesicles from the rough ER

        • Vesicles and ER fuse like two soap bubbles

      • Modifies product from ER

        • Placing saccharides onto proteins to make glycoproteins

    • Modified products end up at the trans face

      • Packaged  into new vesicles, and pinched off

      • Vesicles containing products for secretion from the cell then fuse with the plasma membrane and are released

    • Some golgi-derived vesicles contain digestive enzymes and related proteins; become lysosomes

      • H ions are pumped into the lysosome form the cytosol to keep pH low

      • Lysosomes have three functions:

        • Intracellular digestion

        • Autolysis

        • Programmed cell death (apoptosis)

    • Some cells can engulf (phagocytosis) particles some plasma membrane around it and internalize it as a food vacuole (phagosome)

      • E.g white blood cells, amoebae

      • Lysosomes fuse with food vacuoles

        • Degrade the particle and pump nutrients into cytosol

    • Lysosome will engulf and destroy a cellular component when needed (autolusos) 

      • Damaged mitochondria

      • Cellular health

    • During development of multicellular organisms, some cells must be destroyed as part of normal tissue development (apoptosis)

      • E.g tissue between fingers

      • Lysosomal enzymes released, killing cell

  • Vacuole

    • Large membrane-bound sacs with specific functions

      • Food vacuole

      • Contractile vacuole

        • Pumps water from cell (fresh water protozoa)

    • Central vacuole for mature plant cells

      • Enclosed by tonoplast membrane

    • Several functions

      • Storage: organic or inorganic compounds, pigments, protective chemicals

      • Sequestration of metabolic by-products

      • Takes up water to help plant cell elongate

        • Takes up space, there is little cytoplasm per unit membrane surface

Cell structure 1

  • Cell is the basic unit of life

  • Cell theory - dictates that all living things are composed of cells, and all cells arise from other cells

    • “Living things” not composed of cells are things like viruses

  • Most organisms consist of a single cell

    • unicellular 

    • E.g bacteria, amoeba, paramecium, yeast

  • Organisms with more than one cell that work together

    • multicellular 

    • E.g plants, animals, most fungi

  • Cell theory only possible through light microscopy

    • Most eukaryotic cells are 10um in dimension

    • Most prokaryotic cells are 1-3um in dimension

    • Not visible to the naked eye

Prokaryotic Cells

  • Smaller and more simple than eukaryotic cells

  • Unicellular

  • No nucleus

    • Usually only have one circular piece of  DNA

    • Nucleoid region is sometimes visible, not properly defined entity

  • Prokaryotic cell contains:

    • One or two phospholipid-based membrane(s)

    • Rigid cell wall

      • In bacteria, solid portion of cell wall is made of a polymer of amino acid sugars (peptidoglycan

      • In archaea, cell wall is more variable. Most have pseudomurein (similar to peptidoglycan but different) while others have polysaccharides and glycoproteins

    • Many have:

      • Flagella (motion)

      • Frimbriae (adherence)

      • glycocalyx/capsule (adherence and pathogen avoidance)

  • Can be found in extreme environments

Eukaryotic Cells

  • 5-10 times larger in any dimension

  • Larger size creates issues with respect to surface to volume ration

    • As size increases, less SA to produce metabolic resources (ATP)

    • Solution = provide more membrane SA on inside of cell

  • Extra structure inside allow functions to be compartmentaliized 

    • E.g Mitochondria takes care of most ATP generation (in prokaryotes, it is handled by the plasma membrane)

  • Endomembrane system

    • There are membranes and membrane-bound bodies throughout the cell

    • Derives from the endoplasmic reticulum

    • Most, not all, transfer materials between them, directly or indirectly

  • Nucleus

    • Defined by a double phospholipid bilayer nuclear membrane, the nuclear envelop is part of the endomembrane system

      • Several pores allow selective entry and exit of specific materials (e,g M-RNA) from nucleus

