Survival factors
U: The distribution of species is affected by limiting factors
Limiting factor = a component of an ecosystem which limits the distribution or numbers of a population
Defines optimal survival conditions according to its effect on a species when in deficiency or excess
Can be biotic or abiotic
Biotic factors include interactions between organisms
Either intraspecific (within a species)
Or interspecific (between species)
Abiotic factors include environmental conditions
E.g. light, temperature, salinity (concentration of salts in water or soils), rainfall, wind velocity, soil pH, etc.
Typical abiotic limiting factors for plants within a community
Plants can only survive within a narrow range of temperatures to which they are adapted
High temperatures will increase the rate of water loss by evaporation and may also denature metabolic enzymes
Low temps may cause plant sap to freeze
The expansion of frozen water in xylem can cause trunks to split
Certain species of woody plants synthesis antifreeze protein to prevent crystal formation in frozen cells
E.g. maple trees
Water availability
Water is needed for photosynthetic processes + maintaining cell turgor
Xerophytes are plant species that are adapted to survive in dry and arid environments such as deserts
E.g. cacti
Hydrophytes are plant species that are adapted to survive in frequently waterlogged soils
E.g. rice
Light availability
Light is essential to the process of photosynthesis whereby plants produce organic molecules
Low-growing plants will typically possess darker leaves in order to optimize their light conversion
Dark = more chlorophyll
Certain seaweeds have pigments adapted to absorbing blue wavelengths
E.g. kelp
Red does not easily penetrate water
Typical abiotic limiting factors for animal within a community
Animal survival typically relies on narrow temperature range
Few animals can survive temperature extremes
Poikilotherms cannot maintain thermal homeostasis and must occupy environments according to temperature needs
Homeotherms can regulate their own internal body temperatures and hence can occupy a wider range of habitats
Body size will play a fundamental role in determining an animal’s capacity to retain heat
The surface area to volume ratio
Territorial boundaries may determine an animal's capacity to attract mates, rear young, forage for food and avoid predators
Territories may be temporary (e.g. migration, breeding sites) or alternatively may be permanent
In certain species, juveniles may have different environmental requirements to adults
E.g. tadpoles and frogs
Establishment of territories can lead to intraspecific and interspecific competition
Food availability
Availability of food supply is a critical determinant in influencing population size and distribution
Animals may require a particular plant or animal species as a food source
This limits their spread to certain regions
Seasonal or geographic variations may directly affect food availability within a population
E.g. seasonal migrations
Law of Tolerance
The Law of Tolerance was proposed by Victor Ernest Shelford (American zoologist) in 1911
States that populations have optimal survival conditions within critical minimal and maximal thresholds
When populations are exposed to the extremes of a particular limiting factor (too much or too little), the survival rates drop
The distribution of species in response to a limiting factor is a bell-shaped curve with 3 distinct regions
The optimal zone
Central portion of a curve which has conditions that favor maximal reproductive success and survivability
Zones of stress
Regions flanking the optimal zone where organisms can survive but with reduced reproductive success
Zones of intolerance
Outermost regions in which organisms cannot survive
Represents the extremes of the limiting factor
A: Distribution of one animal and one plant species to illustrate limits to tolerance and zones of stress
Plant example
Plant growth varies greatly in response to salinity levels (concentrations of salt within the soil)
Plants that are not salt tolerant are called glycophytes
They are easily damaged by high salinity
Most plant species are considered glycophytes
Plants that are salt tolerant are called halophytes
They may become stressed in freshwater environments
Less than 2% of all plants are halophytes
Cultivation of land for agriculture causes the water table to rise and concentrates salt at the roots
Such cultivation includes irrigation and grazing
This makes it harder for glycophytes to extract water from the soil and the uptake of salt can be toxic to the plant
Understanding salt tolerance for different plant species is therefore critically important to effective crop farming
Animal example
Coral species form connected reefs → these are greatly impacted by changes in oceanic temperature
Coral polyps receive nutrition from photosynthetic zooxanthellae that lives within the polyp’s endodermis
Zooxanthellae = an algae
Endodermis = an inner layer of cells in the cortex of the root
The Zooxanthellae cannot survive in lower ocean temperatures
Below 18 degrees Celsius
Increases in ocean temperature cause Zooxanthellae to leave the coral tissue → this leads to coral bleaching
Above 35 degrees Celsius
Reef-building coral species therefore have a typical optimal growth range in temperate waters between 20 and 30 degrees Celsius
This correlates to the tropical and sub-tropical regions of the world (near the equator)
Species distribution
S: Use of a transect to correlate the distribution of plant or animal species with an abiotic variable
Quadrats and transects can measure the distribution of a plant or animal species in response to an incremental abiotic factor
Incremental = happening gradually
Quadrats = rectangular frames of known dimensions than can be used to establish population densities
Transects = a straight line along an abiotic gradient from which population data can be recorded to determine a pattern
Quadrats and transects are used together
Quadrats are placed at regular intervals along the transect line to generate population data
Basically, placing a quadrat down regularly and observing/counting the difference in distribution of X species based on the change of Y abiotic variable
The quadrats will show the changing distribution pattern of a species in response to a change in an abiotic variable
This data can be used to identify optimal conditions + zones of stress and zones of tolerance
Sampling with Quadrats and Transects
Quadrat counting method: count all variables mostly inside the quadrat (not mostly out)
Line transects: find a line, place quadrat every x meters
Transect data
Transects are used to assess species distribution in correlation with any abiotic factor that varies across a measurable distance
These factors could include elevation, elemental exposure, temperature, light levels, pH, humidity and more
A kite graph with the transect data can be used to represent changes in species distribution in a clear and effective fashion
The relative width of each kite represents the abundance of an organism at a particular point along a transect
Ecological niche
U: Each species plays a unique role within a community because of the unique combination of its spatial habitat and interactions with other species
Ecological niche = the functional position and role of an organism within its environment
Consists of all physical and biological conditions which determine the organism’s survival and reproductive prospects
Is comprised of various components, including:
The habitat in which an organism lives
The activity patterns of the organism
E.g. periods of time during which it is active
The resources it obtains from the environment
E.g. food sources, territorial boundaries, etc.
