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Chapter 3 - Electric Force, Field, and Potential

Electric Charge

  • Units of charge: Coulombs (C)

    • One proton has a charge of 1.6 x 10^-19 C

    • One electron has a charge of -1.6 x 10^-19

  • When an object has more protons than electrons, it’s positively charged

  • When an object has more electrons than protons, it’s negatively charged

  • Like charges repel and opposite charges attract

  • Quanta = the smallest package of a proton or electron that charge comes in

  • Atomic Structure

    • Atoms have protons (and neutrons) in the middle and electrons zipping around outside

    • Electrons are easier to remove and in static electricity, we assume only electrons are being removed/added

  • Law of conservation of charge - The initial charge of the system will always equal the final charge of the system

  • Conductors vs insulators

    • Generally, metals are good conductors and nonmetals are insulators

    • Conductors - allow charge to move easily through them

    • Insulators - don’t allow charge to move easily through them (held in place)

  • There are 3 ways to charge an object:

    • Charging by Friction - rubbing two objects like a fuzzy towel and iron rod results in electrons jumping from one object to the other

      • Remember that net charge of the towel-rod system is still the same

    • Charging by Contact or Conduction

      • When a charged object comes in contact with a neutrally charged object, the electrons disperse so that both objects have the same charge sign

        • Bigger objects end up with more charge because they have more room

      • Insulators don’t allow as much charge to disperse through contact as conductors do

    • Induced Charge, Polarization, and Induction

      • Induced charge - a neutrally charged object becomes polarized (electrons clump up on one side of the object and positive charges pile on the other side)

      • In AP Physics 2 questions, a grounding wire is often included

        • The grounding wire essentially serves as an escape route for charges to escape from the polarized object

  • Charge Distribution

    • On conductors, excess charges are pushed to the outside of the object to get away from each other

    • On insulators, excess charges stay where they are and don’t disperse

Electric Fields

  • Field: a property of a region that can apply force to objects found in that space

  • Electric fields affect charged particles only

    • Charged particles in electric fields experience an electric force

      Field diagram where X is a negative charge and Y is a positive charge

  • Electric fields are drawn as arrows because they’re vectors

    • The longer the arrows, the greater the magnitude of the electric field

  • Units of electric fields: N/C (Newtons/Coulomb)

  • F = qE

    • F: electric force

    • q: charge

    • E: electric field

  • The direction of the force on a positive charge is the same direction as the electric field

    • The direction of the force on a negative charge is the opposite direction as the electric field

    • Typically, when using the equation F = qE, we solve for the magnitude and find the direction of the electric force and/or field afterward

Electric Potential

  • Electric potential: Electric potential energy per unit charge (provided by an electric field)

    • Units: 1 V = 1 J/C

    • Electric potential is scalar (only have magnitudes)

    • “Zero of electric potential” = “ground” = a theoretical distance at which two charged particles are infinitely far away from each other and therefore don’t affect each other

    • ΔU = qΔV

      • ΔU = difference in electric potential energy

      • q = charge

      • ΔV = difference in electric potential

  • Equipotential lines: Lines on which a charged particle would have the same potential

    Equipotential Diagram

    • Equipotential lines are drawn perpendicular to the electric field lines

    • It takes energy to move a charge to another equipotential line

    • Positive charges are naturally pulled to areas of negative potential

    • Negative charges are naturally pulled to areas of positive potential

    • Remember that energy is conserved so U + K is constant

      • U is electric potential energy and K is kinetic energy


  • Parallel Plates

    • There are 2 metal plates that are parallel - one is positively charged and the other is negatively charged

      • This creates a uniform electric field with the arrows pointing from the positive plate to the negative plate

    • E = ΔV/Δr

      • E = the magnitude of the electric field

      • ΔV = the magnitude of the voltage difference between plates

      • Δr = the distance between plates

    • Parallel plates can be used to make capacitors (a device that stores charges and will be further explored in circuits)

      • ΔV = Q/C

        • ΔV = the voltage across plates

        • Q = charge on each plate

        • C = the capacitance of the capacitor

      • C = kεA/d

        • C = capacitance

        • k = dielectric constant - shows how good of an insulator you have between plates

        • ε = “vacuum permittivity” = 8.85 x 10^-12 C/Vm

  • Point charges

    • E = q/(4πεr) = kq/r

      • k = Coulomb’s Law Constant = 9 x 10^9 Nm^2/C^2

    • The electric field produced by a positive charge points away from the charge

    • The electric field produced by negative charge points toward the charge

    • V = kq/r

    • F = kqq/r^2

      • Where the two q’s are the charges of two point charges

      • k = Coulomb’s Law Constant

      • r = the distance between the two point charges

  • Electric Field around a point charge or conducting sphere

    • E = kq/r^2

      • To solve for the magnitude of the electric field

      • Inside a conducting sphere, the electric field is 0

        • Net force on any charge inside a conducting sphere is 0

Chapter 3 - Electric Force, Field, and Potential

Electric Charge

  • Units of charge: Coulombs (C)

