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English Great Expectations Section 3



Herbert Pocket

  • Marries Clara

    • Helps save Pip from Orlick

  • Provides shelter for Provis to lay low after Wemmick states that someone is spying on Pip 

  • Helps attempt to get Provis out of the country 

  • Becomes a business owner - moves to Cairo, Egypt-

    • Offered Pip a job 

    • Pip became his clerk and then later became a copartner


  • Miss Havisham’s Half Brother 

    • Died due to his immense guilt about deceiving his sister

    • CoPartners with Compeyson

Miss Havisham

  • Died - left money to Matthew Pocket and Estella and her relatives (although Estella received the most while her relatives received very little) 

  • Tried to set herself on fire after talking with Pip

  • Tried to gain redemption by honoring Pip’s requests

  • Pip’s request: 

    • Give Hebert money 900

    • Wanted Pip to write that he forgives her under her name

  • Was given Estella by Jaggers when Estella was only 2-3 years old

Abel Magwitch

  • Was Pip’s benefactor

  • Goes by the alias Provis and then Campbell

  • Worked with Compeyson after being force into a life of crime after becoming an orphan 

  • Worked as a shepherd in New South Wales (Australia) to gain money to make Pip a gentleman

  • Was convicted of a death sentence due to attacking Compeyson

    • Escaped from prison and found Pip and requested that Pip became a gentleman as fast as he could so he could fight against all the judges

  • Almost drowns from getting hit by a boat while fighting with Compeyson

  • Dies in prison infirmary due to injuries sustained after fighting with Compeyson 

    • Stated to have a peaceful death with Pip and learning that his daughter is alive and thriving


  • Estella’s biological mother

  • Went to trial for strangling a women (who she believed was the Mistress to her husband Provis) 

  • Jagger’s was her lawyer (he dressed her very petite and innocent looking which allowed her a higher chance at being proven innocent)

  • In court, Jaggers blamed her scars on getting scratched by a bramble bush

  • She’s worked for Jaggers ever since her successful trial

Bentley Drummle

  • Died due to an incident with a horse 

  • Married to Estella before death, was very abusive to her

  • Fought with Pip constantly over having Estella’s affections

Joe Gargery

  • Visits Pip when Pip is extremely ill and in prison

  • Helps him but leaves him the moment he is strong enough to walk 

    • Called Pip (old nicknames when sick but when he got stronger he referred Pip to Sir again)

  • Pays off all of Pip’s debt 

  • Marries Biddy 

  • Has numerous kids one being named Pip 

Mrs. Whimple

  • Landlady of the apartments where the Barleys reside

  • Claimed as Clara’s actual parent/guardian rather than her drunk father.


  • Marries Joe

  • Has no hatred towards Pip

  • Encourages Joe to go to Pip, saving Pip’s life


  • Was the lawyer for Molly and Provis 

  • Defended Provis when Pip was questioning why he was in London


  • Married Drummle

  • Earns Miss Havisham’s property and a large sum of her money

  • In the end one can see her have a drastic change of having the ability to love someone 

  • Daughter of Magwitch and Molly

John Wemmick

  • Warns Pip/helps Pip with his plan to get Provis out of the country

  • Gets married to Miss Skiffins secretly with only Pip as a witness and best man

  • Has a two differently personalities, one for work and one for home life with his father 

  • Allows Pip to see the true nurturing/caring side he has

Matthew Pocket

  • Was Pip, Startop, and Drummle’s tutor 

  • Receives a large sum of money from Miss Havisham after Pip tells Miss Havisham how great Matthew is


  • Despised Pip for causing Herbert to make poor financial decisions 

  • Hides Magwitch in her house before the escape plan

  • Ended up taking pip in when Elbe needed a home ?

