Great land based Empires:
The Ottoman Empire:
Turkish empire exists across middle east and north Africa into southeast Europe.
Started in 1300s
Turkish Muslim empire, ruler the sultan, protector of the Dar al Islam.
Cosmopolitan empire
Religious tolerance, no imposition of Islam.
Responsibility to protect.
Put end to the byzantine empire, conquered Constantinople renamed Istanbul, became capital
Heavily involved in trade land/sea.
Safavid rivals to the east/Persian empire.
Fought over Mesopotamia, and fought because of religious difference
Ottoman Sunni Islam, Safavid Shia Islam.
Attractive destination for Jewish communities in Spain
1492, end of Reconquista
Monarchy imposed religious uniformity, forcible conversion to Christianity.
Many people settled in tolerant Ottoman empire. Cosmopolitan.
Took Christian children from the Balkans
Given education, raised as Muslims
Then put into gov. or military wing called Janissaries depending on skills.
Gunpowder weapons.
People from southern Russia, mixed ethnic groups: Slavic, and central Asian.
Facilitated spread of Russian empire.
Conquest led by Cossack groups.
Made deals with Russian empire. Conquest of Central Asia for full independence.
Peter the Great + Westernization:
Russia is backwards compared to rest of Europe
Most famous Tsar of Russia
Toured Europe, building and commerce, innovation.
Implemented westernization program to bring Russia into the orbit of Europe.
Adopts western tech. Adopts into the military: Cannons, gunpowder weapons. Shipbuilding, builds first Russian Navy.
Adopts new education system for the Elite, modeled after European education
New capital: St. Petersburg, modeled after European cities.
Had access to Europe by Sea, warm water port.
Reforms are not political. Maintains absolute authority as Tsar. Unquestionable authority.
Agricultural peasants still remained in serfdom.
Sets pattern of Russian modernization looking west.
Founder of Safavid dynasty
Part Persian, Armenian and Greek.
Developed loyal following, part of Sufi brotherhood, mystical form of Islam.
Conquer Persian plateau in 1501.
Decides to forcibly convert Safavid empire to Shia Islam: Thought he could not control his territory if people practiced Sunni Islam since they neighbored the Ottomans, wanted to keep influence out of the Safavid Empire.
Mughal Empire:
Turkish dynasty similar to Ottoman and Safavid.
Babur founder
Defeats the Delhi Sultanate, establishes Muslim dynasty.
Unites Indian subcontinent.
Muslim minority in control of Hindu majority 20/80.
Couldn’t force Islam, Hindu too deeply rooted.
Connections with Europe.
No Navy, relied on Europeans to trade Indian goods by sea. Portuguese, French, English.
Most valuable good: Textiles. Greatest cotton producing empire.
Europeans took textiles across the world to be sold.
Ruled from 1556-1605
Implements toleration of Hindu and incorporation of them into gov.
Allows them to build temples, marries some Hindu princesses.
Rajput's, Manzabars. Military gov officials for a certain land collect taxes of that land.
Discourages and outlaws Sati (funeral pyre thing)
Lifted Jizya
Ruled 1558-1707
Reversed Abkars policies.
Favored Muslims in gov, excluded Hindus.
Reimposed Jizya tax
Led to instability of Empire. Revolts led by Hindus.
Ming Dynasty:
Succeeded Yuan dynasty (Mongol dynasty)
Reimplementation of traditional Chinese culture.
Revived Exam system, Neo-Confucian learning
Scholar bureaucracy teaching Confucianism
Restore Chinese agriculture
Open up land, long distance trade.
Starts strong, declines halfway through.
Environmental: Little Ice Age affected agriculture, led to famine.
Contrasts with Song, lack of tech innovation. Chauvinistic attitude to other cultures.
Thought they were superior.
Political dynamic: no male could enter the Forbidden city unless they were a eunuch seen as a threat.
Chinese scholars look down on eunuchs.
Some eunuchs were powerful
Conquered by the Manchu's north of China, weak gov, peasant rebellion.
Established Chang dynasty.
Part of Silver trade. Used to buy Chinese goods.
Zheng He's Expeditions
7 Naval expeditions led by Zheng He, Muslim eunuch.
Not expeditions of conquest, expeditions to project Chinese primacy, strength and establishes tributary relations, sending gifts on yearly basis.
