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US IH Final Study Guide

Colonization of North America

Reasons for European Exploration

  • God, Gold, & Glory

    • Search for Wealth 

      • Silver and Gold

    • Economic and Military Competition 

      • English defeat of Spanish armada

    • Desire to spread Christianity 

      • Major Spanish Catholicism w/Missionaries

Columbian Exchange

  • Spread of crops, people, diseases, ideas, technologies, and animals

  • Europe From Americas

    • Food (Potatoes, Maize) → Increase of Populations

    • Influx of Gold (Pitosi) →Boosted to Capitalism

  • Americas From Europe

    • Disease (Smallpox, Measles) → Major Population\

Lead me, follow me, or get out of my way!

  French    Spanish                British

Spanish Colonization

  • Sought to Convert Natives

  • Lone Male settlers → Racially mixed population

    • Caste System (Peninsulares, Mestizos, Mullato, Natives, Slaves)

  • Encomienda System replaced by slave labor

    • Crown grants land w/promise to convert Natives

  • Pueblo Revolt

  • Natives kicked out Spanish for 10 years

  • After regaining control, Spanish more accommodating

English Colonization

  • Jamestown = First Permanent Settlements

  • Used tactics on Irish in America

  • Native Excluded from Settlements, Hostile Relationship

  • Agricultural & Familial Focus

  • Mercantilism: Colonies exist for the benefit of mother country

    • Provide Markets & Materials

    • Only trade w/Mother

French Colonization ie. Canada

  • Male-Dominant

    • Accepted Intermarriage

  • Fur Trade & Friendly Native Relationships

    • Natives killed via Disease

    • Didn’t conquer much land

  • Crown had control over Government

  • Religious Tolerance

Dutch Colonization

  • Dutch East-India Trade Company

    • Joint-Stock Company: pooled money & shared risk/reward

  • Dominated Atlantic Slave Trade

  • Women retained land when married

  • Private Religious Tolerance

Indentured Servitude / Slavery Development

  • Headright System

    • Virginians get 50 acres for each paid passage

  • Indentured Contract

    • 5-7 years (freed if converted to Christianity)

    • promised land, $$, and a gun 

    • forbidden to marry

    • only 1 in 10 outlived their contract

  • Court Cases

    • Anthony Johnson = Africans w/o indenture held for life

    • John Punch = escaped foreigners were given life (slavery)

  • Racist Law Changes

    • Religion

      • baptised slaves would be freed (brother in christ)

      • Virginia changed because wanted slaves

    • Birthright

      • slave status depends on mother’s status

Bacon’s Rebellion

  • indentured servants wanted land (Virginia didn’t want to fight w/natives over it)

  • Bacon started coalition against Virginia

  • Virginia wanted slaves instead of indentured servants (didn’t owe land)

Colonial Groups

Pilgrims: separatists

  • Mayflower Compact: government of the people, for the people, with the consent and agreement to the government

  • Massasoit: Native chief w/strong peace treaty (24 years)

Puritans: purify

  • Conversion of Natives: small, peaceful

  • Anne Hutchinson

    • Antinomianism: christians are free from biblical law, moral law, and behavioral norms

    • Excommunicated

  • Roger Williams: Minister

    • Obtains charter & founds Providence, Rhode Island

      • religious freedom (Christians)

Southern Colonies

  • Agriculture

    • Rice, Indigo

  • Lots of Slavery

    • Similar to Chesapeake

  • Georgia

    • buffer b/w South & Spanish Florida

    • filled w/debtors in prison

Colonial America

The First Great Awakening: Protestant religious revival

  • Jonathan Edwards: Puritan Preacher

    • new gens don't value religion

  • George Whitefield: rockstar that Brought Colonies Together

    • Evangelical Preacher

    • Denominationalism: we are all Christians (branch doesn’t matter)

Salutary Neglect: Britain didn’t enforce laws or govern the colonies

  • Didn’t Enforce Mercantilism





Underwent time with little food early on

Had varying degrees of religious freedom


Grew to have every man having his own land and  responsible for his own food

Founded for economic opportunity

Mainly comprised of bachelors

Agricultural economy

Had elected officials (House of Burgesses)

Everyone was eventually attacked by natives

Mainly Catholic

Lower life expectancy

New England

Underwent time with little food early on

Had varying degrees of religious freedom


Grew to have every family having their own land and responsible for their own food

Founded for religious freedom

Mainly comprised of families

Agricultural and Commercial Economy

Majority Rule (Mayflower Compact)

Only certain groups were attacked by natives

Mainly Protestant

Higher life expectancy

Pre-Revolution America

7 Years War (French & Indian)

  • George Washington: Helped win War (good reputation)

  • Before: No Real Unity b/w Colonies

  • After: French lost all North America territory

    • Britain: increased colonial Empire in the Americas

      • enlarged England’s debt

    • Pontiac’s Rebellion → Proclamation Line of 1763

      • Don’t cross the Appalachians

Stuff that was now Enforced

  • Sugar Act

    • lower than the new tax

    • Writs of Assistance: search warrant

      • no suspicion/evidence needed

  • Stamp Act

    • all paper had to have stamps

      • Only from England

  • mad because No Taxation without Representation

Sons of Liberty included members from every colony

  • Tar & Feather tax collectors

    • Repealed Stamp act

Declaratory Act

  • Britain can tax them whenever

Boston Massacre

  • British Killed Unarmed Civilians

Continental Congress

  • kissed up to King

    • Parliament=Bad

Tea Act 1770

  • Boston Tea Party

    • Sons of Liberty dressed as Natives & dumped tea crates off ship

Coercive Acts (Intolerable Acts)