The interactions that occur with other species in the community
E.g. predator prey relationships, competition, etc.
U: Two species cannot survive indefinitely in the same habitat if their niches are identical
If two distinct species share an identical niche, there will be interspecific competition for available space and resources
This competition will result in the fitness of one being lowered by the presence of the other
The less well-adapted species will struggle to survive and reproduce
Eventually it will be eliminated from the niche
Interspecific competition within a shared niche will typically prompt one of two responses
Competitive exclusion → one species uses the resources more efficiently, driving the other species to local extinction
Resource partitioning → both species alter their use of the habitat to divide resources between them
Niche separation
Niche differentiation diagram:
S: Analysis of a data set that illustrates the distinction between fundamental and realized niche
Some species may not be able to occupy their entire niche due to the presence or absence of other species
Hence, a species may occupy a small subset of their niche than is theoretically possible
This creates fundamental vs. realized niche
Fundamental niche = the entire set of conditions under which an organism can survive and reproduce (where it could live)
The theoretical habitat
Example: in a rocky shore environment, the Chtalamus barnacle can potentially occupy the entire rocky shore, if in isolation
Realized niche = the set of conditions used by an organism after including interactions with other species (where it does live)
The actual habitat that is completely occupied by an organism in the presence of competing species
Example: the Chtalamus barnacle only occupies regions where the Semibalanus barnacle is absent
Experimental data
Types of barnacles
Species interactions
U: Interactions between species in a community can be classified according to their effect
In nature, no species exist in total isolation → all organisms interact with both the abiotic environment and other organisms
The interactions between species can be classified according to their effect on the organisms involved
The act of eating only plant matter
That’s why primary consumers are called herbivores
Herbivores ay employ different feeding strategies
E.g. mucivores feed on plant sap while granivores feed on seeds, etc.
Herbivory can be either harmful or beneficial to plant species as a whole
Harmful: Certain types of beetle may feed voraciously on the leaves which causes crop failure
Beneficial: Fruit-eating animals spread the seeds from a fruit in their feces, which promotes overall seed dispersal
Examples of herbivores: Rabbit, cow
A biological interaction whereby one organism hunts and feeds on another organism
Predator and prey
The dependance of the predator on the prey as a food source intertwines their population levels
If the prey population drops, the predator numbers will fall as well as intraspecific competition has to increase
If the prey population rises, predator numbers will increase as a result of the ober-abundance of a food source
No intraspecific competition necessary = even the weakest survives
Close and persistent long-term interaction between two species
Can be obligate (required for survival)
Or facultative (advantageous without being strictly necessary)
Symbiotic relationships can be beneficial to either one or both organisms in the partnership
Mutualism – both species benefit from the interaction
Example: how anemone protects clownfish and clownfish provides fecal matter for food
Commensalism – one species benefits, the other is unaffected
Example: barnacles are transported to plankton-rich waters by whales
Parasitism – one species benefits to the detriment of the other species
Example: ticks or fleas feed on the blood of their canine host
A: Local examples to illustrate the range of ways in which species can interact within a community
Ongoing interaction between two species whereby both species benefit from the interaction
Honey bees gather nectar from flowers and distributes pollen between plants
This mediates the plant life cycle
Plover birds pick food morsels from between the jaws of crocodiles, cleaning their teeth in the process
Zooxanthellae photosynthesise within the protective environment of the polyp’s endodermis
This feeds the coral
Ongoing interaction between two species whereby one benefits and the other is unaffected
Remora attaches to the underside of larger predatory fish and feed off the uneaten food scraps
Monarch butterflies can safely store poisonous chemical produced by milkweeds discourage predators from eating it
Decorator crabs remove small fragments of tissue from sea sponges and uses them as a source of camouflage
Ongoing interaction between two species whereby one species benefits at the other’s expense
Ticks infest the skin and fur of host animals, feeding off the host and potentially causing disease
Leeches attach to the skin and drinks the blood of the host animal until fully engorged
Tongue-eating louses eat the tongue of a fish and may still later ingested food
A: The symbiotic relationship between Zooxanthellae and reef-building coral reef species
Reef-building coral will form a mutualistic symbiotic relationship with the photosynthetic unicellular algae Zooxanthellae
Coral are colonial organisms made up of individual polyps that are connected by a layer of living tissue
The algae lives within the cells of the coral’s endodermis (the innermost lining of the animal)
The coral provides the algae with a protective environment and source of inorganic compounds
Coral polyps secrete calcium carbonate to build a stony skeleton which encases the polyps and the Zooxanthellae
Coral polyps also recycle the waste products of the algae and supplies the Zooxanthellae with CO2
The Zooxanthellae in turn provides the coral polyps with a necessary source of nutrition
The alage supplies the coral with oxygen, glucose and other organic molecules that it produces via photosynthesis
The algae also helps the coral remove necessary waste products
Diagram of their mutualistic relationship:
Coral bleaching
It is the Zooxanthellae that gives the coral its vibrant pigmentation
When there is a large scale loss of Zooxanthellae from the coral due to environmental stress, bleaching of the coral occurs
This causes the coral to starve and die unless the Zooxanthellae are restored
Conditions which can cause coral bleaching include:
Changes in light availability
E.g. sedimentation may increase the opacity of the oceanic waters
Temperature increases
Water temperatures in excess of 30 degrees Celsius can irrevocably stress the Zooxanthellae
