Italian Renassiance/Mannerism
Brunelleschi, Duomo, Santa maria del fiore
Vasari description- Sent to us by heaven- new building technique
First dome on a communal building
- Michelangelo finished it
For the Medici Family (powerful family, many popes)
Brunelleschi, San Lorenzo
Rounded arches, flat ceiling
70 ft nave (AMIENS 140 FT)
Coffers on the ceiling
Crossing sqaures (4 bays 20 coffers)
Basilica plan
Dark and heavy architecture (during Gothic era)
Long and narrow nave
Michelozzo, Medici Ricardi Palace
L.B. Alberti, sant' Andrea
Intellect architect( gave arch importance)
Wanted Ideal Church
Like St. Peters
Start of cross shapes planned churches (pain and suffering)
Start of the centrally planned
Darkness amplifies the mystery
Bramante, Tempietto
Marks were St. Peter was Crux.
Domed and centrally Planned
Start of the rise of the popes power
Bramante Plan For Saint Peter's
One of the 5 variations
Very brutalist (similar to Michealangelo (was Built))
Sharp corners
Colossal Order Pilasters
Michealangelo St. Peters Plan
Based off of bruneleschi
Round and triangular pediments
Paired columns
Centrally Planned
Michelangelo, Vestibule(ricetto) Laurentians Library
Columns in the crevices of the walls
Not proper classicism
Transitional space
Fake windows
Appears 3 stories high
Drawn out staircase
Grey stones(Pietra Serena)
Palladio, Redentore
On the water
Long nave
Stacked pediments (5 on one façade)
Palladio, villa rotunda
Started as ag. function
Outside Vincenza
Relaxing space (Country home)
Cube with a dome on top
4 elevated entrances
5 sculptures on pediments o each side
Nomadic/portable/impermanent architecture
Tents (lasts 20 years) (women made)
Sheep wool, camel hair. Rope/twine
Nomad dwelling
Rooms- social functions
Peaked and domed
Circled layout/ animals in the center
Tipis (north native)
Blackfoot/ crow/ cheyennee
Made of 30+ animal hides
Cardinal directions (doors – East)
Men decorated tipis
Depict animals/hunting
Natural paints/pigments
Claimed shelters
Wigwams (long houses)
Domed structure
More permanent
Wood w/ bark/straw mats on interior floor
Would sleep on the ground
More labor intensive- longer lifespan
Iglus (igloos)
15 blocks wide by 12 blocks high
Good insulator
Underground passage/structure
Interconnected structure through tunnels
Could reach 90 degrees inside
Batammaliba houses
African homes
Monogamous (Social structure of single family (Nuclear Family))
Earth and thatch
Un walled villages
Single entrances
Divided among gender lines left- female right-male
Upstairs females jobs
Organization represented female anatomy
Great Mosque, Djenne
Arabian + west African Architectureal styles
Courtyard entrance
Foundation for cleansing
Oriented towards Mecca
Qibla faces the market square
Practical and political decision
St georges church
Monalith structure
Hindu inspired
Holy Jerusalem- came in a dream
Pilgrammage site
Carved into sandstone
40 ft deep trenches
Concentric cross on the roof
Greek cross more plus like
Latin longer tail- basilica plan churches
Center of the Mexican empire
Present day mexico city'in 1519 only 200k inhabitants
Hawk with snake in claws on a cactus- place to settle
Basin w/ volcanos surrounding
Cosways- bridgelike walkways
Gridded cellular buildings
Stone w/ mud and sticks
Schools and farms
Advanced plumbing
Ballcourts zoos plazas
Has pyramid social structure
Flat top pyramids
Go like figure on the top- often leaders
Acoma pueblo
"Sky city"
Harsh desert
Rural area (mesa)
Oldest continuously occupied city
Prospect refugee
Have to climb to enter, on top of mesa
Gridded (rectangular buildings)
Adobe roofs
Men- foundation and bricks
Women- plaster
Second homes (vacation homes)
Ladder entrance from above ( more security)
No interior circulation
San Estevan
Dark building with bright alter
Baroque Architecture start
Similar to St. Peters
Has two towers (Symmetrical)
Raised on holy ground
Plaza in the front ( draws in Worshippers)
Baroque Architecture
Irregular pearl
Religious response to Protestantism
Martin Luther
1545 priest
Fought irregularities
Era of conquering
Showing the truth
Ecstasy of St. Theresa
Baroque – Maxamist Classicism
Mix of material and media
Material- store/plaster
Media- painted plaster, stone that is painted like plaster
Pavilion in the center
Windows- hidden brings in light
Bounces off rods and marble
Behind the throne
Mimics sunlight rays
St. Thereas
Stabbed by angel and burned
Elaborate robes
Bernini- replicated the burning in order to paint the image of the burned skin
Piazza del popolo
Large gates
3 main architects
2 matching churches ( line roads)
Center of egyptian obulus
Center of the Chrisitan pilgrimage
St. Peters piazza and colonnade
Piazza- views the pope's blessing
Oval- encourages movement
Favorite shape if baroque
Doric order columns
More masculine
St. Peters façade and nave
Narthex entrance porch
Very large
Dome- 40 stories high (448 ft tall)
Holds relic
Shows the passion of Christ
`interior Solomonic columns – wavy (suggests movement)
Bronze and gold
Flora leaves
Bees carved (barbarini- bee is family image)
Borromini, San Carlino alle Quattro Fontane
Corinthian Columns
More exotic
Less color
Smaller chapel
No side chapels
Axis and central plan
White with gold accents
Octagonal coffers
Represents weeks (octagonal)
Dramatic architectural elements
Versallies gardens and grounds
Tryium- courtyard space
Kings apartment
Center of the nation
Lawns and gardens
Styling into shapes (embrodery patterns)
Topiary- Tree carving/scultures
Versailles Palace
20 miles form the city
Different from Italian Baroque
2 stories and attics
Paired columns like St. peters
Rounded arch windows
High relief statues
Parque floors
Silver and gold
Many frescos
Shows power and authority
Two salons – war., peace
Used for survalliance experiment
Many outdoor rooms
Hall of mirrors
Barrel vaults
Orange trees (notable)
Gold statues
Mirrors- rare
Captures energy
Associated with Venus
One side with all mirrors/ other with glass
Hotel de soubise, Salon de la Princesse
Rococo Style- more feminine
Grand style
Paris after 1715
natural inspiration
Reckless linearity
Wifes entertaining area
Instrument shapes in the decoration
White and gold
Curved forms
Mirror lined
First design without the classical feature3s
No columns or entablatures
Start of adding more colors and feminine elements
Forbidden City, Bejing
Wall protection
Streets are facing north and south
Centrally planned
Has a moat protected exterior
Vierzehnhelign (14 saints)
Cross shaped
No lavish décor on the inside
"cloud like'- pastel color palette
No classical columns
Topkapi Saray
More lavish gardens
Wall protection
Elaborate entrance with spots for arches on the top
Has the 4 courtyards
Located next to water
Suleymaniye Mosque
Inspired by the Hagia Sophia
Ottoman Islamic
4 minarets
(2(250') 2(180')
Square and dome
Mountain like
Complex (Culture and health)
Architect- sinan
Cami- mosque
Hama- bathhouse
Caravansaruy- lodging and stables
Tubesi- tombs
Imaret- hospital
Many water features
Protects private conversation (noise block)
Many mosaics
Red and white
Structural rationalism (shows the structure)