  • punished colonists for Boston Tea Party

Continental Congress

  • 12/13 colonies met in Philadelphia to discuss problems

  • don't want to break away

    • change British policies

US Revolution

Lexington:‘shot heard around the world’ (both deny)

Concord: British want to take weapons & kill leaders

2nd Continental Congress

  • John Hancock = President

  • all 13 colonies

  • discussed sending an olive branch to the king


  • Olive Branch Petition

    • called congress ‘rebellion’

    • if congressmen go back to British side, they are fine

      • if not, all hang for treason

The Enlightenment

  • John Locke: natural rights

Common Sense by Thomas Paine

  • purpose of government (to protect natural rights) isn’t being met

  • time for America to grow up

    • flourish w/o european powers

Bunker Hill: British won, but lots died & Moral Victory for Colonists


  • Persuades French to ally w/Colonists

Valley Forge Winter

  • No one fights during winter

  • no supplies 

  • Smallpox


  • Armistead = Double Agent (American Free Slave)

  • Lafayette & French pin the British in Yorktown

    • Cornwallis surrenders

  • British People want to end the war

Treaty of Paris 1783

  • John J/Adams & British make a treaty w/o French Notice

  • Conditions

    • Total Independence to Mississippi (not Canada)

    • Spain gets Florida

Women’s Rights Post-War: have basically none unless unmarried

  • Have to own property to be considered for other rights

Critical Period

  • Could have collapsed and went running back to England

Federalists: nationalists, mainly wealthy aristocrats

  • “Need to afford to feed, clothe, and support the troops” = Stronger Central Government

  • Evidence for Congress to be able to tax

    • British refused to cooperate

      • were supposed to leave forts by Treaty of Paris (violates)

    • Mercantilism (Protectionism)

      • Hamilton: tariffs on foreign products to promote domestic manufacturing

    • Fund Money

      • Washington: troops

Articles of Confederation 

framework: what can the central government do?

  • only what states give them the power to do (Delegate)

What can they do?

  • Make a national army during peacetime

  • Regulate the value of money

  • Punish water crimes with their own courts

  • Post office

  • Make treaties

  • Settle land disputes as a last resort


  • power to tax federally

    • Washington’s troops didn’t have enough things to survive

    • could put taxes on foreign goods to promote domestic goods

  • supreme court: have something always to settle disputes, even w/o Congress

  • regulate interstate commerce: free trade w/o tariffs

    • trade wars

  • use the military from another state to fight within one state 

    • must be called upon

Mount Vernon Conference: led to Federalists demanding a Supreme Court

Supreme Court

  • to settle disputes b/w states

Trade Wars

  • states imposed tariffs on other states so consumers bought domestically

    • made trade difficult

  • Feds argued that government needed to regulate commerce b/w state

Shay’s Rebellion

  • Mass put down rebellion

    • reinforced Madisons idea w/american crisis w/no way to fund gov.

Successes of the Articles

  • Land Ordinances

    • rules for new states

    • can’t have slavery post-1800

      • only in Northwest

Constitutional Convention

  • Washington was President of Convention

    • Madison was ‘brains’

  • Virginia Plan

    • Madison vs. Randolph

      • Federal Government: Bi-Cameral, stronger than articles

      • National Government: votes based on population

  • Congress

    • Senate: states get 2 votes per, elected by govs.

    • House of Reps: people vote, # of votes by population

  • President voted by Electoral College

    • made up of states

  • Why did people leave? Hamilton

    • Ham doesn’t agree with either Plans

      • Didn’t want each state to be sovereign

      • Wanted a supreme federal gov


  • Fear of states losing sovereignty (--> Bill of Rights)

    • explicitly says that fed. gov. only has power states give (Mad = Y?)

  • Could have Tyranny (Ham)

    • Necessary & Proper Clause: Congress could abuse power

    • Supremacy Clause: Any laws made are law of the land

    • General Welfare Clause: tax for anything ‘gen. welfare & army’

Federalist Papers: Jay, Madison, Hamilton

  • Says would be w/ or w/o necessary & proper clauses

  • Congress laws would only be valid if in line w/Constitution

    • can’t make laws within the jurisdiction of states

Washington Administration

Hamilton’s Plans

  • no power besides Treasury, but persuasive

  • Wants gov. to Assume State’s Debt

    • gives a free pass to debted states (Massachusets)

    • raises taxes in debt-free states (Virginia)

    • compromise w/moving capital to VA (Wash DC)

  • paying back as Fed establishes good credit

  • National Bank (Bank of US BUS)

    • lend tax revenue to businesses

    • Madison & others opposed (not spec. in Const)

      • was rejected at Const Conv.

    • Approved by Congress, but Washington unsure to sign

      • deferred to original ruling


  • Report on Manufacturers

    • subsidies: give money to struggling domestic manfcts.