Ocean acidification
The buildup of CO2 concentrations in the ocean can lower pH and stress the Zooxanthellae
Keystone species
U: Community structure can be strongly affected by keystone species
Keystone species = a species that has a disproportionately large impact on the environment relative to its abundance
Name comes from the keystone in an arch → it fundamentally supports the whole structure and prevents it from collapsing
Keystone species may influence communities in a number of ways:
Predators can exert pressure on lower trophic levels to prevent them from monopolizing certain resources
Mutualists can support the life cycle of a variety of species within a community
E.g. pollinators and seed dispersal
Engineers can refashion the environment in a manner that promotes the survival of other species
Engineer = any species that creates, significantly modifies, maintains and/or destroys habitats
Numerous examples of keystone species within different communities, such as:
Sea stars (predators) prey on urchins and mussels, which prevents mussel overpopulation and coral reef destructions by urchins
Honey bees (mutualist) pollinate a wide variety of plant species, ensuring the continuation of the plant life cycle
Beavers (engineer) build dams that transform the environment in a manner that allows certain other species to survive
Keystone species are not the dominant species (most numerous) within a community nor do they have to be apex predators
Diagram of consequences of removal of keystone species:
Trophic levels
U: Most species occupy different trophic levels in multiple food chains
Trophic level = the position an organism occupies within a feeding sequence
Producers occupy the first trophic level in a feeding sequence
Primary consumers feed on producers → second trophic level
Secondary consumers feed on primary → third trophic level
Further consumers occupy the subsequent levels
Food chain = shows linear feeding relationships between species in a community
Arrows represent the transfer of energy and matter
This transfer happens as one organism is eaten by the other
The arrows point in the direction of energy flow
Goes from the producer to the consumers
Most species’ feeding requirements means they will be in multiple food chains where they may occupy a different trophic level
As few species only feed on one other species
U: A food web shows all the possible food chains in a community
Links food chains together into more complex and interrelated feeding relationships
More representative of actual feeding pathways within an ecosystem because
Organisms can have more than one food source
Organisms can have more than one predator
Hence, organisms can also occupy more than one trophic level
Tip! When constructing food webs, position organisms at their highest trophic level (from left to right) as it keeps all arrows pointing in the same directions
EC: Ecological Pyramids
Ecological pyramids show the relative amounts of a specific component at the different trophic levels of an ecosystem
The three main types measure species numbers, biomasses and energy
Pyramid of Numbers
Shows the relative number of organisms at each stage of a food chain
Are usually shaped like pyramids → higher trophic levels cannot be sustained if there are more predators than prey
However, the shape may be distorted if a food source is disproportionately large in size/biomass compared to the feeder
E.g. a large number of caterpillars may feed on a single oak tree
Pyramid of Biomass
Shows the total mass of organisms at each stage of a food chain
Almost always upright in shape as biomass diminished along food chains as CO2 and waste is released
An exception to this rule is found in marine ecosystems where zooplankton have a larger total biomass than phytoplankton
Because phytoplankton replace their biomass at such a rapid rate and can therefore support a larger biomass of zooplankton
Pyramid of Energy
Shows the amount of energy trapped per area in a given time period at each stage in a food chain
Always upright in shape as energy is lost along food chains
Either used in respiration or lost as heat
Each level in the pyramid is roughly one tenth the size of the preceding level as energy transformations are ca. 10% efficient
Examples of pyramids:
Energy conversions
U: The percentage of ingested energy converted to biomass is dependent upon the respiration rate
Ecological production/productivity refers to the rate at which biomass is generated in an ecosystem
Usually expressed in units of mass per area per time
km m^-2 day^-1
Biomass = total dry weight of organic matter in organisms or ecosystems
The entirety of all biologically produced organic matter
E.g. proteins, carbohydrates, etc.
The percentage of energy that is converted into biomass is dependent upon a number of factors that lose energy
Energy is lost as inedible materials (bones, teeth, hair)
Energy is lost via excretion of undigested or unabsorbed materials
Energy is lost as heat from cellular respiration
The higher respiration rate results in more heat lost
Primary production = the production of chemical energy in organic compounds by producers
The main source of energy for primary production is sunlight
Sometimes chemosynthesis by lithotrophs
Can be categorized as one of two types:
Gross primary production (GPP) → the amount of chemical energy as biomass that a producer creates in a given length of time
Net primary production (NPP) → the amount of chemical energy that is not consumed by respiration
GPP - respiration
Secondary production ? the generation of biomass by heterotrophic organisms (consumers)
Biomass generation is driven by the transfer of organic compounds between trophic levels via feeding
Secondary production may also be categorized according to gross and net amounts of biomass
Gross = total
Net = usable
Diagram explaining how ingested energy converted to biomass depends on respiration:
Feed Conversion Ratio
A: Conversion ratio in sustainable food production practices
Feed Conversion Ratio (FCR) = mass of feed/mass of desired output
FCR measure the efficiency of an animal in converting food into a desired output
The lower the FCR the more efficient the method of food production
Low FCR is achieved by minimizing the potential losses of energy for the animal stock
Restricting animal movement will reduce energy lost to cell respiration
Optimizing feeding practices so that food is ingested and digested more effectively
Slaughtering animals at a young age
As older animals tend to grow more slowly and have a higher FCR
Theoretically the most efficient FCR is best as it lowers cost, however there are a number of potential ethical issues involved
Is it ethical to restrict animals and kill them early?