Religion from North India in 15th century during Mughal times.
Founded by Nanak.
Blended Hindu, Islam and Buddhism.
Fundamental equality of all people, men and women
Leaders called Gurus.
Hostile toward Mughals, constant fighting.
Potent military force
Conquest of Siberia:
In search of Fur, facilitated by Little Ice Age
Russians par outnumbered Siberian pop.
Brought diseases, no immunities
Become Russified over time: Adopted language and religion
The Columbian Exchange:
Exchange of Food, animals, people, diseases.
East--> West
Wheat, grapes, olives,
West--> East
Corn, beans, squash, cocoa, tobacco, peanuts
Leads to pop. Boom in Europe and China.
East --> West Animals:
Horses, cows, goats, sheep, pigs.
Trade of Diseases.
Slave trade.
The Great Dying:
Spread of Epidemic diseases to Native American populations
90% of pop died.
Took long time to recover.
New Laws of 1542:
Response to Spanish conquistadors in the New World
Abuse and exploit of Native Americans
Outlaw enslavement, start to phase out encomienda system
Did not work, hard to impose laws from so far away.
Bartolome De las Casas:
Writes letters about this to Spanish monarchy
First articulation of Human rights.
Encomienda System:
Organization of land and labor of the Caribbean
Treated native Americans like slaves, no protection.
System of Exploitation and Abuse.
Spanish Reconquista:
600 years' war, beginning in 711.
Muslim forces invade Iberian peninsula, becoming Al-Andalus
Northern Christian kingdoms fought Muslim authorities and pushed them slowly out.
Ends in 1492 when Granada is taken over.
European Maritime Exploration
Portuguese Trading Post Empire:
First in West Africa, after Gold.
Vasco de Gama reached India and established trading posts all the way to SE Asia.
Owned and controlled by Force
Relationship with Kingdom of the Kongo
Spanish Philippines:
Spanish colonies, tribute, taxes, coerced labor enforced.
Dutch East India Company:
Navigational Tech:
Lateen Sail: Triangular sail allows to sail into the wind.
Stern Post Rudder: Dev. In Song. More maneuverable
Magnetic Compass: Developed in China
Astrolabe: Latitude
Europeans adopted these from other cultures, through trade routes.
Portuguese designed.
Incorporates all Nav. tech
Low draft, good for exploring along coast and up river.
Econ. Theory adopted by euro states.
Power of any state is related to how much wealth they have
Goal should be to accumulate wealth, encourages export
Discourages imports, imposed tariffs.
Development of colonies
Francis Xavier:
Jesuit Priest, co-founder of Jesuit order
Becomes great missionaries
Goes to India, Southeast Asia, Japan.
Jesuits couldn’t force Asian people to convert, had to appeal to them
Understands Japanese culture and appeals to it to get conversion.
Joint-Stock Companies:
Long distance sea trade is risky, expensive.
Made maritime trade possible.
Offers small parts of the company for sale to investors in shares
If expeditions failed, distributes risk but distributes profit if succeeded.
Silver Trade:
Tokugawa shogunate divided Japan.
Lots of Japanese converted to Christianity
Shogun saw missionaries as a threat, expelled them with violence.
Used silver to strengthen themselves.
Potosi in Bolivia rich in Silver.
British East India Company:
Madras, Bombay, Calcutta.
Could not fight Mughal empire on land, traded with bribes.
Joint-Stock company
Imposed own military forces
Employed native forces in India to fight for them.
Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade
Great Circuit War:
Trade Network that develops due to the Columbian exchange.
Slave trade, Plantation agriculture, 3 legs across Atlantic
Metal, textiles, alcohol, most important, gunpowder weapons.
Taken to coast of Africa for slaves.
Taken across middle passage
Slaves traded for cash crops: Indigo, rice, sugar, tobacco.
Sold in euro markets to buy more goods for African slave traders.
Vasco De Gama:
Port. Navigator
Completed project of circumnavigating Africa to get to the east in 1498
First Maroon War/Maroon Societies:
Societies created by escaped slaves, mainly central and south America.
Lived in jungle/forest areas. Combined with Native American tribes
Would attack plantations and liberate slaves
Happens in Jamaica, 12 years, 1728-1740
Between Brits and maroon societies.
