American History
Ch. 15, sec. 4 The Rebirth of Reform pp. 481-487
1. Henry George/Progress and Poverty- journalist that published progress and poverty
2. Lester Frank Ward/Dynamic Sociology- published dynamic socoioly ward took the ideas of darwinsism and used to reach a very different conclusion than spencer had. He argued that human beings were different from other animals in nature becaused they the ability to think ahead and make plans to produce the future outcomes they desired.
3. Edward Bellamy/Looking Backward, 2000-1887- a novel about a young Bostonian who falls asleep in 1887 and awakens in the year 2000 to find that the united states has become a perfect society with no crime povert or politics.
4. naturalism- naturalists challenged this idea by suggeesting that some people failed in life simply because they were caught up in circumstances they could not control.
5. Social Gospel Movement- worked to better conditions in cities according to the biblical ideals of charity and justice..
6. Washington Gladden- a minister from Colombus Ohio tried to apple what he called “christian law” to social problems.
7. Walter Rauschenbusch- a baptist minister who spent nine years serving in a church in one of the New York cities poorest neighhborhoods.
8. William Booth/Salvation Army- social welfare organization first organized in England by a minister named william booth
9. YMCA- YOund mens christian association tried to help industral workers and the urban poor by organixing Bible studies, prayer meetings, citizenship training, and group activities
10. Dwight L. Moody/Revivalism- president of the CHicago YMCA in the late 1860s , prominent organizer,
11. Jane Addams/Hull House-reformers to help improve living conditions
12. settlement houses- inthese establishments, middle class residents lived and helped poor residents mostly immigrants.
13. Lillian Wald/Henry Street Settlement- The women who ran settlement houses provided everything medical care recreation programs english classes to hot lunches for factory workers.
14. Americanization- To assimilate immigrants into American culture, schools taught immigrant children english, american history, and the responsibilities of citizenship
15. Booker T. Washington/Tuskegee Institute
16. Morrill Land Grant Act- this civil war era law gave federal land grants to states for the purpose of establishing agricultural and mechanical colleges.
17. Vassar, Wellesley, Smith - private womens colleges.
1. Who was Henry George and what did he believe?
Henry George was a journalist who published Progress and Poverty. He believed that land belonged to all that it was a natural resource. He denounced land taxes.
2. Who was Lester Frank Ward and what did he believe?
Lester Ward was an American sociologist who argued that human beings were different from other animals in nature because they had the ability ro rhino ahead and make plans to produce the future outcomes they desired.
3. Who was Edward Bellamy and what did he believe?
Edward Bellamy was a american author who published one of his most famous works “Looking Backward”. The novel is about a young man that wakes up in the future and sees a perfect american society with no crime or politcal involvment. His ideas from within the book led to a form of socialism. His ideas along with Wards and Georges helped to shape the thinking of reformers.
4. Explain the philosophy of naturalism.
Naturalists believe that some people fail in life because they get caught up in things they have no control over
Natrualism is the view that only the natural word actually exists and everything from physical to mental is explainable by science.
5. Explain the Social Gospel Movement.
The social gospel movement worked during the late 1800s and early 1900s to better living situations within cities according to biblical ideals of charity and justice,
6. What was the Salvation Army and the YMCA?
The salvation army was created by a minsiter within England names William Booth. They adopted a military like stle and offefered pracrival ai and religous counseling.
7. Explain the Revivalist Movement that was led by Dwight Moody.
The revivalist movement was a movement to get people back in churches. Moody played a role as he created religious hyms that becamme populrazied.
8. Explain the Settlement House Movement.
Settlement House Movement went to support poor people within urban spaces as it provided sanctuary for medical care recreation programs and hot lunches for worker.
9. Why did public schools grow after the Civil War and what were the purposes
of public schools?
Public schools grew becauce of the rise of immigrants as oublic schooling was essential to them becomign succesful.
10. How did higher education expand during the late 1800s?
Through the Morril Land grant the education expanded.
11. What individual helped to increase the number of public libraries in America
and why did he do this?
