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Chapter 5 - Magnetism and Electromagnetic Induction

Magnetic Fields

  • All magnets have South and North poles

    • If you took a magnet such as a rectangular-shaped bar magnet, you are not separating the poles - you are creating two magnets that still have North and South poles

  • Magnetism and static electricity

    • Similarities:

      • Magnets and charges exert equal and opposite forces on each other

      • Magnetic and electric fields extend into infinity and get weaker with increased distance

    • Differences:

      • Magnetic fields only affect moving charges whereas electric fields can affect both stationary and moving charges

      • The force exerted by magnetic fields is perpendicular to both the velocity of the charge and the direction of the magnetic field

      • Magnetic field lines are loops instead of lines like in electric fields

  • Magnetic Field lines

    • Magnetic field lines are loops that point away from the North and toward the South

      Magnetic field lines around a bar magnet

    • Iron filings gather on these magnetic field lines, creating patterns visible to the human eye

    • Like electric field lines, longer arrows indicate larger field strength

  • What creates magnetic fields?

    • Moving charges

      • For bar magnets, these charges are the electrons circling the nucleus of atoms

      • In wires, current serves as moving charges

  • 3-D nature

    • Magnetic fields are 3D which is often hard to show on paper

    • In the exam, a dot with a circle (the circle is most often there but it could just be a dot) around it indicates a magnetic field coming out of the page (think of an arrow head coming at you)

      • An X indicates a magnetic field going into the page (think of the back of an arrow)

Applications of Magnetic Fields

  • Dipoles of the Earth

    • The magnetic south pole is actually the geographic north pone and vice versa

  • The magnetic field in a straight wire with current

    • The magnetic field forms circles in the plane perpendicular to the length of the wire

      • Picture washers on a wire - those represent circles of the magnetic field

    • The right-hand rule

      • Grasp a pencil with your right hand

      • Your fingers will curl around the pencil in the same direction the magnetic field curls

        • If you imagine a wire with current pointing left, the magnetic field will be represented with X’s on top of the wire and dots below the wire (also known as counterclockwise)

      • Your thumb will point in the direction of the current

    • B = 𝜇I/(2πr)

      • B: magnetic field

      • 𝜇: vacuum permeability (4π x 10^-7)

      • I: Current

      • r: distance between enter of wire to where you’re trying to find the field strength

  • Solenoid

    • Solenoid: a coil of wire created by wire looped circularly multiple times

    • Solenoids hooked up to a battery creates a dipole magnetic field like a bar magnet

  • Force on a moving charge

    • If the velocity of a moving particle is perpendicular to the magnetic field, a magnetic force is exerted on the moving charge

    • F = qvBsin(θ)

      • F: magnetic force

      • q: charge of particle

      • v: velocity

      • B: magnetic field

      • θ: angle between velocity and magnetic field vectors

    • Right hand rule - “flat finger” rule

      • Fingers point in the direction of the magnetic field

      • Thumb points in the direction of the velocity for the positive charge

      • Palm points in the direction of the force

      • The right hand rule works for positive particles but for negative particles, the same rules apply if you use your left hand

    • When acceleration is perpendicular to the velocity, as is the case because the magnetic force is perpendicular to the velocity, the acceleration is centripetal

  • Force on a current-carrying wire from an outside magnetic field

    • F = ILsin(θ)B

      • F: magnetic force

      • L: length of the wire

      • B: magnetic field

      • I: current

      • θ: angle between the current and magnetic field

  • The force between two parallel wires

    • To solve problems like this, find the directions of the magnetic field around Wire B and determine the effects on Wire A

    • The forces on the wires are equal and opposite in direction

    • B = 𝜇I/(2πr)

      • B: Magnetic field from wire B

      • I: Current from wire B

      • r: distance between wires A and B

    • F = ILsin(θ)B

      • F: magnetic force on wire A from wire B

      • I: current through wire A

      • L: length of wire (lengths of wire A and B are the same)

      • B: magnetic field from wire B

  • Mass Spectrometer

  • Remember that magnetic forces give charges a centripetal acceleration

    • This means the magnetic force only changes the direction of the charge without altering the magnitude of the velocity

    • The path of the charge then becomes circular

  • Fc = Fb

    • Fc: centripetal force

    • Fb: magnetic force

  • mv^2/r = qvB

    • m: mass of the particle

    • v: velocity

    • r: radius of the circular path

    • q: charge

    • B: magnetic field

    • Therefore, r = mv/(qB)

  • If part of the velocity is parallel to the field (theta is not 90 degrees), the charge will take a helical path

  • Mass Spectrometer: a device used to determine the charge to mass of a particle by arcing them in a magnetic field and finding the radius of its path