  • Lives in Cairo, Egypt with Herbert later on

Dolge Orlick

  • Arrested after breaking into Pumblechook’s house and torturing him; he’s currently rotting in prison

  • Revealed to have attacked Mrs. Joe/mad at Pip for 3 reasons:

    • Pip was favored in the forge

    • Pip got him fired by Havisham

    • Pip ruined his chance with Biddy


  • Helped rescue Pip from Orlick

  • Joined Herbert and Pip in attempting to get Abel out of the country; he was the designated boat rower since Pip burned his arms at Havisham’s


  • Miss Havisham’s ex fiance 

  • Works with Arthur (half brother to MH) to deceive and steal her money

  • Partners with Provis to commit crime 

  • Drowns after fighting Provis 

  • Briefly partnered with Orlick since they both had a common enemy of wanting to take down Pip

  • Got a much shorter and easier sentence than Magwitch, because Compeyson is upper class

Trabb’s Boy

  • Helps Herbert and Startop find Pip before Orlick could inflict harm on him

  • Organizes Mrs. Joe’s funeral 

  • Accepts Pip’s money but not his apology

Bill Barley

  • Former Ship’s Pursuer

  • Drunk, Bedridden, Abusive

  • Also known as Gruffandgrim


Important Quotes

Herbert Pocket

  • “We owed so much to Herbert's ever cheerful industry and readiness that I often wondered how I had conceived the old idea of his inaptitude, until I was one day enlightened by the reflection that perhaps the inaptitude had never been in him at all, but had been in me”

    • Said BY PIP about Herbert and refers to how Pip wrongfully judged Herbert

  • "Young Havisham's name was Arthur. Compeyson is the man who professed to be Miss Havisham's lover."

    • Written in Herbert's note to Pip after hearing Magwtich’s life story

Pip Pirrip

  • “O Lord, be merciful to him, a sinner”

    • Him as in Provis during his sentencing (sentenced to death but died before) 

  • “For now my repugnance to [Provis] had all melted away, and in the hunted wounded shackled creature who held my hand in his, I only saw a man who had meant to be my benefactor, and who had felt affectionately, gratefully, and generously towards me with great constancy through a series of years. I only saw in him a much better man than I had been to Joe.”

    • Refers to how Pip avoided being associated with Provis due to his criminal reputation; however, after Provis had continuously shown loyalty, Pip decided he did not care about his reputation as long as he continued his relationship. 

  • “Among those few, there may be one who loves you even as dearly, though he has not loved you as long as I. Take him, and I can bear it better for your sake."

    • Refers to how Miss Havisham made Estella marry Drummle, someone who does truly love her rather than someone who does just to accomplish her goal of breaking a man’s heart. Pip states how if he were to not marry Estella that she should marry someone who would at least truly love her just as much as he does. 

  • “Don't tell him, Joe, that I was thankless; don't tell him, Biddy, that I was ungenerous and unjust; only tell him that I honoured you both because you were both so good and true, and that, as your child, I said it would be natural to him to grow up a much better man than I did.”

    • Refers to Pip feeling ashamed for his actions and asking Biddy and Joe to tell their child only about the good he has done

  • I took her hand in mine, and we went out of the ruined place; and, as the morning mists had risen long ago when I first left the forge, so, the evening mists were rising now, and in all the broad expanse of tranquil light they showed to me, I saw no shadow of another parting from her.

    • Refers to Pip meeting Estella at Satis House; implies a rekindling of their relationship

  • “the wonderful difference between the servile manner in which [Mr. Pumblechook] had offered his hand in my new prosperity, saying, "May I?" and the ostentatious clemency with which he had just now exhibited the same fat five fingers”

    • Refers to how Mr. Pumblechook and other members showered Pip with kindness when it was rumored that he had “great expectations” however when Pip loses it all, no one cares for him. Mr. Pumblechook disregards Pip once more when realizing he did not become someone of a higher social class

Miss Havisham 

  • something like “oh please forgive me”

  • “But as she grew and promised to be very beautiful, I gradually did worse, and with my praises, and with my jewels, and with my teachings, and with this figure of myself always before her, a warning to back and point my lessons, I stole her heart away and put ice in its place"

    • Refers to Miss Havisham feeling ashamed for “replacing” Estellas heart with ice due to her teachings

  • “You made your own snares. I never made them.”