    • One proton has a charge of 1.6 x 10^-19 C

    • One electron has a charge of -1.6 x 10^-19

  • When an object has more protons than electrons, it’s positively charged

  • When an object has more electrons than protons, it’s negatively charged

  • Like charges repel and opposite charges attract

  • Quanta = the smallest package of a proton or electron that charge comes in

  • Atomic Structure

    • Atoms have protons (and neutrons) in the middle and electrons zipping around outside

    • Electrons are easier to remove and in static electricity, we assume only electrons are being removed/added

  • Law of conservation of charge - The initial charge of the system will always equal the final charge of the system

  • Conductors vs insulators

    • Generally, metals are good conductors and nonmetals are insulators

    • Conductors - allow charge to move easily through them

    • Insulators - don’t allow charge to move easily through them (held in place)

  • There are 3 ways to charge an object:

    • Charging by Friction - rubbing two objects like a fuzzy towel and iron rod results in electrons jumping from one object to the other

      • Remember that net charge of the towel-rod system is still the same

    • Charging by Contact or Conduction

      • When a charged object comes in contact with a neutrally charged object, the electrons disperse so that both objects have the same charge sign

        • Bigger objects end up with more charge because they have more room

      • Insulators don’t allow as much charge to disperse through contact as conductors do

    • Induced Charge, Polarization, and Induction

      • Induced charge - a neutrally charged object becomes polarized (electrons clump up on one side of the object and positive charges pile on the other side)

      • In AP Physics 2 questions, a grounding wire is often included

        • The grounding wire essentially serves as an escape route for charges to escape from the polarized object

  • Charge Distribution

    • On conductors, excess charges are pushed to the outside of the object to get away from each other

    • On insulators, excess charges stay where they are and don’t disperse

Electric Fields

  • Field: a property of a region that can apply force to objects found in that space

  • Electric fields affect charged particles only

    • Charged particles in electric fields experience an electric force

      Field diagram where X is a negative charge and Y is a positive charge

  • Electric fields are drawn as arrows because they’re vectors

    • The longer the arrows, the greater the magnitude of the electric field

  • Units of electric fields: N/C (Newtons/Coulomb)

  • F = qE

    • F: electric force

    • q: charge

    • E: electric field

  • The direction of the force on a positive charge is the same direction as the electric field

    • The direction of the force on a negative charge is the opposite direction as the electric field

    • Typically, when using the equation F = qE, we solve for the magnitude and find the direction of the electric force and/or field afterward

Electric Potential

  • Electric potential: Electric potential energy per unit charge (provided by an electric field)

    • Units: 1 V = 1 J/C

    • Electric potential is scalar (only have magnitudes)

    • “Zero of electric potential” = “ground” = a theoretical distance at which two charged particles are infinitely far away from each other and therefore don’t affect each other

    • ΔU = qΔV

      • ΔU = difference in electric potential energy

      • q = charge

      • ΔV = difference in electric potential

  • Equipotential lines: Lines on which a charged particle would have the same potential

    Equipotential Diagram

    • Equipotential lines are drawn perpendicular to the electric field lines

    • It takes energy to move a charge to another equipotential line

    • Positive charges are naturally pulled to areas of negative potential

    • Negative charges are naturally pulled to areas of positive potential

    • Remember that energy is conserved so U + K is constant

      • U is electric potential energy and K is kinetic energy


  • Parallel Plates

    • There are 2 metal plates that are parallel - one is positively charged and the other is negatively charged

      • This creates a uniform electric field with the arrows pointing from the positive plate to the negative plate

    • E = ΔV/Δr

      • E = the magnitude of the electric field

      • ΔV = the magnitude of the voltage difference between plates

      • Δr = the distance between plates

    • Parallel plates can be used to make capacitors (a device that stores charges and will be further explored in circuits)

      • ΔV = Q/C

        • ΔV = the voltage across plates

        • Q = charge on each plate

        • C = the capacitance of the capacitor

      • C = kεA/d

        • C = capacitance

        • k = dielectric constant - shows how good of an insulator you have between plates

        • ε = “vacuum permittivity” = 8.85 x 10^-12 C/Vm

  • Point charges

    • E = q/(4πεr) = kq/r

      • k = Coulomb’s Law Constant = 9 x 10^9 Nm^2/C^2

    • The electric field produced by a positive charge points away from the charge

    • The electric field produced by negative charge points toward the charge

    • V = kq/r

    • F = kqq/r^2

      • Where the two q’s are the charges of two point charges

      • k = Coulomb’s Law Constant

      • r = the distance between the two point charges

  • Electric Field around a point charge or conducting sphere

    • E = kq/r^2

      • To solve for the magnitude of the electric field

      • Inside a conducting sphere, the electric field is 0

        • Net force on any charge inside a conducting sphere is 0