Science Final

  • Know the major types of boundaries studied (convergent, divergent, transform) and what type of geologic features and events are associated with each.

  • Know the difference between a continental plate and an oceanic plate and what happens at a convergent boundary when they meet.

  • Know some of the key evidence that supports the theory of plate tectonics

  • Be able to explain why or why not plate tectonics is associated with our current change in sea levels.

  • Know the names of the three plates that are causing geologic change in CA.

  • Be able to explain why we have earthquakes in CA and what caused the formation of the Cascade Mountains. (Mt. Lassen and Mt. Shasta)

  • Convergent boundary

  • divergent boundary

  • transform boundary

  • subduction zone

  • Ocean ridge

  • rift valley

  • fault line

  • oceanic trench

  • Be able to describe the early history of Earth, including when it was formed, how it was formed and what it was like.

  • Be able to describe the origin of the moon including how it was formed and what impact it has on the Earth.

  • Be able to explain the two ways scientists think water came to be on Earth.

Be able to describe Earth’s early atmosphere.

  • Earth’s axial tilt

  • volcanic outgassing

  • 4 eras approximate length

  • Know the era and order of the following events:Formation of the Earth,Formation of the moon,Oldest rock,Great oxygenation event,Pangea exists,Oldest evidence of life, first member of our genus appears

  • Eras:Cenozoic,Mesozoic,Paleozoic,Precambrian

  • Know the three most common states of matter, and how mass/volume are affected as things change states

  • Understand what the law of conservation of matter states

  • Be able to calculate the density of an object

  • Know the density of fresh water and how buoyancy is connected to it.

  • Be able to convert from cm3 to mL

  • Matter,

  • Mass,

  • Volume

  • Meniscus

  • density,

  • buoyancy