    • Referring to Pip feeling bad that all her relatives hate him because she led them to believe she was Pip’s benefactress

Abel Magwitch

  • something like “I feel no pain”

  • “So fur as I could find, there warn't a soul that see young Abel Magwitch, with us little on him as in him, but wot caught fright at him, and either drove him off, or took him up. I was took up, took up, took up, to that extent that I reg'larly grow'd up took up.”

    • Reveals that Magwitch became a criminal as a consequence of his childhood and being manipulated others

Joe Gargery

  • “Then why go into subjects, old chap, which as betwixt two sech must be for ever onnecessary? There’s subjects enough as betwixt two sech, without onnecessary ones. Lord! To think of your poor sister and her Ranpages! And don’t you remember Tickler?” 

    • Said to Pip when he tries to explain Magwitch and who his real benefactor is

Mrs. Joe

  • last words: Pip, Joe, pardon


  • something like “omg you made it to my wedding!”


  • “put the case…”

  • “I can’t believe you didn’t secure his fortune”

    • Said to Pip about Magwitch’s fortune


  • “"…now, when suffering has been stronger than all other teaching, and has taught me to understand what your heart used to be. I have been bent and broken, but – I hope – into a better shape."

    • Refers to Estella not growing into a hateful person due to misteachings by Miss Havisham

    • Speaker: Estella

    • To whom it is said to: Pip 

John Wemmick

  • ”halloa, it’s a church!” ect.

    • Refers to how Wemmick tricked Pip into following him into a church so he can witness him and Miss Skiffins marriage

Dolge Orlick

  • ”this is all your fault Pip”

    • Refers to why Orlick attacks Pip 


  • “I don't know how she's there,' says Arthur, shivering dreadful with the horrors, 'but she's standing in the corner at the foot of the bed, awful mad”

    • Refers to Arthurs hallucinations of Miss Havisham because he feels guilty about lying to her


  • “I had a ridiculous fancy that he must be with you, Mr. Pip, till I saw that you were quite unconscious of him, sitting behind you there, like a ghost.”

    • Said by Mr. Wopsle to Pip in reference of Compeyson watching over him during the play; Pip had a feeling he was being watched

Bill Barley

  • “I’m a deadbeat father who never contributed any support towards my daughter!”

English Great Expectations Section 3



Herbert Pocket

  • Marries Clara

    • Helps save Pip from Orlick

  • Provides shelter for Provis to lay low after Wemmick states that someone is spying on Pip 

  • Helps attempt to get Provis out of the country 

  • Becomes a business owner - moves to Cairo, Egypt-

    • Offered Pip a job 

    • Pip became his clerk and then later became a copartner


  • Miss Havisham’s Half Brother 

    • Died due to his immense guilt about deceiving his sister

    • CoPartners with Compeyson

Miss Havisham

  • Died - left money to Matthew Pocket and Estella and her relatives (although Estella received the most while her relatives received very little) 

  • Tried to set herself on fire after talking with Pip

  • Tried to gain redemption by honoring Pip’s requests

  • Pip’s request: 

    • Give Hebert money 900

    • Wanted Pip to write that he forgives her under her name

  • Was given Estella by Jaggers when Estella was only 2-3 years old

Abel Magwitch

  • Was Pip’s benefactor

  • Goes by the alias Provis and then Campbell

  • Worked with Compeyson after being force into a life of crime after becoming an orphan 

  • Worked as a shepherd in New South Wales (Australia) to gain money to make Pip a gentleman

  • Was convicted of a death sentence due to attacking Compeyson

    • Escaped from prison and found Pip and requested that Pip became a gentleman as fast as he could so he could fight against all the judges

  • Almost drowns from getting hit by a boat while fighting with Compeyson

  • Dies in prison infirmary due to injuries sustained after fighting with Compeyson 

    • Stated to have a peaceful death with Pip and learning that his daughter is alive and thriving


  • Estella’s biological mother

  • Went to trial for strangling a women (who she believed was the Mistress to her husband Provis) 

  • Jagger’s was her lawyer (he dressed her very petite and innocent looking which allowed her a higher chance at being proven innocent)

  • In court, Jaggers blamed her scars on getting scratched by a bramble bush

  • She’s worked for Jaggers ever since her successful trial

Bentley Drummle

  • Died due to an incident with a horse 

  • Married to Estella before death, was very abusive to her

  • Fought with Pip constantly over having Estella’s affections

Joe Gargery

  • Visits Pip when Pip is extremely ill and in prison

  • Helps him but leaves him the moment he is strong enough to walk 

    • Called Pip (old nicknames when sick but when he got stronger he referred Pip to Sir again)

  • Pays off all of Pip’s debt 

  • Marries Biddy 

  • Has numerous kids one being named Pip 

Mrs. Whimple

  • Landlady of the apartments where the Barleys reside

  • Claimed as Clara’s actual parent/guardian rather than her drunk father.