Sign a peace treaty in 1740 to agree to not attack maroon colonies if they didn’t take any more refugees.
Prince Henry the Navigator:
Portuguese aristocrat
Sponsored attempts to find a route to Indian Ocean through the sea.
Enticed by spices in Asia.
European Slave Factories:
On coast of trading ports, huge warehouses with goods and resources were kept.
Slave traders did the same on coast of West Africa. Holding houses where slaves were kept.
Waiting to be transferred to the New World.
Would have slaves plant cash crops.
Middle Passage:
Transport of slaves to the New World.
Chained below deck
Unhealthy, unsanitary, terrifying.
Given little fresh air and exercise
Some committed suicide/employed netting to prevent it.
1/6 death rate
Dysentery, infection of intestines uncontrollable diarrhea.
Islamic Slave Trade:
Predated slave trade
Traded through sea roads and sand roads
Valued children and women, domestic work
Not exclusively African
Colonial Societies
Metacoms War:
Occurs in the Northeast of the British colonies in NA.
Native Americans joined together and attacked British colonists.
British defeated them.
Good example of resistance to Euro colonialism.
Europeans sent by Spanish king to govern colonies in central and south America.
Hated by creoles. (whites born in New World)
Monopolized political power which creoles wanted.
Top of social hierarchy
Hacienda System:
Organization of agricultural economy.
Replaced encomienda system
NA peons as labor force
Paid little, debt, abused by creoles. Not slaves but basically are.
Grow food and raise animals for local markets
Pueblo Revolts:
1680, south west of USA.
Spanish took land from natives, limited access to water, forcible imposition of Christianity.
Population diminished
Able to beat Spanish forces and have independence for 12 years.
Spanish come back and defeat them.
Resistance example
Casta system:
Social hierarchy implemented in the New World
Ensured Spanish European dominance
Structured on racial components
People born in the colonies but had white blood.
Elites, but second class to the Peninsulares
Protestant Reformation
The Protestant Reformation:
Disputes between Roman Catholic popes and Euro Kings.
Catholic Church was corrupt, practices of Simony, Indulgences.
Martin Luther
Purgatory, after death you went to a middle phase before going to heaven.
Pope Leo X, offered indulgences to finance St. Peters Basilica.
Buying indulgences removed sins.
Martin Luther:
God forgave sins for free, saw that salvation itself was a gift of grace, not a reward for good works.
Priesthood demoted, idea of priesthood of all believers was attractive.
Sola Scripture, final authority was the Bible, not the pope.
95 These, outlined complaints with Catholic church.
Printing press facilitated the spread of them.
Denounced as a heretic.
Believed in vernacular translations of the bible. Only available in Latin, only small amount of people could understand it.
John Calvin/Calvinism:
Systematized protestant beliefs with the Institutes of the Christian Religion.
Doctrine of Predestination: God decided who would be saved, not human choice
Elect: Who god chose to save.
Theocracy, bible was the rule of law.
Accumulation of wealth was seen as a sign of God’s favor to the elect.
Anglican Church and King Henry the VIII
Protestant church of England
Established the church to “divorce” the catholic church
Not that much different to Catholic Church
Challenged lingering practices of catholic church in England.
Calvinist, led to conflict with Stuart monarchs, led to civil war, where puritans won.
The Counter Reformation:
Catholic Reformation
Formation of Jesuits by Ignatius of Loyola, educated the church
Inquisition: Rooted out heretics among the church, created prohibited books index. Protestant reformers books.
Ursulines, educated young catholic girls, missionary impulse.
St Teresa, Carmelite order, life of prayer.
Council Of Trent:
Called by Pope Paul the Third
Goal to resolve the differences between protestants and Catholics
Protestants complained of Simony: Buying and selling of church offices, Immorality of clergy, and Indulgences, paying to repent sins.
Suppressed Simony, reestablished celibacy of priesthood, cleaned up practice of selling indulgences. Couldn’t be sold to finance Catholic buildings.
Affirmed that salvation comes by faith and good works
Affirmed doctrine of transubstantiation, eucharist.
Split remained permanent.
Matteo Ricci:
Jesuit Priest
Founding figure of Jesuit China mission.
Mixed Indian and Spanish people
Mixed African and European people