    • tariffs: taxes of imported goods

    • argues benefits the General Welfare of nation

      • ANYTHING for federal welfare

    • against cuz not within Constitutional powers

Results →Whiskey Tax & Rebellion

  • Militia Act 1792: President can send other forces into state to fight

    • set precedent of sending forces w/o being called upon

French Revolution & British Involvement

  • Hamilton: stay out of it (Pro-British)

    • under no obligation cuz King w/treaty was dead

  • Jefferson: friendship (Pro-France)

    • treaty obligations w/French gov

    • British been abusing us w/o Treaty of Paris

  • Washington: Neutrality proclamation 1793

    • any american w/involvement will be prosecuted

Adams Administration

1796 Election: John Adams Pres, Thomas Jefferson VP

  • Federalists = North (Commerce, Subsidies, BUS, Tariffs)

    • More money lent to businesses (Increase American Industry)

  • Republicans = South (Agriculture)

    • Want no gov involvement in economy

Quasi-War w/France

  • Jay’s Treaty forced Britain to play nice & made them our top trading partner

  • France sees as an act of war (supposed to treat both equally)

    • starts w/impressment

  • XYZ Affair sent John Marshall cuz Secretary of State (foreign policy)

    • Had to meet conditions before meeting w/French to prevent war

    • Marshall said NO & gave agent names as X, Y, & Z

      • Repubs thought exaggerated

    • Public outraged w/transcrpits of

  • No declaration of War, but fought navally 1797-1800

    • French relented & signed a treaty in 1800

Alien & Sedition Acts Constitutional because Congress can make laws about this

  • All are very controversial

  • Alien Acts meant to limit foreign voting pool (for repubs, not feds)

  • Sedition Act: allows fines/prison for those who write false, scandalous, or malicious writing against the entire fed gov & officials

    • Not against free speech

  • Caused public to turn against Federalists, letting Jefferson win 1801 

    • Pardoned both acts immediately when in office

Virginia & Kentucky Resolutions: nullify any federal laws that states deem unconstitutional

  • Never used

Jefferson Administration

Marbury v. Madison establishes JUDICIAL REVIEW

  • Marshall resided, but was prev State sec (supposed to hand out comiss)

    • rules claim invalid

  • Judicial Review: Courts can decide laws constitutionality (null if not)

Lousiana Purchase:

  • Napolean offers all of Lousiana Territory for 15mil (only wanted New Orleans for 10)

  • Jeff thinks he’s violating Const (Goes Koo-Koo for Coconuts)

  • Hamilton thinks it will weaken the central government

    • ^farmers that settle in new land don’t want Hamilton’s plans

  • Slavery: Plantations exist in Lousiana already (allow so no rebellion)

Madison Administration

Era of Good Feelings: Doesn’t appear to be sectionalism

  • Feds joined Dem-Rep party but kept views

Henry Clay’s American System: Hamilton+

  • Same plans as Hamilton + Federal Roads/Canals

McCulloch vs. Maryland: sues because high tax rates force BUS out of the state

  • Marshall rules BUS as constitutional cuz loose construction

Jackson Administration

Second Party System

  • Democrats (Jeffersonians)

  • Local rule, limited gov, free trade

  • Oppose monopolies, etc.

  • National Republicans: Whiggs-Clay (Federalists

  • Urban & commercial workers

Common Man:

  • Distrust of urban commercial workers

  • Heart & Soul w/plain folk

  • Common Man is Capable of Uncommon Achievements

BUS Renewal: Bank War

  • Clay renewed Early so would look better for Clay in Election year

    • If vetoes, then would temp destroy economy

    • Jackson Vetoed because not constitutional

  • McCulloch v Maryland ruled BUS constitutional

    • Says precedent means nothing, Congress can decide necessity

  • Jackson argues BUS takes away power from the Common Man

    • Rich vs. Poor

Native Americans

  • Indian Removal Act: can move westward w/much fed gov assistance if they choose

    • Trail of Tears: Cherokee split on leaving, against were forced at gunpoint

      • Established precendent of creating land for natives

Whiggs: New political party that Opposed “King Andrew”

  • Couldn’t win 1836 election cuz divided among pres candidates

Abolitionism: No more slavery

  • Natural rights = liberty (can’t be owned)

  • Post 1776 = Northern States abolish

    • South relied on because agricultural economy (slave-based)

Cult of Domesticity: Married women run the home

  • ‘Civilize the husband’

  • Unable to vote (jacksonian democracy)

  • Single→Own Property, Married→to Husband

    • Everything belongs to Husband post-marriage

  • First Wave of Women’s Rights Movement: Seneca Falls Convention

    • Women’s role in Abolitionism

    • Seneca Falls Declaration of Sentiment: copy of Declaration of Independence but w/Women

Manifest Destiny: America needs to have all territory coast→coast

  • Think West = land of romance/adventure

Mexican-American War

  • Gave US Cali & New Mexico

Wilmot Proviso: Congressional law ensures any new territory is Slave-Free

  • Stop repeat of MO crisis

International Immigration

  • German: Karl Marx + Economic Depression = Revolutions throughout Europe

    • Settle in Farmlands

  • Nativism: America is for Americans only (not immigrants)

