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AP Lang Vocab Quiz #10

Abysmal – adj. extremely hopeless or wretched; bottomless

Fecund – adj. fertile; productive

Frenetic – adj. frantic; frenzied

Dubious – adj. full of doubt; uncertain

Acrimonious – adj. full of spite; bitter; nasty

Largesse – n. generous giving of gifts (or the gifts themselves); generosity

Chagrin – n. humiliation; embarrassed disappointment

Callow – adj. immature

Ineffable – adj. incapable of being expressed or described

Didactic – adj. intended to teach; morally instructive; pedantic

Indolent – adj. lazy

Hegemony – n. leadership, especially of one nation over another

Fraternal – adj. like brothers

Vociferous – adj. loud; noisy

Fastidious – adj. meticulous; demanding; finicky

Sardonic – adj. mocking; scornful

Enigma – n. mystery

Parochial – adj. narrow or confined in a point of view; provincial

Endemic – adj. native restricted to a particular region or era; indigenous

Pejorative – adj. negative; disparaging


AP Lang Vocab Quiz #10

Abysmal – adj. extremely hopeless or wretched; bottomless

Fecund – adj. fertile; productive

Frenetic – adj. frantic; frenzied

Dubious – adj. full of doubt; uncertain

Acrimonious – adj. full of spite; bitter; nasty

Largesse – n. generous giving of gifts (or the gifts themselves); generosity

Chagrin – n. humiliation; embarrassed disappointment

Callow – adj. immature

Ineffable – adj. incapable of being expressed or described

Didactic – adj. intended to teach; morally instructive; pedantic

Indolent – adj. lazy

Hegemony – n. leadership, especially of one nation over another

Fraternal – adj. like brothers

Vociferous – adj. loud; noisy

Fastidious – adj. meticulous; demanding; finicky

Sardonic – adj. mocking; scornful

Enigma – n. mystery

Parochial – adj. narrow or confined in a point of view; provincial

Endemic – adj. native restricted to a particular region or era; indigenous

Pejorative – adj. negative; disparaging