Cell is the basic unit of life
Cell theory - dictates that all living things are composed of cells, and all cells arise from other cells
“Living things” not composed of cells are things like viruses
Most organisms consist of a single cell
E.g bacteria, amoeba, paramecium, yeast
Organisms with more than one cell that work together
E.g plants, animals, most fungi
Cell theory only possible through light microscopy
Most eukaryotic cells are 10um in dimension
Most prokaryotic cells are 1-3um in dimension
Not visible to the naked eye
Prokaryotic Cells
Smaller and more simple than eukaryotic cells
No nucleus
Usually only have one circular piece of DNA
Nucleoid region is sometimes visible, not properly defined entity
Prokaryotic cell contains:
One or two phospholipid-based membrane(s)
Rigid cell wall
In bacteria, solid portion of cell wall is made of a polymer of amino acid sugars (peptidoglycan
In archaea, cell wall is more variable. Most have pseudomurein (similar to peptidoglycan but different) while others have polysaccharides and glycoproteins
Many have:
Flagella (motion)
Frimbriae (adherence)
glycocalyx/capsule (adherence and pathogen avoidance)
Can be found in extreme environments
Eukaryotic Cells
5-10 times larger in any dimension
Larger size creates issues with respect to surface to volume ration
As size increases, less SA to produce metabolic resources (ATP)
Solution = provide more membrane SA on inside of cell
Extra structure inside allow functions to be compartmentaliized
E.g Mitochondria takes care of most ATP generation (in prokaryotes, it is handled by the plasma membrane)
Endomembrane system
There are membranes and membrane-bound bodies throughout the cell
Derives from the endoplasmic reticulum
Most, not all, transfer materials between them, directly or indirectly
Defined by a double phospholipid bilayer nuclear membrane, the nuclear envelop is part of the endomembrane system
Several pores allow selective entry and exit of specific materials (e,g M-RNA) from nucleus
Controlled by protein-based pores complexes
Inner surface of the envelope is stabilized by filamentous nuclear lamina
Contians all of the chromosomes
Linear strands of DNA woud around heads of Histones
Eukaryotes have more DNA than prokayotes
When are wound up tightly, individual chromosomes can be seen as discrets units under light microscope
When wound loosely, not visible (Chromatin)
Dark unbound and non-discrete body within nucleus
Puts together ribosomal units
Ribosomal units compromised of rRNA and ribosomal proteins
Subunits are exported to the cytoplasm, where they are put together into functional proteins
Found either in:
Free in cytosol
Used to make proteins for use in cytosol
Bound to ER
Used to make proteins for export out of the cell or for inclusion membranes
Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER)
Memberous series of tunnels and sacs that run throughout the cell
Is continuous with the outer membrane of the nucleus
Two types:
Rough ER - studded with ribosomes
Proteins for transport are translated and sent back into the cisternae
Carbohydrates attached become glycoproteins
Packed into vesicles that bud off from ER
Synthesis of proteins and lipids that become part of the ER, and other parts of the endomembrane system
Smooth ER - NOT studded with ribosomes
Synthesis of lipids, phospholipids and steroids
Adrenal gland cells that make steroid sex hormones have extenisve smooth ER
Deoxify poisons and drugs in liver cells
Smooth ER associated with enzymes add -OH groups to toxins
Makes them soluble in the cytosol and thus more easily eliminated
Glycogen metabolism
Smooth ER associated enzymes removes phosphate group from glucose, releasing it in to the blood
Stores calcium for muscle contraction
Ca^2+ pumped into the cisternae of the ER, then released into the cytosol when muscle contracts
Golgi Apparatus
Flattened membranous sac, very similar to ER
Products of the Er are brought via vesicles, are modified and sent to other places, especially for secretion outside of cell
Amylase in saliva
Cis Fae
Facing towards the interior of the cell
Receives vesicles from the rough ER
Vesicles and ER fuse like two soap bubbles
Modifies product from ER
Placing saccharides onto proteins to make glycoproteins
Modified products end up at the trans face
Packaged into new vesicles, and pinched off
Vesicles containing products for secretion from the cell then fuse with the plasma membrane and are released
Some golgi-derived vesicles contain digestive enzymes and related proteins; become lysosomes
H ions are pumped into the lysosome form the cytosol to keep pH low
Lysosomes have three functions:
Intracellular digestion
Programmed cell death (apoptosis)
Some cells can engulf (phagocytosis) particles some plasma membrane around it and internalize it as a food vacuole (phagosome)
E.g white blood cells, amoebae
Lysosomes fuse with food vacuoles
Degrade the particle and pump nutrients into cytosol
Lysosome will engulf and destroy a cellular component when needed (autolusos)
Damaged mitochondria
Cellular health
During development of multicellular organisms, some cells must be destroyed as part of normal tissue development (apoptosis)
E.g tissue between fingers
Lysosomal enzymes released, killing cell
Large membrane-bound sacs with specific functions
Food vacuole
Contractile vacuole
Pumps water from cell (fresh water protozoa)
Central vacuole for mature plant cells
Enclosed by tonoplast membrane
Several functions
Storage: organic or inorganic compounds, pigments, protective chemicals
Sequestration of metabolic by-products
Takes up water to help plant cell elongate
Takes up space, there is little cytoplasm per unit membrane surface