    • American “Know-Nothing” Party: wants to end immigration & naturalization

      • Didn’t last long

  • Irish: Potato Famine 

    • Willing to work for less (NINA)

    • Americans think Catholics are threat to Protestantism

Road to Secession

  • Southerners threaten secession 

    • Fugitive slaves via Underground RR not being returned (personal liberty laws)

  • “Fire Eaters”: some Southerners would rather ‘burn down country’ than ban slaves

Free-Soil Party: Northern Whiggs & Democrats who supported Wilmot Proviso

  • Some just didn’t want Blacks in general, some were Abolitionist

Clay’s Compromise of 1850: No one wins, but no one is happy with most of it

  1. California enters as Free

  2. Mexican Cession open to slavery by popular soverignty

  3. Slavery allowed in DC, but no slave trade

  4. Pass Stronger Fugitive Slave Law

New Fugitive Slave Law: Dumb

  • Can capture if slaveholder claims was a slave (under oath, but no proof)

    • Fugitive Blacks can’t testify that they weren’t

  • Obstructing captures results in large fine or Jail

“Bleeding Kansas”: Slave owners moved into Kansas to try and make it a slave state above MO Comp. Line

  • John Brown: Abolitionist who killed many people

    • On the run, wants slave uprising, then killed

    • Northerners treated him as a martyr cuz anti-slavery

    • Southerners take him as evidence of violent abolitionist North

Dred Scott v. Sanford 1857: All territories allow slavery

  • All congressional laws & people who want no slavery in territories are unconstitutional

  • Rejects NW Ordinance, Missouri Compromise, and Kansas-Nebraska Act


  • South: Pro Dred Scott

  • North: Against Dred Scott

1860 Election: Lincoln vs. Breckenridge vs. Douglas

  • Divided Democrats = Republican Victory = SC Ceded

Utopian Society

  • All societies failed miserably because human nature sucks

Asylum Reforms: Dorothea Dix

  • Reveals horrific conditions for mentally ill (chained naked & beaten in psych hospitals)

  • →create asylums, aka residential institute w/better conditions

Temperance Movement: pre-Prohibition

  • Women didn’t like how inebriation led to consequences

  • Promoted ‘demon gin’ rhetoric

  • Similar to political cartoons

  • Drastically reduced alcohol consumption

Education Movement

  • Instill mass education for good workers

Emancipation Proclamation: No surrender, so Lincoln frees all Southern Slaves

  • Changed Purpose for War to Ending Slavery

Party Equivalents

  • Republicans = Hamiltonians

  • Democrats = Jeffersonians


Constitutional Amendments

  • 13: abolished slavery (social & economic change)

  • sharecropping stayed at large in south

  • 14: citizenship & equal protection to laws to all born in US

  • 15: universal male suffrage

Black Codes: state laws that ensured free slaves remained under the control of whites

  • Can’t own a gun, vote, sue in court, inherit property, serve on a jury

  • Vagrancy laws

  • Could be forced to work for violations

Civil Rights Act 1866: everyone born in the US is a citizen

  • Torn down, but would have destroyed Black Codes

  • Johnson says Unconstitutional: overturns Dred Scot & not explicitly in Constitution

Black Codes: Keep Af-Ams under white control & working on plantations

  • Sharecropping: rent land in exchange for giving owner part of harvest

Jim Crow Laws: Segregate African Americans from Whites

  • De Jure: by law

  • De Facto: by custom/choice

  • Voting: Poll tax, Grandfather clauses, Literacy tests

  • Due to Democrats taking back Southern Government Control

  • Affects many Aspects of Af-Ams’ lives

    • Social: treated as second-class citizens 

      • Segregation

    • Political: Limited voting rights (Literacy tests, grandfather clause, poll taxes)

    • Economic: Not provided same as opportunities 

      • Bank loans denied, can’t buy houses in certain areas

      • Extremely Limited Generational Wealth

Civil Rights Act 1875: last one until the 1950s

  • States can’t have segregation

    • Supreme court finds unconstitutional

  • Would have stopped de jure, but not de facto

Legal Challenges to 14/15 Amendments

  • Civil Rights Cases: 1883 Declared Civil Rights ACt 1875 UNCONSTITUTIONAL

    • Can’t stop de facto segregation w/o a constitutional amendment

    • Can states lawfully segregate public schools, railroads, buses, etc.?

  • Plessy v. Ferguson: Separate but equal

    • Can be segregated if facilities aren’t inferior 

Changes of Reconstruction

Social: End of slavery→Black Codes→14th Amend→15th Amend


  • Af-Ams can vote (15th Amend) → Temporary political power

    • Literacy tests, grandfather clause, and poll taxes further denied

  • Nullification & Secession are essentially eliminated

  • Federal Government acquired immense power over the states

    • Voting issues

  • Congress has power over the president 

    • Radical Republicans overruled Andrew Johnson

  • Freedmen's Bureau & Military Reconstruction & Suspending Habeas Corpus

    • Unconstitutional, but able to be done

Economic: Hamiltonian Economy

  • BUS, Subsidies, Tariffs

  • South is destroyed due to lack of labor force (end of slavery)

  • Vagrancy laws & sharecropping attempted to resupply workforce

    • Eventually needs to industrialize (RR & subsidies from North)

US IH Final Study Guide

Colonization of North America

Reasons for European Exploration

  • God, Gold, & Glory

    • Search for Wealth 

      • Silver and Gold

    • Economic and Military Competition 

      • English defeat of Spanish armada

    • Desire to spread Christianity 

      • Major Spanish Catholicism w/Missionaries

Columbian Exchange

  • Spread of crops, people, diseases, ideas, technologies, and animals

  • Europe From Americas

    • Food (Potatoes, Maize) → Increase of Populations

    • Influx of Gold (Pitosi) →Boosted to Capitalism

  • Americas From Europe

    • Disease (Smallpox, Measles) → Major Population\

Lead me, follow me, or get out of my way!

