The configuration about each double bond in these representations is cis.
Trans Cyclooctene is the smallest trans cycloalkene produced in pure form that is stable at room temperature.
Even in this trans cycloalkene, there is significant angle strain; the 2p orbitals of the double bond create an angle of 448 to each other.
Ciscyclooctene is 38 kJ (9.1 kcal)/mol more stable than its trans isomer, as shown in the attached image.
Even though it lacks a chiral core, the trans isomer is chiral.
A bridgehead carbon is carbon found in both rings of a hydrocarbon.
For example, the carbons with arrows indicated below are at bridgeheads.
The double bond in norbornene does not have a bridgehead carbon, whereas the double bond in the other picture has.
Because the alkene cannot be planar while the rest of the carbons in the bicyclic system span the rings, this double bond configuration causes significant strain.
Terpenes: demonstrate a key feature of biological systems' molecular logic.
Terpene research reveals the incredible diversity that nature can create from a simple carbon skeleton.
Small subunits are bound together enzymatically via an iterative process in the construction of big molecules, and then changed by following precise enzyme-catalyzed reactions.
In the laboratory, chemists apply the same principles, but their methods lack the accuracy and selectivity of enzyme-catalyzed reactions in live systems.
The terpenes you are most likely familiar with, at least by odor, are components of so-called essential oils derived by steam distillation or ether extraction of various plant parts.
Essential oils include the low-molecular-weight compounds that are responsible for the distinctive plant aromas.
In fragrances, several essential oils, particularly those derived from flowers, are employed.
Head-to-tail bonds between isoprene units are far more abundant in nature than head-to-head or tail-to-tail connections.
The structural formulae of five more terpenes formed from two isoprene units.
Geraniol and myrcene share the same carbon backbone.
The carbon atoms in myrcene and geraniol are cross-linked to form cyclic structures in the last four terpenes of the image attached.
The carbon atoms of the geraniol skeleton are numbered 1 through 8 to assist you to identify the places of cross-linkage and ring formation.
This numbered system is intended to indicate crosslinking places in the remaining terpenes.
A carbon-carbon bond exists between carbons 1 and 6 in both limonene and menthol.
Carbon-carbon bonds exist in a-pinene between carbons 1 and 6 and carbons 4 and 7.
They are found in camphor between carbons 1 and 6 and carbons 3 and 7.
In the attached image, myrcene is illustrated.
(a) structural formula and
(b) ball-and-stick model
One of the unifying concepts of organic chemistry is that molecules having electron rich regions, often lone pairs or bonds, exhibit distinct patterns of reactivity.
Similarly, molecules with electron-poor regions or weak bonds exhibit distinct reactivity patterns.
Three distinct sets of words are used to characterize such electron-rich and electron-poor entities.
Chapter 4 introduced the Brnsted-Lowry and Lewis acid and base definitions in the context of acid-base chemistry.
Proton transfers are the only ones covered by the Brnsted-Lowry definitions.
Chemists might refer to the reactants in other reactions as Lewis acids and bases (as shown in the image attached).
Remember that a Lewis acid is a species that can accept an electron pair from a Lewis base because the Lewis acid has an empty orbital while the Lewis base contains the electron pair.
The coordination of ammonia to borane is one example (as shown in the image attached).
A Brnsted-Lowry acid, such as H-X, also contains an empty orbital (the antibonding H-X sigma orbital) that may take a lone pair from a base, thus breaking the bond.
Clearly, the Lewis acid-base definition is more expansive!
In fact, it is so wide that many chemists consider most reactions (save those involving radicals) to be Lewis acid-base interactions.
In practice, however, most chemists refer to Brnsted-Lowry acid-base reactions as proton transfers, and we shall use this nomenclature throughout this book.
In reality, beginning in Chapter 6, the Brnsted-Lowry base will most likely be an organic functional group, such as an alkene, alcohol, or ester.
To explain proton transfers, we shall use phrases such as "add a proton" or "take a proton away".