        • Controlled by protein-based pores complexes

      • Inner surface of the envelope is stabilized by filamentous nuclear lamina

    • Contians all of the chromosomes

      • Linear strands of DNA woud around heads of Histones

        • Eukaryotes have more DNA than prokayotes

    • When are wound up tightly, individual chromosomes can be seen as discrets units under light microscope

      • When wound loosely, not visible (Chromatin)

  • Nucleolus

    • Dark unbound and non-discrete body within nucleus

    • Puts together ribosomal units

      • Ribosomal units compromised of rRNA and ribosomal proteins

    • Subunits are exported to the cytoplasm, where they are put together into functional proteins

  • Ribosomes

    • Found either in: 

      • Free in cytosol

        • Used to make proteins for use in cytosol

      • Bound to ER

        • Used to make proteins for export out of the cell or for inclusion membranes

  • Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER)

    • Memberous series of tunnels and sacs that run throughout the cell 

    • Is continuous with the outer membrane of the nucleus

    • Two types:

      • Rough ER - studded with ribosomes

        • Proteins for transport are translated and sent back into the cisternae

          • Carbohydrates attached become glycoproteins

          • Packed into vesicles that bud off from ER

        • Synthesis of proteins and lipids that become part of the ER, and other parts of the endomembrane system

      • Smooth ER - NOT studded with ribosomes

        • Synthesis of lipids, phospholipids and steroids

          • Adrenal gland cells that make steroid sex hormones have extenisve smooth ER

        • Deoxify poisons and drugs in liver cells

          • Smooth ER associated with enzymes add -OH groups to toxins

          • Makes them soluble in the cytosol and thus more easily eliminated

        • Glycogen metabolism

          • Smooth ER associated enzymes removes phosphate group from glucose, releasing it in to the blood

        • Stores calcium for muscle contraction

          • Ca^2+ pumped into the cisternae of the ER, then released into the cytosol when muscle contracts

  • Golgi Apparatus

    • Flattened membranous sac, very similar to ER

    • Products of the Er are brought via vesicles, are modified and sent to other places, especially for secretion outside of cell

      • Amylase in saliva

    • Cis Fae

      • Facing towards the interior of the cell

      • Receives vesicles from the rough ER

        • Vesicles and ER fuse like two soap bubbles

      • Modifies product from ER

        • Placing saccharides onto proteins to make glycoproteins

    • Modified products end up at the trans face

      • Packaged  into new vesicles, and pinched off

      • Vesicles containing products for secretion from the cell then fuse with the plasma membrane and are released

    • Some golgi-derived vesicles contain digestive enzymes and related proteins; become lysosomes

      • H ions are pumped into the lysosome form the cytosol to keep pH low

      • Lysosomes have three functions:

        • Intracellular digestion

        • Autolysis

        • Programmed cell death (apoptosis)

    • Some cells can engulf (phagocytosis) particles some plasma membrane around it and internalize it as a food vacuole (phagosome)

      • E.g white blood cells, amoebae

      • Lysosomes fuse with food vacuoles

        • Degrade the particle and pump nutrients into cytosol

    • Lysosome will engulf and destroy a cellular component when needed (autolusos) 

      • Damaged mitochondria

      • Cellular health

    • During development of multicellular organisms, some cells must be destroyed as part of normal tissue development (apoptosis)

      • E.g tissue between fingers

      • Lysosomal enzymes released, killing cell

  • Vacuole

    • Large membrane-bound sacs with specific functions

      • Food vacuole

      • Contractile vacuole

        • Pumps water from cell (fresh water protozoa)

    • Central vacuole for mature plant cells

      • Enclosed by tonoplast membrane

    • Several functions

      • Storage: organic or inorganic compounds, pigments, protective chemicals

      • Sequestration of metabolic by-products

      • Takes up water to help plant cell elongate

        • Takes up space, there is little cytoplasm per unit membrane surface