Exam Review

1. Muhammad - the founder of Islam, the last prophet.

2.  Pagodas - Hindu/Buddhist temple holy temple or sacred building

3.  Natural Rights - John Locke’s belief (Life, Liberty, Property)

4.  Vernacular - The everyday language of everyday people (average person)

5. Archipelago - a chain or group of islands scattered across lakes, seas, and oceans.

6.  Hangul - writing system of the Korean language

7.  Johann Gutenberg - German inventor of the printing press

8. Sect - a group of people with somewhat different beliefs to that of the bigger group.

9. Theocracy - a system of government in which priests rule in the name of God or a god.

10.  Isaac Newton - a mathematician who created calculus

11. Niccolo Machiavelli - created political realism, made guide on how to gain & maintain power

12. Leonardo da Vinci - inventor/artist. (mona lisa, the last supper)

13. Predestination - the idea or belief that God has already chosen your post-life destination.

14. Nicolaus Copernicus - “Earth revolves around the sun” created the heliocentric model

15. Conquistadors - a Spanish explorer who claimed lands in the Americas for Spain.

16. Prince Henry - lead sponsor of exploration

17.  Middle Passage - 2nd leg of triangular trade (Africa → Americas)

18.  Moctezuma - Aztec emperor who faced the expansion envasion by Cortes.

19. Viceroys - representatives that rule in the kings name

20.  Mercantilsm - Policy that a nations wealth was measured by gold & salt (make country rich)

21. 5 Pillars of Islam - 1. Belief in 1 God

2. Alms (charity to the poor)

3.Hajj/Pilgrimage to Mecca

4. Pray 5 times a day

5. Fasting during Ramadan

22.  Sufis - Muslim Mystics who sought communion with God through meditation and fasting

23. Quran - Holy book for Muslims 

24.  Why was Mecca the holiest city for Muslims? - Birthplace of prophet Muhammad

25.  Sunni & Shiite differences - contradicting beliefs on succession after the Prophet Muhammad died

26.  Reasons for Meroe’s success - on Nile River (capital trade city)

27.  Geez - An ancient axum language (African - Jewish)

28. Mansa Musa - Greatest Mali leader (the richest man in the world)

29. What contributed to the economic success of Great Zimbabwe? - commercial links w/ coastal cities

30. Desertifcation - Fertile land to arid deserts

31. Kingdom of Nubia - Upper Nile River (controlled trade + natural resources)

32. China’s two main social classes under the Tang & Song dynasties - Gentry & peasants

33. Which country strongly influenced Korea’s culture & traditions? - China

34.  How did the Japanese Tokugawa’s control the daimyo? - Daiymo must live in Endo every other year

35. Why did the Song dynasty's economy expand? - New farming methods

36.  Role of emperor in Japanese feudal society? -  powerless figurehead

37.  Renaissance - an improvement on already established knowledge.

38.  Protestant Reformation - people started to question the church

39.  Francesco Petrach - assembled libraries of classic works

40.  Sir Thomas More - English humanist , utopian society 

41. Who invented the microscope & was the first person to see cells? - Zacharias Janssen

42.  First Europeans to challenge Portugal’s domination of Asian trade? - Portugal

43.  Vasco da Gama - From Portugal, found Calicut, lots of spices

44.  Vasco Nunez de Balboa - first European to see Pacific ocean from Americas

45.  How did Bartholomew Dias see a sea route to Asia? - rounded southern tip of South Africa (cape of Good Hope)

46. Sepoys - an Indian  working as a solider for Europe

47.  How did the Chinese economy fare under the Qing dynasty/ - expand due to trade w/ Europe

48.  Why did Japanese shoguns turn against foreign traders in the mid 1500’s? - saw foreigners as a threat after Spain seized Philippines

49.  Hernan Cortes - conquered Aztec

50.  Francisco Pizarro - Conquer Inca empire in Peru

51.  Creoles - 2nd in social class (American born w/ Spanish descendants)

52.  Peninsulares - top in social class (born in Spain)

53.  Mestizos - 3rd in social class (NA + European)

54. Treaty of Tordesillas - Spain + Portugal divides lands discovered outside of Europe

55.  Triangular trade Route - 3-legged international trade network

56.  Price Revolution - period in European history when inflation rose rapidly

57.  Laissez Faire - business should operate w/ Little or no gov interference

58.  Enlightenment - ideas sparked changes in gov + society throughout Europe

59. Thomas Hobbes - believed in a powerful gov

60.  Montesquieu - proposed the idea of separation of powers in gov

61.  John Locke - believed in natural rights (Life, Liberty, Property)

62. Rousseau - All people are equal, promoted the idea that people in a natural state were good

63. Voltaire - Freedom of religion, press, speech

64.  How did Enlightenment thinkers try to avoid censorship? - disguising ideas in fiction