Diagram displaying the FCRs of different species:
EC: Sustainable food practices
Most of the protein found in Western human diets comes from farmed animal meet
E.g. cattle and poultry
These animals must be fed and housed → this creates an ecological footprint, the size of which depends on the FCR
Sustainable food practices provide food for the consumer while minimizing the environmental impact of the food source
The benefits of lowering food production costs must be balanced against ethical considerations regarding animal treatment
One sustainable food practice is the use of crickets as a protein source (as opposed to cattle)
Crickets have a substantially lower FCR → minimizes feed costs
They require significantly less water → minimizes water usage
They can reproduce much faster and require less space
Produce far less methane
For these reasons, certain health professionals are advocating the introduction of crickets into normal diets
The advantages of crickets as a food source is still debated though, so implementation is likely to be slow
Types of Ecosystems
U: In closed ecosystems energy but not matter is exchanged the with the surroundings
Ecosystems can either be open or closed, depending on whether matter moves into and out of the system
A closed ecosystems exchanges energy with its surrounding, but not matters
It is self-contained
E.g. a mesocosm
An open ecosystem changes both energy and matter with surrounding environments
A natural ecosystem such as a forest
U: The type of stable ecosystem that will emerge in an area is predictable based on climate
Ecosystem = the interaction of living and non-living things within an area
A community and its abiotic environment
Particular types of stable ecosystems will emerge in a given geographical area according to its climate conditions
Biome = a geographical area that has a particular climate and sustains a specific community of plants and animals
Basically a specific type of natural ecosystem, created from its climate and environment
The main factors affecting the distribution of biomes is temperature and rainfall
These factors vary according to latitude, longitude, altitude, proximity to ocean, etc.
Many different biomes are found across continents, including:
Tropical rainforests
Hot and humid environments
Near the equator
Dense vegetation
High biodiversity
Coniferous forests
Near the poles
Have cold temperatures
Little precipitation
Moisture trapped as snow or ice
Dry and arid environments
Display extreme temperature conditions (hot and cold)
Picture examples:
EC: Types of Biomes
Biomes are geographical area that have a particular climate and sustain a specific community of flora and fauna
The total area where all living things are found is called the biosphere
The totality of biomes
Certain biomes are named and recognized according to their specific characteristics
Tropical rainforest
Hot climate → 25-30 degrees Celsius
Very high levels of precipitation → > 250 cm per year
Large diversity in species
Vegetation includes epiphytes, tall trees and undergrowth
Epiphytes: organisms that grow on the surface of plants
Temperate forest
Also called deciduous forests
Moderate temperatures and clear seasonal changes
Growing period of around 200 days during 4-6 frost free months
Boreal forest (Taiga)
Coniferous forests
Cold and icy → 0-15 degrees Celsius
Only small amount of precipitation
Coniferous trees are densely packed and there is little variation in species
Tropical Grassland (Savannah)
Warm → 20-30 degrees Celsius
Medium amounts of moisture, although seasonal droughts are common
Trees are intermittent and widely spaced
Occasional fires prevents thicker vegetation from encroaching
Temperate Grassland
Moderate temperatures and amounts of rainfall
Trees and shrubs are largely absent
Grass is the dominant vegetation
Mediterranean (Chaparral)
Moderate temperatures → 15-25 degrees Celsius
Rainy winters and dry summers
Vegetation consists of dry woody shrubs that are quick to grow
Extreme temperature conditions → > 30 degrees Celsius during the day, < 0 degrees at night)
Very low precipitation
< 30 cm per year
Dominant plant species are xerophytes which are adapted for water conservation
Freezing temperatures → < 0 degrees Celsius
Very little precipitation
Vegetation is low growing
E.g. mosses
Perennial plants may grow during the summer
Mountain ranges
Found all over the world at high attitudes → > 10 000 feet
Temperatures are typically low due to the altitude
Weather conditions may change rapidly
Distribution of biomes in the biosphere:
Ecosystem Analysis
S: Analysis of a climograph showing the relationship between temperature, rainfall and the type of ecosystem.
Climograph = graphical representation of basic climate parameters at a given geographical location
Shows a combination of monthly average temperature and precipitation at a certain location
Precipitation = rainfall
Provides a quick overview of the climate of a region and can be used to identify seasonal patterns and changes
Whittaker’s climograph
In 1975, ecologist Robert Whittaker developed a holistic climograph that allowed for the classifying of 9 distinct biomes
Biomes distinguished according to their average yearly temperatures and precipitation
Deserts typically have high average temperatures but low precipitation
Hot and dry
Rainforests typically have high average temperatures and high precipitation
Hot and wet
Taigas typically have low average temperatures and reasonably low precipitation
Cold and icy
S: Comparison of pyramids of energy from different ecosystems
Pyramids of energy (PoE) = diagram of the flow of energy between trophic levels
Measures in units of energy per area per time
Standard units are kJ m^-2 and y^-1
Triangular and never inverted as 90% of energy is lost between trophic levels
PoEs differ between ecosystems due to the effect of climate on primary productivity
Warmer temperatures speed up enzyme reactions required for photosynthesis
High precipitation also increases photosynthesis as the photolysis of water is essential for non-cyclic photophosphorylation
Higher (optimal) rate of photosynthesis = more energy transferred
Tropical rainforests have a high NPP whereas deserts have a low NPP
Higher NPP = more energy supplies to consumers hence more trophic levels can exist
Tropical rainforests PoE has a wider base and more levels than a desert
Types of species within a particular biome may also affect how efficiently energy is transferred between trophic levels
Example: Homeotherms will use more energy maintaining a stable body temperature compared to poikilotherms
S: Construction of Gersmehl diagrams to show the interrelationships between nutrient stores and flows between taiga, desert and tropical rainforest
Gersmehl diagrams show the differences in nutrient flow and storage between different types of ecosystems
Nutrients are stored in one of three nutrient sinks
Biomass → the total mass of living organisms in a given area
Mainly plant tissue
Litter → any organic matter in and on the soil
Includes humus and leaf litter (defoliation)
Soil → the top layer of the earth that is composed of disintegrated rock particles
