Protestant Reformation

Martin Luther

  • Luther was a German monk and a professor of theology (religion) at the university of Wittenburg

    • a very good university at the time

  • One of the many leaders of the Protestant Reformation

    • Luther objected to a saying attributed to Johann Tetzel

      “As soon as the coin in the coffer rings, the soul from purgatory springs

    • Luther’s father wanted him to be a lawyer but after lightning nearly struck him, he took it as a sign to be a monk

Luther’s 95 Theses

  • In 1517, the theses were nailed to the door of the Wittenburg church. They were written in Latin

    • Luther’s intention: not to break from the church but reform it

    • Criticized

      1. indulgences- corrupt system

      2. power of the Pope- thinks the Pope had too much power; has had this power for centuries

      3. wealth of the church

    • God’s grace by faith alone

    • Catholics believes in good works


  • Excommunication: expelled from the church

  • Holy Roman Emperor Charles V passed measures to suppress Luther’s writings

  • Lutheran princes in Germany issued a protestation or protest

    • hence the term “Protestant”

English Reformation

  • the king who had 6 wives

    • he wanted a son

He had an injury to his leg when he was younger that made him become fat. He needed an heir to the throne, but he couldn’t get a son. He beheaded two wives because of this. Catholicism wouldn’t let him divorce his wife, so he broke away from the Catholic church and the Pope to create the Church of England

The Reformation Parliament

  • Was a gathering the led to the decision that England was no longer under the control of the Pope

  • Act of Supremacy

    • subjects were required to take an oath declaring Henry VIII be the Supreme Head of the Church of England

95 Theses

  • St. Peters (Rome) needed rebuilding- needed money; used indulgences

  • Michelangelo and Raphael helped

  • Albert of Mainz volunteered to raise money

    • Mainz was an Elector State in the Empire (like Saxony)

    • Selling of indulgences

    • hired expert salesman Johanne Tetzel

  • Luther wrote to Mainz (1517)

  • Indulgences undermined seriousness of penance and piety

  • October (1517): became locked in lore

    • wrote 95 arguments against sale of indulgences (9S Theses)

    • nailed to Wittenberg Cathedral

Luther figured out the scheme of the church taking indulgences and using them to build the Basilica (St. Peters), Wrote the 95 Theses end nailed them to the cathedral so everyone can see them.

Location and Technology

-Two issues made Luther's argument a real movement

  1. Printing press

  2. Politics in the empire in a state of flux

    • new emperor needed to be elected

  • Luther became an overnight sensation

  • Debated with Dr.Johanne Eck (1519)

    • an expert on scholasticism

    • used x to sign if they couldn't read or write

  • Charles VI (Charles I of Spain) had just become HRE (purchased position)

    • Went town to town on horseback to spread indulgences

  • Electors resented his power

  • Electors saw Luthor as their key to challenging authority

Diet of Worms

  • Young (new) Charles V

    • schemed to shut up Luther

  • Fredrick of Saxony swore to protect Luther

  • Luther started writing book ideas

  • will get him in BIG trouble, denied papal infallibility, clergy not having special powers, clergy need not be celibate, reason always the same: not in bible

  • summoned to Worms to recant

    • “I cannot and will not recant

    • Here I stand

    • I can do no other”

People were shocked because it could mean he’s burned at the stake

New Ideas of Protestant

  1. You don’t need a priest to get your sins forgiven

  2. You don’t need a priest to take communion

    • priesthood of all believers

  3. Bread and wine do not transform at communion: consubstantiation

  4. Anabaptism (a fringe idea)

  5. Free Will (disputed by Calvin)

Luther and Calvin had a tense relationship because of different views