Magnetic Flux

  • Magnetic Flux: a measure of the magnetic field passing through an area

    • Measured in Webers

  • Magnetic field strength (magnetic flux density) multiplied by area is equal to magnetic flux

    • ɸ = Bcos(θ)A

    • ɸ: magnetic flux

    • B: magnetic field

    • θ: angle between the magnetic field and the “window” of magnetic flux we’re measuring

Electromagnetic Induction

  • Electromotive force

    • ε = Blv

      • ε: electromotive force

      • B: magnetic field

      • l: length of the wire in the magnetic field

      • v: velocity of the wire

    • The movement of a wire through a magnetic field can produce an electromotive force

    • Other ways to use electromagnetic induction:

      • Changing magnetic field strength

      • Changing the flux area of a loop

      • Turning the loop

    • ε = -N(Δɸ/Δt)

      • N: number of turns in the wire around the loop

    • For rectangular loops:

      • ε = BLv

        • ε: electromotive force

        • L: length of the rectangle side that is entering the magnetic field

        • B: magnetic field

        • v: velocity

  • Lenz’s Law: The direction of the induced current opposes any change in flux

    • If we move a loop with zero magnetic field near a magnetic field coming out of the page, the induced current will create a magnetic field into the page within the loop to oppose the increased magnetic field out of the page

      • When the loop stops moving and is completely in the region with the magnetic field, there is no induced emf with no changing flux

  • Uses for electromagnetic induction:

    • Generation of electricity

    • In microphones and speakers

    • To run motors

    • In MRIs

    • On credit cards

    • Point is: electromagnetic induction is very important in everyday use

Magnetic Behavior

  • Ferromagnetism

    • Ex: iron, nickel. and cobalt

    • Localized regions called domains are inside this material

    • In an external magnetic field, the domains align, amplifying it

      • Domains can grow enough to create a permanent magnet

    • Magnets strongly attract ferromagnetic materials

  • Paramagnetism

    • Unlike ferromagnetic materials, paramagnetic materials don’t form permanent magnets

    • Magnets weakly attract paramagnetic materials

    • The domains still align with the external magnetic field

  • Diamagnetism

    • Internal properties align opposite to the external field - cancel out that part of the magnetic field

    • Ex: water, graphite

    • Magnets weakly repel diamagnetic materials

Chapter 5 - Magnetism and Electromagnetic Induction

Magnetic Fields

  • All magnets have South and North poles

    • If you took a magnet such as a rectangular-shaped bar magnet, you are not separating the poles - you are creating two magnets that still have North and South poles

  • Magnetism and static electricity

    • Similarities:

      • Magnets and charges exert equal and opposite forces on each other

      • Magnetic and electric fields extend into infinity and get weaker with increased distance

    • Differences:

      • Magnetic fields only affect moving charges whereas electric fields can affect both stationary and moving charges

      • The force exerted by magnetic fields is perpendicular to both the velocity of the charge and the direction of the magnetic field

      • Magnetic field lines are loops instead of lines like in electric fields

  • Magnetic Field lines

    • Magnetic field lines are loops that point away from the North and toward the South

      Magnetic field lines around a bar magnet

    • Iron filings gather on these magnetic field lines, creating patterns visible to the human eye

    • Like electric field lines, longer arrows indicate larger field strength

  • What creates magnetic fields?

    • Moving charges

      • For bar magnets, these charges are the electrons circling the nucleus of atoms

      • In wires, current serves as moving charges

  • 3-D nature

    • Magnetic fields are 3D which is often hard to show on paper

    • In the exam, a dot with a circle (the circle is most often there but it could just be a dot) around it indicates a magnetic field coming out of the page (think of an arrow head coming at you)

      • An X indicates a magnetic field going into the page (think of the back of an arrow)

Applications of Magnetic Fields

  • Dipoles of the Earth

    • The magnetic south pole is actually the geographic north pone and vice versa

  • The magnetic field in a straight wire with current

    • The magnetic field forms circles in the plane perpendicular to the length of the wire

      • Picture washers on a wire - those represent circles of the magnetic field

    • The right-hand rule

      • Grasp a pencil with your right hand

      • Your fingers will curl around the pencil in the same direction the magnetic field curls

        • If you imagine a wire with current pointing left, the magnetic field will be represented with X’s on top of the wire and dots below the wire (also known as counterclockwise)

      • Your thumb will point in the direction of the current

    • B = 𝜇I/(2πr)

      • B: magnetic field

      • 𝜇: vacuum permeability (4π x 10^-7)

      • I: Current

      • r: distance between enter of wire to where you’re trying to find the field strength