Nutrients can be transferred between nutrient sinks and may also be cycled via environmental inputs and outputs
Transfer from biomass to litter → fallout
Transfer from litter to soil → decay
Transfer from soil to biomass → uptake
Litter can additional gain nutrients via precipitation and lose nutrients in surface runoff
Soil can gain nutrients from the erosion of rocks via weathering and lose via leaching
Standard: Gersmehl diagram
Comparing Gersmehl diagrams
The inter-relationships between nutrient stores and flows will be affected by climatic factors
Such as temperature and rainfall
Therefore Gersmehl diagrams will differ between biomes
Tropical rainforest
Most nutrients are stored as biomass
Litter is rapidly decomposed and vast roots quickly draw nutrients from soil
There is a fast rate of transfer between stores
Hot and wet conditions promote precipitation, runoff, weathering and leaching
Most nutrients are stored as litter
Low temperatures slow decomposition which delays nutrient transfer to soil and biomass
There is little nutrient gain from precipitation or weathering due to low levels of precipitation
Cold temperatures produce snow instead
There is little nutrient loss via leaching due to low precipitation
But surface runoffs may be high at certain times if the snow melts
Most nutrients are stored in the soil
Few plants exist to store nutrients as biomass nor to produce litter
There is little nutrient gain from precipitation and little nutrient loss via runoff → both due to the dry climate
The amount of weathering and leaching is insignificant
Primary Succession
S: Analysis of data showing primary succession
Ecological succession = the process by which a sequence of increasingly complex communities develop over time
Climax community = when succession has ended and the community has all of its characteristics
Primary succession = when communities develop on entirely new land without any established soil
May occur at river deltas, glaciers, sand dunes or on exposed rock
First organisms to colonize the region are called pioneer species
Typically consist of lichen or moss
When they die, they decompose which creates the first organic soil capable of sustaining plant growth
As plant species colonize a new area, the litter produced by their growth and decomposing remains will cause changes
Soil depth will increase because plants add humus to the soil
Soil pH will become altered by the additions
Soil mineral content will increase and rocks will begin to be broken down by the action of roots
The soil will become aerated and water retention increases
Drainage is reduced
These changes will allow for growth of larger plants, which will reduce erosion through the binding action of their roots
Not all plant species will thrive in unison → larger plants will eventually outcompete smaller shade intolerant plants
Overview of primary succession:
Primary succession data
A primary succession sequence can be identified according to the distribution of plants
This applies for any location where a new community may emerge from uninhabitable land
The regions closer to the site of development will be in the earlier chronological stages of succession
E.g. Glacial retreat exposes bare rock for colonization, so regions further from the glacier have had more time to develop life
Diagram example:
Ecological Disturbance
U: Disturbance influxes the structure and rate of change within ecosystems
Environmental disturbances may cause fluctuations to the structure and rate of change within ecosystems
Such disturbances may be natural or artificial (human-induced)
E.g. bushfire, earthquake
Natural disturbance
A natural environmental disturbance may give rise to secondary succession
Secondary succession = one ecosystem is replaced by another
Occurs when succession starts on existing soil following the upheaval (change) of a pre-existing ecosystem
This upheaval results in the removal of existing biota and allows a new ecosystem to develop on the site of the old
Because the soil is already developed during secondary succession, dominance is usually achieved by the fastest growing plants
The progression of secondary succession can be summarized as follows:
An environmental disturbance destroys the pre-existing climax community
Grasses and herbaceous plants are the first to grow back as the soil is already present
Soil = no pioneer species required
Fast growing trees will develop to their fullest while shade tolerant trees will develop in the understory
Eventually the fast-growing trees may be overtaken by larger, slower-growing trees as the ecosystem reverts to its prior state
A: Consideration of one example of how humans interfere in nutrient cycling
Deforestation is the permanent destruction of a forest via the removal or clearance of trees
Human-induced degradation of forests
Driven primarily by a need for timber and cleared land for agricultural purposes
Deforestation disturbs the normal nutrient cycling within the region in a number of ways
Less trees means there is less evapotranspiration meaning there is less moisture/precipitation in the air
Fewer trees means less litter
Due to less defoliation (leaves falling off a plant)
This reduces the production of humus, so there will be less nutrients in the soil
Rapid loss of nutrients from leaching
Less chemical weathering of rock, due to less water in soil
The soil will become more acidic and release iron and aluminum to form an infertile ferralitic soil
Ferralitic soil = nutrient poor
The soil layer will become increasingly thin and eroded
The infertile soil will prevent vegetative growth, reducing biodiversity and nutrient cycling
Logging operations may also alter the distribution of plant species by removing the canopy and increasing light exposure
Canopy = the upper layer of habitat zone, usually formed by mature tree crowns
Removal of the canopy also results in an increases loss of nutrients from the soil via runoff
The effect of deforestation on nutrient cycling:
S: Investigation into the effect of an environmental disturbance on an ecosystem
Environmental disturbances are caused by natural or artificial disruptions to a normal ecosystem
Fire breaks in bush lands or regions damaged by bushfires
Outer boundaries of population settlements or regions bordering roads
Dams and artificial rivers and creeks
E.g. irrigation sites
The effect of an environmental disturbance on an ecosystem can be measured in a number of ways
Population density
Using the Lincoln index via the capture-mark-recapture technique
Species diversity and richness
Using the Simpson’s reciprocal index
The presence and distribution of indicator species
To measure levels of pollution
Canopy coverage and relative light intensity
Could measure with a lux meter
Via the average width of tree stems at a specified height
Edaphic factors such as soil erosion (via depth), water retention (via drainage), pH and nutrient content
Measurements taken from a disturbed area need to be compared against measurements taken from an undisturbed control area
This enables the investigator to statistically calculate both the effect and magnitude of the environmental disturbance
Invasive species
U: Introduced alien species can escape into local ecosystems and become invasive.
