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week 13: prejudice

  • What is prejudice?

    A negative prejudgement of a group and its individual members, with or without intent

  • What is discrimination?

    unjustifiable negative behaviour toward a group or its members - the act

  • What is a stereotype?

    pos or neg beliefs about the personal attributes of a group of people

  • What is the difference between implicit and explicit prejudice?

    implicit is unconscious, we do not realize we have this prejudice whereas explicit is conscious, so we know what we are doing and why

  • What are the 4 sources of prejudice?

    • inequality or unequal status - breeds prejudice, the “superior” class mentality

    • socialization - prejudice and discrimination are learned behaviours, through fam and media

    • ethnocentrism

    • religion

  • What is ethnocentrism?

    The process where we judge another culture through the lens of our own

  • Explain the relationship between religion and prejudice.

    • People who are more fundamentally religious TEND to be more prejudiced

    • Clergy [religious officials] TEND to be less prejudiced

  • What is social dominance orientation?

    When groups want to achieve and maintain a higher social position

  • What are the 2 motivations of prejudice, define them.

    scapegoat theory

    • Competition of resources fuels prejudice

    • Tendency to blame another group for problems you face

    social identity theory

    our identity is based on group membership

    • in group bias

      refers to the tendency to favor members of one's own group over those in other groups. This favoritism can manifest in various ways, including preferential treatment, allocation of resources, or positive evaluations.

    • out-group homogeneity effect

      refers to the perception that members of out-groups (groups we do not belong to) are more similar to each other than they actually are. This is often due to limited exposure to these groups and contributes to stereotyping and bias.

  • What are the 2 consequences of prejudice?

    • self fulfilling prophecy

      victims of discrimination can internalize and blame themselves

    • stereotype threat

      the experience of self-confirming apprehension when entering a situation that you will be judged based on a negative stereotype

  • What is terror management?

    suggests that our awareness of our own mortality can lead to feelings of existential terror. To manage these feelings, people cling to their cultural worldviews and react defensively to those who threaten these beliefs.

  • What is racism? What is sexism?

    • racism

      Racism is a form of prejudice that involves negative attitudes, beliefs, and/or behaviors towards individuals or groups based on their perceived racial or ethnic group. It involves the belief of superiority of one's own race and can lead to discrimination and unequal treatment.

    • sexism

      Sexism is a form of prejudice that involves negative attitudes and beliefs towards individuals or groups based on their gender. It often includes the belief that one gender is superior to others and can lead to discriminatory behavior and unequal treatment in various social contexts.

  • What is realistic group conflict theory?

    Realistic Group Conflict Theory proposes that intergroup hostility and prejudice arise from conflicting goals and competition over limited resources. This theory suggests that prejudice can increase when groups perceive others as threats to their interests or wellbeing, leading to heightened tension and conflict.


week 13: prejudice

  • What is prejudice?

    A negative prejudgement of a group and its individual members, with or without intent

  • What is discrimination?

    unjustifiable negative behaviour toward a group or its members - the act

  • What is a stereotype?

    pos or neg beliefs about the personal attributes of a group of people

  • What is the difference between implicit and explicit prejudice?

    implicit is unconscious, we do not realize we have this prejudice whereas explicit is conscious, so we know what we are doing and why

  • What are the 4 sources of prejudice?

    • inequality or unequal status - breeds prejudice, the “superior” class mentality

    • socialization - prejudice and discrimination are learned behaviours, through fam and media

    • ethnocentrism

    • religion

  • What is ethnocentrism?

    The process where we judge another culture through the lens of our own

  • Explain the relationship between religion and prejudice.

    • People who are more fundamentally religious TEND to be more prejudiced

    • Clergy [religious officials] TEND to be less prejudiced

  • What is social dominance orientation?

    When groups want to achieve and maintain a higher social position

  • What are the 2 motivations of prejudice, define them.

    scapegoat theory

    • Competition of resources fuels prejudice

    • Tendency to blame another group for problems you face

    social identity theory

    our identity is based on group membership

    • in group bias

      refers to the tendency to favor members of one's own group over those in other groups. This favoritism can manifest in various ways, including preferential treatment, allocation of resources, or positive evaluations.

    • out-group homogeneity effect

      refers to the perception that members of out-groups (groups we do not belong to) are more similar to each other than they actually are. This is often due to limited exposure to these groups and contributes to stereotyping and bias.

  • What are the 2 consequences of prejudice?

    • self fulfilling prophecy

      victims of discrimination can internalize and blame themselves

    • stereotype threat

      the experience of self-confirming apprehension when entering a situation that you will be judged based on a negative stereotype

  • What is terror management?

    suggests that our awareness of our own mortality can lead to feelings of existential terror. To manage these feelings, people cling to their cultural worldviews and react defensively to those who threaten these beliefs.

  • What is racism? What is sexism?

    • racism

      Racism is a form of prejudice that involves negative attitudes, beliefs, and/or behaviors towards individuals or groups based on their perceived racial or ethnic group. It involves the belief of superiority of one's own race and can lead to discrimination and unequal treatment.

    • sexism

      Sexism is a form of prejudice that involves negative attitudes and beliefs towards individuals or groups based on their gender. It often includes the belief that one gender is superior to others and can lead to discriminatory behavior and unequal treatment in various social contexts.

  • What is realistic group conflict theory?

    Realistic Group Conflict Theory proposes that intergroup hostility and prejudice arise from conflicting goals and competition over limited resources. This theory suggests that prejudice can increase when groups perceive others as threats to their interests or wellbeing, leading to heightened tension and conflict.