  French    Spanish                British

Spanish Colonization

  • Sought to Convert Natives

  • Lone Male settlers → Racially mixed population

    • Caste System (Peninsulares, Mestizos, Mullato, Natives, Slaves)

  • Encomienda System replaced by slave labor

    • Crown grants land w/promise to convert Natives

  • Pueblo Revolt

  • Natives kicked out Spanish for 10 years

  • After regaining control, Spanish more accommodating

English Colonization

  • Jamestown = First Permanent Settlements

  • Used tactics on Irish in America

  • Native Excluded from Settlements, Hostile Relationship

  • Agricultural & Familial Focus

  • Mercantilism: Colonies exist for the benefit of mother country

    • Provide Markets & Materials

    • Only trade w/Mother

French Colonization ie. Canada

  • Male-Dominant

    • Accepted Intermarriage

  • Fur Trade & Friendly Native Relationships

    • Natives killed via Disease

    • Didn’t conquer much land

  • Crown had control over Government

  • Religious Tolerance

Dutch Colonization

  • Dutch East-India Trade Company

    • Joint-Stock Company: pooled money & shared risk/reward

  • Dominated Atlantic Slave Trade

  • Women retained land when married

  • Private Religious Tolerance

Indentured Servitude / Slavery Development

  • Headright System

    • Virginians get 50 acres for each paid passage

  • Indentured Contract

    • 5-7 years (freed if converted to Christianity)

    • promised land, $$, and a gun 

    • forbidden to marry

    • only 1 in 10 outlived their contract

  • Court Cases

    • Anthony Johnson = Africans w/o indenture held for life

    • John Punch = escaped foreigners were given life (slavery)

  • Racist Law Changes

    • Religion

      • baptised slaves would be freed (brother in christ)

      • Virginia changed because wanted slaves

    • Birthright

      • slave status depends on mother’s status

Bacon’s Rebellion

  • indentured servants wanted land (Virginia didn’t want to fight w/natives over it)

  • Bacon started coalition against Virginia

  • Virginia wanted slaves instead of indentured servants (didn’t owe land)

Colonial Groups

Pilgrims: separatists

  • Mayflower Compact: government of the people, for the people, with the consent and agreement to the government

  • Massasoit: Native chief w/strong peace treaty (24 years)

Puritans: purify

  • Conversion of Natives: small, peaceful

  • Anne Hutchinson

    • Antinomianism: christians are free from biblical law, moral law, and behavioral norms

    • Excommunicated

  • Roger Williams: Minister

    • Obtains charter & founds Providence, Rhode Island

      • religious freedom (Christians)

Southern Colonies

  • Agriculture

    • Rice, Indigo

  • Lots of Slavery

    • Similar to Chesapeake

  • Georgia

    • buffer b/w South & Spanish Florida

    • filled w/debtors in prison

Colonial America

The First Great Awakening: Protestant religious revival

  • Jonathan Edwards: Puritan Preacher

    • new gens don't value religion

  • George Whitefield: rockstar that Brought Colonies Together

    • Evangelical Preacher

    • Denominationalism: we are all Christians (branch doesn’t matter)

Salutary Neglect: Britain didn’t enforce laws or govern the colonies

  • Didn’t Enforce Mercantilism





Underwent time with little food early on

Had varying degrees of religious freedom


Grew to have every man having his own land and  responsible for his own food

Founded for economic opportunity

Mainly comprised of bachelors

Agricultural economy

Had elected officials (House of Burgesses)

Everyone was eventually attacked by natives

Mainly Catholic

Lower life expectancy

New England

Underwent time with little food early on

Had varying degrees of religious freedom


Grew to have every family having their own land and responsible for their own food

Founded for religious freedom

Mainly comprised of families

Agricultural and Commercial Economy

Majority Rule (Mayflower Compact)

Only certain groups were attacked by natives

Mainly Protestant

Higher life expectancy

Pre-Revolution America

7 Years War (French & Indian)

  • George Washington: Helped win War (good reputation)

  • Before: No Real Unity b/w Colonies

  • After: French lost all North America territory

    • Britain: increased colonial Empire in the Americas

      • enlarged England’s debt

    • Pontiac’s Rebellion → Proclamation Line of 1763

      • Don’t cross the Appalachians

Stuff that was now Enforced

  • Sugar Act

    • lower than the new tax

    • Writs of Assistance: search warrant

      • no suspicion/evidence needed

  • Stamp Act

    • all paper had to have stamps

      • Only from England

  • mad because No Taxation without Representation

Sons of Liberty included members from every colony

  • Tar & Feather tax collectors

    • Repealed Stamp act

Declaratory Act

  • Britain can tax them whenever

Boston Massacre

  • British Killed Unarmed Civilians

Continental Congress

  • kissed up to King

    • Parliament=Bad

Tea Act 1770

  • Boston Tea Party

    • Sons of Liberty dressed as Natives & dumped tea crates off ship

Coercive Acts (Intolerable Acts)