The species within any given ecosystem can be broadly described as either endemic or alien
Endemic = native species to a defined geographic region
E.g. koalas in Australia
Alien = species that have been transferred from their natural habitat into a new environment
If an introduced alien species has detrimental effects on the pre-existing food chains, it is classified as invasive
Invasive species typically threaten the biodiversity of the ecosystem they are introduced into by displacing native species
Example: invasive species in Australia → cane toad, European rabbit, red fox, camel, feral cat
U: Competitive exclusion and the absence of predators can lead to reduction in the number of endemic species when alien species become invasive
Competitive exclusion principle = two species cannot occupy identical niches within a community
One species will have a competitive advantage and survive at the expense of the other
Evolution via natural selection results in adaptations that function to minimize direct competition between species in nature
Invasive species possess several advantages that allow them to displace endemic species via competitive exclusion:
Typically possess a large fundamental niche
= can occupy a wider area than endemic species
Commonly lack a predator capable of limiting their survival
As they are introduced into a foreign environment
May possess certain features that are suited to the new environment
E.g. more aggression, better foraging, etc.
A: Study of the introduction of cane toads in Australia and another local example of an introduced alien species
Case study one: Cane toads (Bufo marinus)
Cane toad was introduced in Australia in 1935 by humans to control the spread of the sugar cane beetle that was damaging crops
Failed to limit the beetle population → beetles live at the tops of sugar canes where the toads could not reach
The cane toad has reproduced rapidly and is now classified as an invasive species that endangers native wildlife
It has a wide diet → depleted the prey population for native insectivores
Secretes a toxic chemical from its skin that has poisoned native predators
Carries diseases that have been transmitted to native species of frogs and fish
The cane toad has spread across the northern fringes of Australia
Now numbers in the millions
Proven difficult to eradicate as there are no natural predators in Australia to reduce its population size
Case study 2: Wild rabbits
European rabbits were introduced in Australia with the arrival of the First Fleet
Ostensibly for recreational hunting
Australian conditions promoted a population explosion
Mild winters allowed rabbits to breed the entire year
Fastest spread ever recorded for any mammal anywhere in the world
Rabbits have had a devastating effect on native Australian ecology
Killed native plant species by ringbarking
Ringbarking = removing a strip of bark that prevents future growth beyond that point
Loss of native plants has left the topsoil exposed and vulnerable to extensive erosion from wind and rain
Various strategies have been employed to control rabbit populations with varying effect
‘Rabbit-proof’ fences were built to try and contain rabbit populations
Methods of hunting and poisoning have been utilized
Also efforts to destroy rabbit warrens (burrows)
Rabbit-borne diseases have been released with moderate success
E.g. myxomatosis virus
Biological control
S: Evaluation of eradication programmes and biological control as measures to reduce impact of alien species.
Controlling the population of invasive species once they have become established is difficult and typically very expensive
Three main methods: physical, chemical, biological
Physical control
Involves removal or restriction by manual or mechanical measures
May include:
Installation of barriers and fences
Removal of habitat by excavation or trimming
Population numbers may be reduced by hunting, trapping and culling
Although this is labor intensive
Physical methods to contain invasive species are not usually species specific and can also impede endemic wildlife
Chemical control
Involves the use of chemical agents to limit population numbers and spread
Chemical agents = poisons and toxins
Chemical agents may include:
Herbicides for plants
Pesticides for insects
Other compounds such as rat poison
Chemical agents may have moderate specificity, but can also detrimentally affect local wildlife + are costly
The effect may become more pronounced in high trophic levels due to biomagnification
Biological control
Involves using living organisms or viruses to control an invasive species
Biological control may eat the invasive species or cause it to become diseased
Biological agents mut be carefully assessed before release to ensure they do not become invasive themselves
The Vedalia beetle feeds on citrus plant invertebrates
The Myxoma virus that affects rabbits
Biological control agents must be monitored for unintended side effects
E.g. development of immunity in invasive species
Biocontrol case study: The Vedalia Beetle (ladybug)
The cottony cushion scale is an invertebrate pest from Australia that was accidentally released in California
Spread and fed on citrus plants such as orange trees
Devastated the Californian citrus industry
The Vedalia beetle is a predatory insect from Australia that was introduced into California as a means of biological control
It worked to limit the numbers of the cottony cushion scale
Minimized the economic impact on the citrus industry
U: Pollutants become concentrated in the tissues of organisms at higher trophic levels by biomagnification
Biomagnification = the process in which chemical substances become more concentrated at each trophic level
Bioaccumulation = the build up of a chemical substance in the tissues of a single organism
Biomagnification occurs because organisms at higher trophic levels must consume more biomasse to meet feeding requirements
Energy transformations are only ca. 10% efficient, so higher order consumers must eat more to meet energy demands
This means higher order consumers will experience increased contamination from a chemical substance
Diagram of effect:
S: Analysis of data illustrating the causes and consequences of biomagnification
Dichloro Diphenyl Trichloroethane (DDT) is an example of a chemical substance which is biomagnified
DDT = a chemical pesticide that is sprayed on crops to eliminate mosquito larvae and washed into waterways at low concentrations
Taken up by algae and passed on to primary consumers
DDT is fat soluble and selectively retained within the tissues of an organism instead of being excreted
At each subsequent trophic level DDT is passed on through the algae, the concentration of DDT stored in the body increases
Increased trophic level = increased food uptake = increased DDT
Very high levels of DDT were discovered in birds that preyed on fish
Birds exposed to high levels of DDT through feeding on fish that fed on algae were found to produced thinner shells as a consequence
This decreased survival rates of fledglings
Diagrams we may encounter for such data analysis
A: Discussion of the trade-off between control of the malarial parasite and DDT pollution
DDT was widely employed as a chemical pesticide in the 1940s and 1950s to control insect-borne diseases like malaria
Agricultural insecticide
Led to complete eradication of malaria in many high socioeconomic world regions
Less effective in low socioeconomic tropical regions where eradication programs could not be sustained
Eradication programs were curtailed by the World Health Organization (WHO) in 1969
For safety and environmental concerns
DDT can bioaccumulate to toxic levels and poses a significant threat to high trophic levels due to biomagnification
Current interventions for malaria now focus on non-spraying strategies
E.g. the use of bednets soaked in insecticides
Malaria vs. DDT
Arguments for DDT spraying:
DDT spraying is an affordable and effective means of killing mosquitos that carry disease
E.g. malaria, dengue fever, etc.
