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AP Lang Vocab Quiz #12

Acquiesce – (ak wee ES) v. To comply passively: to accept.

Proselytize – (PRAHS uh luh tyze) v. To convert(someone)from one religion or doctrine to another.

Obfuscate – (AHB fuh skayt) v. To darken; to confuse; to make confusing.

Abnegate – (AB nuh gayt) v. To deny oneself things; to reject

Edify – (ED uh fye) v. To enlighten; to instruct, especially in moral or religious matters

Inundate – (IN un dayt) v. To flood; to cover completely with water; to overwhelm

Absolve – ( ab ZOLV) v. to forgive or free from blame.

Belie – (bi LYE) v. to give a false impression of; to contradict.

Decimate – (DES uh mayt) v. To kill or destroy a large part of.

Defame – (di FAYM) v. To libel or slander; to ruin the good name of.

Vitiate – (VISH ee ayt) v.To make impure; to pollute.

Juxtapose – (JUK stuh pohz) v. To place side by side.

Tout – (tout) v. To praise highly; to brag publicly about.

Extol – (ex TOLL) v. To praise highly; to laud.

Malinger – ( muh LING ger) v. To pretend to be sick to avoid doing work.

Extrapolate – (ik ATRAP uh layt) v. To project or deduce from something known; to infer.

Enervate – (EN ur vayt) v. To reduce the strength of energy of, especially to do so gradually

Sequester – (si KES tur) v. To set or keep apart

Scintillate – (SIN tuh layt) v. To sparkle, either literally or figuratively.

Expatriate – ( eks PAY tree ayt) v. to throw (someone) out of his or her native land.


AP Lang Vocab Quiz #12

Acquiesce – (ak wee ES) v. To comply passively: to accept.

Proselytize – (PRAHS uh luh tyze) v. To convert(someone)from one religion or doctrine to another.

Obfuscate – (AHB fuh skayt) v. To darken; to confuse; to make confusing.

Abnegate – (AB nuh gayt) v. To deny oneself things; to reject

Edify – (ED uh fye) v. To enlighten; to instruct, especially in moral or religious matters

Inundate – (IN un dayt) v. To flood; to cover completely with water; to overwhelm

Absolve – ( ab ZOLV) v. to forgive or free from blame.

Belie – (bi LYE) v. to give a false impression of; to contradict.

Decimate – (DES uh mayt) v. To kill or destroy a large part of.

Defame – (di FAYM) v. To libel or slander; to ruin the good name of.

Vitiate – (VISH ee ayt) v.To make impure; to pollute.

Juxtapose – (JUK stuh pohz) v. To place side by side.

Tout – (tout) v. To praise highly; to brag publicly about.

Extol – (ex TOLL) v. To praise highly; to laud.

Malinger – ( muh LING ger) v. To pretend to be sick to avoid doing work.

Extrapolate – (ik ATRAP uh layt) v. To project or deduce from something known; to infer.

Enervate – (EN ur vayt) v. To reduce the strength of energy of, especially to do so gradually

Sequester – (si KES tur) v. To set or keep apart

Scintillate – (SIN tuh layt) v. To sparkle, either literally or figuratively.

Expatriate – ( eks PAY tree ayt) v. to throw (someone) out of his or her native land.