  • punished colonists for Boston Tea Party

Continental Congress

  • 12/13 colonies met in Philadelphia to discuss problems

  • don't want to break away

    • change British policies

US Revolution

Lexington:‘shot heard around the world’ (both deny)

Concord: British want to take weapons & kill leaders

2nd Continental Congress

  • John Hancock = President

  • all 13 colonies

  • discussed sending an olive branch to the king


  • Olive Branch Petition

    • called congress ‘rebellion’

    • if congressmen go back to British side, they are fine

      • if not, all hang for treason

The Enlightenment

  • John Locke: natural rights

Common Sense by Thomas Paine

  • purpose of government (to protect natural rights) isn’t being met

  • time for America to grow up

    • flourish w/o european powers

Bunker Hill: British won, but lots died & Moral Victory for Colonists


  • Persuades French to ally w/Colonists

Valley Forge Winter

  • No one fights during winter

  • no supplies 

  • Smallpox


  • Armistead = Double Agent (American Free Slave)

  • Lafayette & French pin the British in Yorktown

    • Cornwallis surrenders

  • British People want to end the war

Treaty of Paris 1783

  • John J/Adams & British make a treaty w/o French Notice

  • Conditions

    • Total Independence to Mississippi (not Canada)

    • Spain gets Florida

Women’s Rights Post-War: have basically none unless unmarried

  • Have to own property to be considered for other rights

Critical Period

  • Could have collapsed and went running back to England

Federalists: nationalists, mainly wealthy aristocrats

  • “Need to afford to feed, clothe, and support the troops” = Stronger Central Government

  • Evidence for Congress to be able to tax

    • British refused to cooperate

      • were supposed to leave forts by Treaty of Paris (violates)

    • Mercantilism (Protectionism)

      • Hamilton: tariffs on foreign products to promote domestic manufacturing

    • Fund Money

      • Washington: troops

Articles of Confederation 

framework: what can the central government do?

  • only what states give them the power to do (Delegate)

What can they do?

  • Make a national army during peacetime

  • Regulate the value of money

  • Punish water crimes with their own courts

  • Post office

  • Make treaties

  • Settle land disputes as a last resort


  • power to tax federally

    • Washington’s troops didn’t have enough things to survive

    • could put taxes on foreign goods to promote domestic goods

  • supreme court: have something always to settle disputes, even w/o Congress

  • regulate interstate commerce: free trade w/o tariffs

    • trade wars

  • use the military from another state to fight within one state 

    • must be called upon

Mount Vernon Conference: led to Federalists demanding a Supreme Court

Supreme Court

  • to settle disputes b/w states

Trade Wars

  • states imposed tariffs on other states so consumers bought domestically

    • made trade difficult

  • Feds argued that government needed to regulate commerce b/w state

Shay’s Rebellion

  • Mass put down rebellion

    • reinforced Madisons idea w/american crisis w/no way to fund gov.

Successes of the Articles

  • Land Ordinances

    • rules for new states

    • can’t have slavery post-1800

      • only in Northwest

Constitutional Convention

  • Washington was President of Convention

    • Madison was ‘brains’

  • Virginia Plan

    • Madison vs. Randolph

      • Federal Government: Bi-Cameral, stronger than articles

      • National Government: votes based on population

  • Congress

    • Senate: states get 2 votes per, elected by govs.

    • House of Reps: people vote, # of votes by population

  • President voted by Electoral College

    • made up of states

  • Why did people leave? Hamilton

    • Ham doesn’t agree with either Plans

      • Didn’t want each state to be sovereign

      • Wanted a supreme federal gov


  • Fear of states losing sovereignty (--> Bill of Rights)

    • explicitly says that fed. gov. only has power states give (Mad = Y?)

  • Could have Tyranny (Ham)

    • Necessary & Proper Clause: Congress could abuse power

    • Supremacy Clause: Any laws made are law of the land

    • General Welfare Clause: tax for anything ‘gen. welfare & army’

Federalist Papers: Jay, Madison, Hamilton

  • Says would be w/ or w/o necessary & proper clauses

  • Congress laws would only be valid if in line w/Constitution

    • can’t make laws within the jurisdiction of states

Washington Administration

Hamilton’s Plans

  • no power besides Treasury, but persuasive

  • Wants gov. to Assume State’s Debt

    • gives a free pass to debted states (Massachusets)

    • raises taxes in debt-free states (Virginia)

    • compromise w/moving capital to VA (Wash DC)

  • paying back as Fed establishes good credit

  • National Bank (Bank of US BUS)

    • lend tax revenue to businesses

    • Madison & others opposed (not spec. in Const)

      • was rejected at Const Conv.

    • Approved by Congress, but Washington unsure to sign

      • deferred to original ruling


  • Report on Manufacturers

    • subsidies: give money to struggling domestic manfcts.