Where the use of DDT has been discontinued, the incidence of malaria and associated deaths have increased
Health costs associated with the treatment of malaria are reduced when DDT spraying is implemented
Alternative strategies are not as cost-effective or successful
Arguments against DDT spraying
It is associated with adverse health effects in humans
E.g. cancer, birth defects, reduced fertility, etc.
Persists in the environment for long periods of time
More than 15 years
DDT is biomagnified in higher order consumers which has adverse consequences on ecosystems
Plastic pollution
U: Macroplastic and microplastic debris has accumulated in marine environments
Plastic = a type of synthetic polymer
Found in certain types of clothes, bottles, bags, food wrappings, containers, etc.
Most plastics are not biodegradable → persist in the environment for many centuries
Macroplastic = large visible plastic debris
1 mm
Macroplastic debris can be degraded and broken down into microplastic debris by UV radiation and the action of waves
Microplastic = smaller plastic debris
< 1 mm
Ocean currents will concentrate plastic debris in large oceanic convergence zones called gyres
Plastic debris in the ocean will leach chemical into the water + absorb toxic contaminants called persistent organic pollutants
Microplastics will absorb more persistent organic pollutants (POPs) due to their smaller size
More surface area available
Both macro- and microplastic debris is ingested by marine animals, which mistake the debris for food
This leads to the bioaccumulation and biomagnification of POPs within marine animals
It may also damage the stomach of animals or cause them to stop feeding
By taking up space in the digestive tract
A: Case study of the impact of plastic debris on Laysan albatrosses and one other named example
Case Study 1: Laysan Albatross
Nests on islands found in the North Pacific gyre where large amounts of plastic debris is found
Feeds by skimming the ocean surface with their beak → this causes them to ingest large quantities of plastic too
Adults can regurgitate (throw up) the plastic they have swallowed, but chicks are unable to
Instead, it fills up their stomachs
The mortality rate in albatross chicks is very high
Estimated 40% die before fledgling
Case Study 2: Sea turtles
Will commonly mistake plastic bags for jellyfish
Jellyfish = one of their primary food sources
Ingestion of the plastic can be fatal
It can become lodged in the esophagus and cause future feeding problems
Plastic debris can also become wrapped around the turtle → restricting movement and developmental growth
It is estimated plastic pollution harms ca. 100 000 sea turtles and other marine animals each year
EC: Cholorfluorocarbons
Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) = chemicals widely used as refrigerants, propellants and solvents in the past
Contribute to ozone depletion in the upper atmosphere
Therefore their manufacture and use is being phased out
Ozone layer = stratospheric region composed of ozone (triatomic oxygen)
CFCs are broken down by UV radiation to release chloride ions that react with ozone
The ions breaks the ozone down into oxygen
One chloride ions can destroy 100 000 ozone molecules
Diagram of the process:
Ozone in the stratosphere absorbs UV radiation, however there is a limit to how much radiation ozone can absorb
Regions where the ozone layer is thinner will experience higher terrestrial UV levels
Thinning caused by for example CFCs
UV light penetrates tissues and damages DNA → this causes gene mutations and cancer
Can also damage the ability of plants to carry out photosynthesis + kill phytoplankton → this reduces productivity
EC: Earth spheres
The Earth is made up of four distinct and connected spheres
Lithosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere, biosphere
Lithosphere = all the rocks, minerals and molten magma found on or in the Earth
Also called geosphere
Hydrosphere = all the water on Earth
Liquid water such as oceans and rivers
Precipitation and vapor
Atmosphere = the layer of gasses surrounding the Earth
Divided into further sections
E.g. stratosphere
Biosphere = all the living organisms on the planet
Including plants, animals, bacteria, etc.
As the four spheres are interconnected, human impact on one sphere will potentially affect other spheres
The release of plastic pollution into the hydrosphere (oceans) will impact the biosphere (marine life)
The production and release of CFCs into the atmosphere will impact how much UV radiation the biosphere is subjected to
Indicator species
U: An indicator species is an organism used to assess a specific environmental condition
Indicator species are sensitive to specific environmental conditions → limited range of tolerance
Reduction or growth of their population therefore indicates changes in the environment
Useful means of monitoring change
Examples of indicator species and their environmental conditions
Lichen and mosses are susceptible to air-borne pollutants dissolved in water
E.g. sulfur dioxide
Tubifex worms are sensitive to concentrations of heavy metals
Mayfly larva and certain aquatic invertebrates are sensitive to dissolved oxygen levels in water
U: Relative numbers of an indicator species can be used to calculate the value of a biotic index
Biotic indices compare the relative frequency of indicator species
Provide an overall assessment of environmental health
Calculating a biotic index involves multiplying the population size of each indicator species by its pollution tolerance rating
The following conclusions can be drawn from a biotic index:
A high biotic index = the presence of many pollution-sensitive organisms
Denotes an unpolluted environment
A low biotic index = the absence of pollution-sensitive organisms + abundance of pollution-tolerant organisms
Indicates a polluted environment
A change in the biotic index over time marks a change in the environmental conditions within a given ecosystem
Pollution tolerance rating
Environmental pollution levels
U: Richness and evenness are components of biodiversity
Biodiversity = the variety and variability of all living organisms within a given ecological area
Can be used to refer to the number of species, their genetic diversity or habitat variety
Habitat variety = ecological variations
2 main components contribute to biodiversity
Species richness → the number of different species present in an area
More species = greater richness
Species evenness → the relative abundance of the different species in an area
Similar abundance = more evenness
Richness vs. evenness
S: Analysis of the biodiversity of two local communities using Simpson’s reciprocal index of diversity
Simpson’s reciprocal index can be used to measure the relative biodiversity of a given community
It takes into account both the number of species present (richness) and the number of individuals per species (evenness)
A higher index value is indicative of a greater degree of biodiversity within the community
Simpson’s reciprocal index can be used to compare communities to identify intrinsic values
Intrinsic value = something we value for itself, not its consequences
A high index value = a stable site with many different niches and low competition
High richness and evenness
A low index value = a site with few potential niches where only a few species dominate
Low richness and evenness
The index value may change in response to ecological disturbance
E.g. human intervention, natural disasters, etc.