  • Marries Joe

  • Has no hatred towards Pip

  • Encourages Joe to go to Pip, saving Pip’s life


  • Was the lawyer for Molly and Provis 

  • Defended Provis when Pip was questioning why he was in London


  • Married Drummle

  • Earns Miss Havisham’s property and a large sum of her money

  • In the end one can see her have a drastic change of having the ability to love someone 

  • Daughter of Magwitch and Molly

John Wemmick

  • Warns Pip/helps Pip with his plan to get Provis out of the country

  • Gets married to Miss Skiffins secretly with only Pip as a witness and best man

  • Has a two differently personalities, one for work and one for home life with his father 

  • Allows Pip to see the true nurturing/caring side he has

Matthew Pocket

  • Was Pip, Startop, and Drummle’s tutor 

  • Receives a large sum of money from Miss Havisham after Pip tells Miss Havisham how great Matthew is


  • Despised Pip for causing Herbert to make poor financial decisions 

  • Hides Magwitch in her house before the escape plan

  • Ended up taking pip in when Elbe needed a home ?

  • Lives in Cairo, Egypt with Herbert later on

Dolge Orlick

  • Arrested after breaking into Pumblechook’s house and torturing him; he’s currently rotting in prison

  • Revealed to have attacked Mrs. Joe/mad at Pip for 3 reasons:

    • Pip was favored in the forge

    • Pip got him fired by Havisham

    • Pip ruined his chance with Biddy


  • Helped rescue Pip from Orlick

  • Joined Herbert and Pip in attempting to get Abel out of the country; he was the designated boat rower since Pip burned his arms at Havisham’s


  • Miss Havisham’s ex fiance 

  • Works with Arthur (half brother to MH) to deceive and steal her money

  • Partners with Provis to commit crime 

  • Drowns after fighting Provis 

  • Briefly partnered with Orlick since they both had a common enemy of wanting to take down Pip

  • Got a much shorter and easier sentence than Magwitch, because Compeyson is upper class

Trabb’s Boy

  • Helps Herbert and Startop find Pip before Orlick could inflict harm on him

  • Organizes Mrs. Joe’s funeral 

  • Accepts Pip’s money but not his apology

Bill Barley

  • Former Ship’s Pursuer

  • Drunk, Bedridden, Abusive

  • Also known as Gruffandgrim


Important Quotes

Herbert Pocket

  • “We owed so much to Herbert's ever cheerful industry and readiness that I often wondered how I had conceived the old idea of his inaptitude, until I was one day enlightened by the reflection that perhaps the inaptitude had never been in him at all, but had been in me”

    • Said BY PIP about Herbert and refers to how Pip wrongfully judged Herbert

  • "Young Havisham's name was Arthur. Compeyson is the man who professed to be Miss Havisham's lover."

    • Written in Herbert's note to Pip after hearing Magwtich’s life story

Pip Pirrip

  • “O Lord, be merciful to him, a sinner”

    • Him as in Provis during his sentencing (sentenced to death but died before) 

  • “For now my repugnance to [Provis] had all melted away, and in the hunted wounded shackled creature who held my hand in his, I only saw a man who had meant to be my benefactor, and who had felt affectionately, gratefully, and generously towards me with great constancy through a series of years. I only saw in him a much better man than I had been to Joe.”

    • Refers to how Pip avoided being associated with Provis due to his criminal reputation; however, after Provis had continuously shown loyalty, Pip decided he did not care about his reputation as long as he continued his relationship. 

