Radioactive Decay

Types of Radioactive Decay

  • Alpha decay: the loss of an α-particle

    • α-particle: a helium nucleus

  • Beta decay: the loss of a β-particle

    • β-particle: a high-energy electron

  • Positron emission: the loss of a positron

    • Positron: a particle that has the same mass as, but an opposite charge to, that of an electron

  • Gamma emission: the loss of a γ-ray

    • γ-ray: high-energy radiation that almost always accompanies the loss of a nuclear particle:

  • Electron capture (K-capture): addition of an electron to a proton in the nucleus

    • The result of this process is that a proton is transformed into a neutron

Kinetics of Radioactive Decay

  • Nuclear transmutation is a first-order process.

  • The kinetics of such a process obey this equation:

    • ln(Nt/N0) = −kt

      • Nt is the mass, or number of particles at time t.

      • No is the original.

  • The half-life of such a process is

    • 0.693/k=t1/2

    • Comparing the amount of a radioactive nuclide present at a given point in time with the amount normally present, one can find the age of an object.
