Amicable (adj) – friendly; showing goodwill Amiable (adj) - friendly; showing goodwill Enamored (of) (adj) – to be filled with admiration for someone/thing Revere (v) – to regard with devotion and awe; to worship and adore Venerate (v) – to regard with high respect (especially b/c of dignity or age) |
Abhor (v) – to hate, detest, loathe Abomination (n) – someone/thing worthy of disgust and loathing Loathe (v) – to hate, detest, abhor Repugnant (adj) – offensive, distasteful, objectionable Revulsion (n) – a strong feeling of hate, loathing, disgust |
Formidable (adj) – causing fear by reason of strength, size, difficulty, etc.; hard to overcome; to be dreaded Robust (adj) – strong and healthy; vigorous Tenacious (adj) – strong and stubborn; unyielding Vehement (adj) – forceful, showing strong feeling Vigorous (adj) – strong, active, robust |
Debilitate (v) – to make weak or feeble Decrepit (adj) – broken down or weakened by old age or use; worn out Dilapidated (adj) – falling to pieces; decayed (usually b/c of neglect) Frail (adj) – weak, fragile Incapacitated (adj) – disabled; made incapable or unfit |
Destitute (adj) – very, very poor; not possessing the necessities of life, such as food, shelter and clothing Economize (v) – to cut down on expenses; to avoid waste; to be frugal Frugal (adj) – avoiding waste; economical; sparing and thrifty Indigent (adj) – very, very poor Parsimonious (adj) – excessive economizing; stingy; too frugal |
Affluent (adj) – very wealthy Avarice (n) – greed (it’s one of the 7 Deadly Sins!) Covet (v) – to long for something that belongs to someone else Lucrative (adj) – profitable; money-making Opulent (adj) – showing great wealth; richly supplied and very fancy (note: cannot be used to describe people) |