Authentic Good - The authentic good is defined as “making love our priority.” The pursuit of the authentic good must always be our fundamental option in life.
Culpability - the degree of responsibility
Greatest Commandment - “You shall love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, with all your mind, with all your heart, with all your mind.”
Hedonism: The belief that good derives from happiness
Absolutism: The belief that good is derived from adherence to the rules
Praxis - Another word for “a practice”
Indoctrination: Indoctrination is influenced by teachers and are being taught what to think about people/world
Justice -
Kingdom of God:A place where God’s Will is done perfectly
Moral Theology: a science/system which guides on judgment and actions concerning what is good/bad with regarding our relationship with the Trinity, God, & human reason.
Socialization: Socialization is usually influenced by social environments as well as being taught how to interact with people/world
Utilitarianism: Good derived from usefulness
Mortal Sin - A sin that breaks your relationship with God.
Venial Sin - A sin that weakens your relationship with God.
Formal Cooperation
Material Cooperation
Sin of Commission
Sin of Omission
Agency flow chart
4 spheres of socialization
4 ethical systems (hedonism, authentic good, etc.)
Ends and means chart (stairs labeled)
Case studies- connection to unit topics: Martorano, Carter Roy texting, Perfect Score, Stork + Crab, etc.
Jesus’ greatest commandment (and pointing to Catholic authentic good)
4 Sources of Moral Theology
Scripture: We learn from the bible and interpret in community
Reason: Natural law/we are rational creatures
Experience: Relationship with God Self and others
Tradition: Church teachings