  • Solenoid

    • Solenoid: a coil of wire created by wire looped circularly multiple times

    • Solenoids hooked up to a battery creates a dipole magnetic field like a bar magnet

  • Force on a moving charge

    • If the velocity of a moving particle is perpendicular to the magnetic field, a magnetic force is exerted on the moving charge

    • F = qvBsin(θ)

      • F: magnetic force

      • q: charge of particle

      • v: velocity

      • B: magnetic field

      • θ: angle between velocity and magnetic field vectors

    • Right hand rule - “flat finger” rule

      • Fingers point in the direction of the magnetic field

      • Thumb points in the direction of the velocity for the positive charge

      • Palm points in the direction of the force

      • The right hand rule works for positive particles but for negative particles, the same rules apply if you use your left hand

    • When acceleration is perpendicular to the velocity, as is the case because the magnetic force is perpendicular to the velocity, the acceleration is centripetal

  • Force on a current-carrying wire from an outside magnetic field

    • F = ILsin(θ)B

      • F: magnetic force

      • L: length of the wire

      • B: magnetic field

      • I: current

      • θ: angle between the current and magnetic field

  • The force between two parallel wires

    • To solve problems like this, find the directions of the magnetic field around Wire B and determine the effects on Wire A

    • The forces on the wires are equal and opposite in direction

    • B = 𝜇I/(2πr)

      • B: Magnetic field from wire B

      • I: Current from wire B

      • r: distance between wires A and B

    • F = ILsin(θ)B

      • F: magnetic force on wire A from wire B

      • I: current through wire A

      • L: length of wire (lengths of wire A and B are the same)

      • B: magnetic field from wire B

  • Mass Spectrometer

  • Remember that magnetic forces give charges a centripetal acceleration

    • This means the magnetic force only changes the direction of the charge without altering the magnitude of the velocity

    • The path of the charge then becomes circular

  • Fc = Fb

    • Fc: centripetal force

    • Fb: magnetic force

  • mv^2/r = qvB

    • m: mass of the particle

    • v: velocity

    • r: radius of the circular path

    • q: charge

    • B: magnetic field

    • Therefore, r = mv/(qB)

  • If part of the velocity is parallel to the field (theta is not 90 degrees), the charge will take a helical path

  • Mass Spectrometer: a device used to determine the charge to mass of a particle by arcing them in a magnetic field and finding the radius of its path

Magnetic Flux

  • Magnetic Flux: a measure of the magnetic field passing through an area

    • Measured in Webers

  • Magnetic field strength (magnetic flux density) multiplied by area is equal to magnetic flux

    • ɸ = Bcos(θ)A

    • ɸ: magnetic flux

    • B: magnetic field

    • θ: angle between the magnetic field and the “window” of magnetic flux we’re measuring

Electromagnetic Induction

  • Electromotive force

    • ε = Blv

      • ε: electromotive force

      • B: magnetic field

      • l: length of the wire in the magnetic field

      • v: velocity of the wire

    • The movement of a wire through a magnetic field can produce an electromotive force

    • Other ways to use electromagnetic induction:

      • Changing magnetic field strength

      • Changing the flux area of a loop

      • Turning the loop

    • ε = -N(Δɸ/Δt)

      • N: number of turns in the wire around the loop

    • For rectangular loops:

      • ε = BLv

        • ε: electromotive force

        • L: length of the rectangle side that is entering the magnetic field

        • B: magnetic field

        • v: velocity

  • Lenz’s Law: The direction of the induced current opposes any change in flux

    • If we move a loop with zero magnetic field near a magnetic field coming out of the page, the induced current will create a magnetic field into the page within the loop to oppose the increased magnetic field out of the page

      • When the loop stops moving and is completely in the region with the magnetic field, there is no induced emf with no changing flux

  • Uses for electromagnetic induction:

    • Generation of electricity

    • In microphones and speakers

    • To run motors

    • In MRIs

    • On credit cards

    • Point is: electromagnetic induction is very important in everyday use

Magnetic Behavior

  • Ferromagnetism

    • Ex: iron, nickel. and cobalt

    • Localized regions called domains are inside this material

    • In an external magnetic field, the domains align, amplifying it

      • Domains can grow enough to create a permanent magnet

    • Magnets strongly attract ferromagnetic materials

  • Paramagnetism

    • Unlike ferromagnetic materials, paramagnetic materials don’t form permanent magnets

    • Magnets weakly attract paramagnetic materials

    • The domains still align with the external magnetic field

  • Diamagnetism

    • Internal properties align opposite to the external field - cancel out that part of the magnetic field

    • Ex: water, graphite

    • Magnets weakly repel diamagnetic materials