  • “Among those few, there may be one who loves you even as dearly, though he has not loved you as long as I. Take him, and I can bear it better for your sake."

    • Refers to how Miss Havisham made Estella marry Drummle, someone who does truly love her rather than someone who does just to accomplish her goal of breaking a man’s heart. Pip states how if he were to not marry Estella that she should marry someone who would at least truly love her just as much as he does. 

  • “Don't tell him, Joe, that I was thankless; don't tell him, Biddy, that I was ungenerous and unjust; only tell him that I honoured you both because you were both so good and true, and that, as your child, I said it would be natural to him to grow up a much better man than I did.”

    • Refers to Pip feeling ashamed for his actions and asking Biddy and Joe to tell their child only about the good he has done

  • I took her hand in mine, and we went out of the ruined place; and, as the morning mists had risen long ago when I first left the forge, so, the evening mists were rising now, and in all the broad expanse of tranquil light they showed to me, I saw no shadow of another parting from her.

    • Refers to Pip meeting Estella at Satis House; implies a rekindling of their relationship

  • “the wonderful difference between the servile manner in which [Mr. Pumblechook] had offered his hand in my new prosperity, saying, "May I?" and the ostentatious clemency with which he had just now exhibited the same fat five fingers”

    • Refers to how Mr. Pumblechook and other members showered Pip with kindness when it was rumored that he had “great expectations” however when Pip loses it all, no one cares for him. Mr. Pumblechook disregards Pip once more when realizing he did not become someone of a higher social class

Miss Havisham 

  • something like “oh please forgive me”

  • “But as she grew and promised to be very beautiful, I gradually did worse, and with my praises, and with my jewels, and with my teachings, and with this figure of myself always before her, a warning to back and point my lessons, I stole her heart away and put ice in its place"

    • Refers to Miss Havisham feeling ashamed for “replacing” Estellas heart with ice due to her teachings

  • “You made your own snares. I never made them.”

    • Referring to Pip feeling bad that all her relatives hate him because she led them to believe she was Pip’s benefactress

Abel Magwitch

  • something like “I feel no pain”

  • “So fur as I could find, there warn't a soul that see young Abel Magwitch, with us little on him as in him, but wot caught fright at him, and either drove him off, or took him up. I was took up, took up, took up, to that extent that I reg'larly grow'd up took up.”

    • Reveals that Magwitch became a criminal as a consequence of his childhood and being manipulated others

Joe Gargery

  • “Then why go into subjects, old chap, which as betwixt two sech must be for ever onnecessary? There’s subjects enough as betwixt two sech, without onnecessary ones. Lord! To think of your poor sister and her Ranpages! And don’t you remember Tickler?” 

    • Said to Pip when he tries to explain Magwitch and who his real benefactor is

Mrs. Joe

  • last words: Pip, Joe, pardon


  • something like “omg you made it to my wedding!”


  • “put the case…”

  • “I can’t believe you didn’t secure his fortune”

    • Said to Pip about Magwitch’s fortune


  • “"…now, when suffering has been stronger than all other teaching, and has taught me to understand what your heart used to be. I have been bent and broken, but – I hope – into a better shape."

    • Refers to Estella not growing into a hateful person due to misteachings by Miss Havisham

    • Speaker: Estella

    • To whom it is said to: Pip 

John Wemmick

  • ”halloa, it’s a church!” ect.

    • Refers to how Wemmick tricked Pip into following him into a church so he can witness him and Miss Skiffins marriage

Dolge Orlick

  • ”this is all your fault Pip”

    • Refers to why Orlick attacks Pip 


  • “I don't know how she's there,' says Arthur, shivering dreadful with the horrors, 'but she's standing in the corner at the foot of the bed, awful mad”

    • Refers to Arthurs hallucinations of Miss Havisham because he feels guilty about lying to her


  • “I had a ridiculous fancy that he must be with you, Mr. Pip, till I saw that you were quite unconscious of him, sitting behind you there, like a ghost.”

    • Said by Mr. Wopsle to Pip in reference of Compeyson watching over him during the play; Pip had a feeling he was being watched

Bill Barley

  • “I’m a deadbeat father who never contributed any support towards my daughter!”