American History
Ch. 15, sec. 3 The Gilded Age pp. 476-480
1. Gilded Age- term and applied it to the era in American Hisroty that begins about 1870 and ends around 1900 , sky scrapers reached the sky and eclectic lights banished the darkness, newly wealthy entrepreneurs built spectacular mansions
2. individualism- many americans believed that no matter how humble thor origins they could rise in society and go as far as their talents and commitment would take them.
3. Edward Atkinson- Wealthy cotton manufacturer that gave a speech to his employees basically indicating that any one of them could rise through the ranks and become prosperous.
4. Horatio Alger- no one expressed the idea of individualism better than Alger. He was a minister from Mass that came to new york who became successful creating rag to riches stories
5. “rags-to-riches”- in which a poor person goes to the big city aand becomes successful
6. Herbert Spencer -English philosopher proposed the idea of social darwism
7. John Fiske- Historian who popularized the idea of Social darwinsim
8. William Graham Sumner- political scientist who popularized social darwism.
9. “Popular Science Monthly”- a agazine that explained the new scientific and technolgcal ideas in easy and accessible ways.
10. Charles Darwin/On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection - Darwin argued that plant and animal life had evolved over the years by a process he called natural selection. In this process those species cannot adapt to the environment in which they live gradually die out while those who adape thrive and live on.
11. Social Darwinism- survival of the fittest became the catchphrase.
12. John D. Rockefeller- industrial leaders who embraces the theory
13. Henry Ward Beecher- of plymouth church in brooklyn called himself a coridal christian evolutionist and he acceped social darwinsim
14. Andrew Carnegie/”Gospel of Wealth”- this philsophhy held that welaty Americans bore the responsibility of engaging in philanthropy.
15. philanthropy- using their great fortunes to further social progress.
16. realism- new movement in art in literature attempted to portray people realistically instead of idealising them as romantic artists had done.
17. Thomas Eakins- realism artists.
18. William Dean Howells- realism writer who presented realistic descriptions of American life.
19. Samuel Clemens/Mark Twain- Samuel Clemens was the original name of mark twain who created realism stories pre civil war such as huckleberry finn and also regarded as one of the best writies in his time period.
20. Henry James- English writer who wrote about the inner circle lives of the upper class.
21. Edith Wharton- realistic author who modeled her work after James. She won a pulitzer prize for “The Age of Innocence” which encapsulated the lived of upper class new york society.
22. saloon- Saloons were like community centers for male workers, had toilets, water fo the horses, and free newspapers.
23. Coney Island- amusement park in New York.
24. James Naismith- Canadian working in college athletics who created the sport Basketball.
25. vaudeville- a combination of animal acts acrobats gymnasts and dancers
26. ragtime- a type of lively music
27. Scott Joplin- one of the most famous african american rag time composers.
1. Why is the period from 1870 to 1900 called the Gilded Age?
due to the new inventions and industrialization. Gilded means to be covered in gold but something less valuable inside. From the outside perspective the gilded age brought alot of culture but underlying issues of crime and poverty still was prevelant.
2. What is the idea of “individualism” and why was it very strong in America?
Individualism was the idea that anyone had a chance to prosper. This sentiment was very strong in america as it played apart of the american dream.
3. What is Social Darwinism and why was it a popular belief during the late
Social darwism was the survival of the fittest mentality which believers put upon work culture within the Gilded age.
4. What affect did Darwinism have on the Church?
Darwism affected the church as this idea went agaisnt what many religous figures beileved to be the truth and that is that God is the Creator.
5. Who was Andrew Carnegie and what was his “Gospel of Wealth”?
Andrew Carnege was a wealthy business man and his belief was that wealthy people should contribute some of their wealth into bettering the conditions of society.
6. How did art and literature change during the late 1800s?
Art and literature changed as it was a shift between romanticism to realism as artists were now depicting realistic life of americans.
7. Why did popular culture change considerably during the late 1800s?
Popular culture changed as the demands of labor were decreasing so now society was looking for ways of recreation.
8. What new forms of popular culture appeared during the late 1800s?
Sports games
amusement parks.
9. What was Vaudeville and Ragtime?
vaudeville was essentially like a cirus performance to many and ragtime was a type of lively music that was popularized during the time period.