    • tariffs: taxes of imported goods

    • argues benefits the General Welfare of nation

      • ANYTHING for federal welfare

    • against cuz not within Constitutional powers

Results →Whiskey Tax & Rebellion

  • Militia Act 1792: President can send other forces into state to fight

    • set precedent of sending forces w/o being called upon

French Revolution & British Involvement

  • Hamilton: stay out of it (Pro-British)

    • under no obligation cuz King w/treaty was dead

  • Jefferson: friendship (Pro-France)

    • treaty obligations w/French gov

    • British been abusing us w/o Treaty of Paris

  • Washington: Neutrality proclamation 1793

    • any american w/involvement will be prosecuted

Adams Administration

1796 Election: John Adams Pres, Thomas Jefferson VP

  • Federalists = North (Commerce, Subsidies, BUS, Tariffs)

    • More money lent to businesses (Increase American Industry)

  • Republicans = South (Agriculture)

    • Want no gov involvement in economy

Quasi-War w/France

  • Jay’s Treaty forced Britain to play nice & made them our top trading partner

  • France sees as an act of war (supposed to treat both equally)

    • starts w/impressment

  • XYZ Affair sent John Marshall cuz Secretary of State (foreign policy)

    • Had to meet conditions before meeting w/French to prevent war

    • Marshall said NO & gave agent names as X, Y, & Z

      • Repubs thought exaggerated

    • Public outraged w/transcrpits of

  • No declaration of War, but fought navally 1797-1800

    • French relented & signed a treaty in 1800

Alien & Sedition Acts Constitutional because Congress can make laws about this

  • All are very controversial

  • Alien Acts meant to limit foreign voting pool (for repubs, not feds)

  • Sedition Act: allows fines/prison for those who write false, scandalous, or malicious writing against the entire fed gov & officials

    • Not against free speech

  • Caused public to turn against Federalists, letting Jefferson win 1801 

    • Pardoned both acts immediately when in office

Virginia & Kentucky Resolutions: nullify any federal laws that states deem unconstitutional

  • Never used

Jefferson Administration

Marbury v. Madison establishes JUDICIAL REVIEW

  • Marshall resided, but was prev State sec (supposed to hand out comiss)

    • rules claim invalid

  • Judicial Review: Courts can decide laws constitutionality (null if not)

Lousiana Purchase:

  • Napolean offers all of Lousiana Territory for 15mil (only wanted New Orleans for 10)

  • Jeff thinks he’s violating Const (Goes Koo-Koo for Coconuts)

  • Hamilton thinks it will weaken the central government

    • ^farmers that settle in new land don’t want Hamilton’s plans

  • Slavery: Plantations exist in Lousiana already (allow so no rebellion)

Madison Administration

Era of Good Feelings: Doesn’t appear to be sectionalism

  • Feds joined Dem-Rep party but kept views

Henry Clay’s American System: Hamilton+

  • Same plans as Hamilton + Federal Roads/Canals

McCulloch vs. Maryland: sues because high tax rates force BUS out of the state

  • Marshall rules BUS as constitutional cuz loose construction

Jackson Administration

Second Party System

  • Democrats (Jeffersonians)

  • Local rule, limited gov, free trade

  • Oppose monopolies, etc.

  • National Republicans: Whiggs-Clay (Federalists

  • Urban & commercial workers

Common Man:

  • Distrust of urban commercial workers

  • Heart & Soul w/plain folk

  • Common Man is Capable of Uncommon Achievements

BUS Renewal: Bank War

  • Clay renewed Early so would look better for Clay in Election year

    • If vetoes, then would temp destroy economy

    • Jackson Vetoed because not constitutional

  • McCulloch v Maryland ruled BUS constitutional

    • Says precedent means nothing, Congress can decide necessity

  • Jackson argues BUS takes away power from the Common Man

    • Rich vs. Poor

Native Americans

  • Indian Removal Act: can move westward w/much fed gov assistance if they choose

    • Trail of Tears: Cherokee split on leaving, against were forced at gunpoint

      • Established precendent of creating land for natives

Whiggs: New political party that Opposed “King Andrew”

  • Couldn’t win 1836 election cuz divided among pres candidates

Abolitionism: No more slavery

  • Natural rights = liberty (can’t be owned)

  • Post 1776 = Northern States abolish

    • South relied on because agricultural economy (slave-based)

Cult of Domesticity: Married women run the home

  • ‘Civilize the husband’

  • Unable to vote (jacksonian democracy)

  • Single→Own Property, Married→to Husband

    • Everything belongs to Husband post-marriage

  • First Wave of Women’s Rights Movement: Seneca Falls Convention

    • Women’s role in Abolitionism

    • Seneca Falls Declaration of Sentiment: copy of Declaration of Independence but w/Women

Manifest Destiny: America needs to have all territory coast→coast

  • Think West = land of romance/adventure

Mexican-American War

  • Gave US Cali & New Mexico

Wilmot Proviso: Congressional law ensures any new territory is Slave-Free

  • Stop repeat of MO crisis

International Immigration

  • German: Karl Marx + Economic Depression = Revolutions throughout Europe

    • Settle in Farmlands

  • Nativism: America is for Americans only (not immigrants)

    • American “Know-Nothing” Party: wants to end immigration & naturalization

      • Didn’t last long

  • Irish: Potato Famine 

    • Willing to work for less (NINA)

    • Americans think Catholics are threat to Protestantism

Road to Secession

  • Southerners threaten secession 

    • Fugitive slaves via Underground RR not being returned (personal liberty laws)

  • “Fire Eaters”: some Southerners would rather ‘burn down country’ than ban slaves

Free-Soil Party: Northern Whiggs & Democrats who supported Wilmot Proviso

  • Some just didn’t want Blacks in general, some were Abolitionist

Clay’s Compromise of 1850: No one wins, but no one is happy with most of it

  1. California enters as Free

  2. Mexican Cession open to slavery by popular soverignty

  3. Slavery allowed in DC, but no slave trade

  4. Pass Stronger Fugitive Slave Law

New Fugitive Slave Law: Dumb

  • Can capture if slaveholder claims was a slave (under oath, but no proof)

    • Fugitive Blacks can’t testify that they weren’t

  • Obstructing captures results in large fine or Jail

“Bleeding Kansas”: Slave owners moved into Kansas to try and make it a slave state above MO Comp. Line

  • John Brown: Abolitionist who killed many people

    • On the run, wants slave uprising, then killed

    • Northerners treated him as a martyr cuz anti-slavery

    • Southerners take him as evidence of violent abolitionist North

Dred Scott v. Sanford 1857: All territories allow slavery

  • All congressional laws & people who want no slavery in territories are unconstitutional

  • Rejects NW Ordinance, Missouri Compromise, and Kansas-Nebraska Act


  • South: Pro Dred Scott

  • North: Against Dred Scott

1860 Election: Lincoln vs. Breckenridge vs. Douglas

  • Divided Democrats = Republican Victory = SC Ceded

Utopian Society

  • All societies failed miserably because human nature sucks

Asylum Reforms: Dorothea Dix

  • Reveals horrific conditions for mentally ill (chained naked & beaten in psych hospitals)

  • →create asylums, aka residential institute w/better conditions

Temperance Movement: pre-Prohibition

  • Women didn’t like how inebriation led to consequences

  • Promoted ‘demon gin’ rhetoric

  • Similar to political cartoons

  • Drastically reduced alcohol consumption

Education Movement

  • Instill mass education for good workers

Emancipation Proclamation: No surrender, so Lincoln frees all Southern Slaves

  • Changed Purpose for War to Ending Slavery

Party Equivalents

  • Republicans = Hamiltonians

  • Democrats = Jeffersonians


Constitutional Amendments

  • 13: abolished slavery (social & economic change)

  • sharecropping stayed at large in south

  • 14: citizenship & equal protection to laws to all born in US

  • 15: universal male suffrage

Black Codes: state laws that ensured free slaves remained under the control of whites

  • Can’t own a gun, vote, sue in court, inherit property, serve on a jury

  • Vagrancy laws

  • Could be forced to work for violations

Civil Rights Act 1866: everyone born in the US is a citizen

  • Torn down, but would have destroyed Black Codes

  • Johnson says Unconstitutional: overturns Dred Scot & not explicitly in Constitution

Black Codes: Keep Af-Ams under white control & working on plantations

  • Sharecropping: rent land in exchange for giving owner part of harvest

Jim Crow Laws: Segregate African Americans from Whites

  • De Jure: by law

  • De Facto: by custom/choice

  • Voting: Poll tax, Grandfather clauses, Literacy tests

  • Due to Democrats taking back Southern Government Control

  • Affects many Aspects of Af-Ams’ lives

    • Social: treated as second-class citizens 

      • Segregation

    • Political: Limited voting rights (Literacy tests, grandfather clause, poll taxes)

    • Economic: Not provided same as opportunities 

      • Bank loans denied, can’t buy houses in certain areas

      • Extremely Limited Generational Wealth

Civil Rights Act 1875: last one until the 1950s

  • States can’t have segregation

    • Supreme court finds unconstitutional

  • Would have stopped de jure, but not de facto

Legal Challenges to 14/15 Amendments

  • Civil Rights Cases: 1883 Declared Civil Rights ACt 1875 UNCONSTITUTIONAL

    • Can’t stop de facto segregation w/o a constitutional amendment

    • Can states lawfully segregate public schools, railroads, buses, etc.?

  • Plessy v. Ferguson: Separate but equal

    • Can be segregated if facilities aren’t inferior 

Changes of Reconstruction

Social: End of slavery→Black Codes→14th Amend→15th Amend


  • Af-Ams can vote (15th Amend) → Temporary political power

    • Literacy tests, grandfather clause, and poll taxes further denied

  • Nullification & Secession are essentially eliminated

  • Federal Government acquired immense power over the states

    • Voting issues

  • Congress has power over the president 

    • Radical Republicans overruled Andrew Johnson

  • Freedmen's Bureau & Military Reconstruction & Suspending Habeas Corpus

    • Unconstitutional, but able to be done

Economic: Hamiltonian Economy

  • BUS, Subsidies, Tariffs

  • South is destroyed due to lack of labor force (end of slavery)

  • Vagrancy laws & sharecropping attempted to resupply workforce

    • Eventually needs to industrialize (RR & subsidies from North)