Biogeographic factors
U: Biogeographic factors affect species diversity
Biodiversity within a given ecosystem will be affected by a number of biogeographic factors
Larger habitats tend to promote biodiversity better than smaller ones
More available niches = less competition
Ecology at the edges of ecosystem is different from central areas
E.g. more sunlight, more wind, etc.
This is known as the edge effect, whereby species distribution is influenced by divergent environmental conditions
Edges tend to have greater biodiversity as different habitats with different abiotic factors exist in close physical proximity
However, edges tend to have more competition than central regions → may restrict survival prospects of certain species
Habitat corridors between parts of a fragmented habitat can connect disparate regions to improve genetic diversity
These principles of biogeographic factors are routinely applied when setting aside land as a nature reserve to improve the conservation of biodiversity
A: Analysis of the impact of biogeographic factors on diversity limited to island size and edge effect
Island size
The biodiversity of an island is typically proportionate to island size
Larger island = greater biodiversity
Larger islands support a greater range of habitats
Hence more available niches for species to occupy → more survival + diversity
Larger islands can sustain higher population numbers for each species
Increases species evenness
Larger islands have greater productivity at each trophic level
Leads to longer + more stable food chains
Smaller island = less biodiversity
Diagram depicting the relationship between island size and biodiversity
Edge effect
The diversity of species within a given environment changes with proximity to the ecosystem’s boundaries
Biodiversity may be greater at the border between two ecosystems as different abiotic factors favor certain species
However, certain species may not be able thrive under these conditions
Instead must occupy more central regions
The effect of edges on biodiversity will be greatly influenced by the particular conditions caused by the ecological disturbance
U: In situ conservation may require active management of nature reserves or national parks
Conservation = the careful preservation, protection and maintenance of natural resources
Such as trees, water, wildlife, etc.
Can be either in situ or ex situ
On site or off site
In situ conservation is the preservation of plant and animal species within their natural habitat
Typically involves the designation of protected areas of land as either nature reserves or national parks
These areas may require active management to ensure that an appropriate and sustainable ecological balance is maintained
Ecological monitoring of a species may be required to ensure viable population levels are maintained
Interventions may be required to prevent habitat degradation or competition from invasive species
Legislation may be necessary to ensure adequate funding for policing and education
In situ conservation offers several advantages when protecting endangered species from extinction
It allows species to live in the environment to which they are adapted
+ to occupy their natural position in the food chain
It maintains the animal’s normal behavior
Offspring usually acquire skills from parents and peers around them
Retaining the natural habitat prevents its eventual loss + ensures it remains available for other endangered species
Such areas provide a place to return animals from breeding programs as they provide realistic conditions for reintegration
Reserves in different areas can share information and provide a place for scientific study and developing public awareness
U: Ex situ conservation is the preservation of species outside their natural habitats
Ex situ conservation involves the preservation of plant and animal species outside their natural habitats
May typically be required for critically endangered species when urgent intervention is necessary
There are several advantages associated with ex situ conservation
It allows for greater control of essential conditions
E.g. climate control, dietary intake, veterinary care, etc.
It can improve the chances of successful breeding by utilizing artificial methods
E.g. embryo transfer, IVF, etc.
Ex situ conservation is also associated with several disadvantages
They do not prevent the potential destruction of their natural habitats
Species raised in captivity are less likely to be successfully reintroduced into the wild
Loss of autonomous survival
Increases inbreeding by restricting the gene pool → restricts the evolution of the species
Some examples of ex situ conservation measures employed around the world:
Captive breeding → animals are raised and bred in containment to ensure survival prospects
E.g. zoos
Botanical gardens → areas devoted to the collection, cultivation and display of a wide variety of plant species
Seed banks → secure sites that store and catalog seeds in order to preserve plant genetic diversity
A: Case study of the captive breeding and reintroduction of an endangered animal species
Case Study 1: Indian rhinoceros
An endangered species with only ca. 3500 rhinoceros living in the wild
This number was as low as 2000 in the early 1990s → increased due to successful captive breeding programs
In addition to habitat loss, the Indian rhinoceros is threatened by poachers
Their horn is considered potent in some cultures
It is listed as vulnerable on the IUCN red list + the majority of the species is situated in Indian protected areas (reserves)
Case Study 2: Mountain Chicken Frog
A species of frog native to the Carribean islands of Dominica and Montserrat
The population of this frog has declined i81% in the last 10 years
Due to the fungal disease chytridiomycosis
Also threatened by human consumption → local delicacy said to taste like chicken
Considered critically endangered with fewer than 8000 individuals existing in the wild
The frog has been artificially bred in laboratories in England prior to being reintroduced into the wild
EC: Endangered species
Endangered species = categorized by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) as likely to become extinct
Conservation status = likelihood of becoming extinct
Currently 3000 endangered species according to IUCN
Factors for determining a species’ conservation status
Rate of decline
Population size
Area of geographic distribution
Degree of population fragmentation
IUCN has a red list which classifies species into nine groups
Extinct (EX)
No surviving individuals
E.g. tasmanian tiger
Extinct in Wild (EW)
Captive individuals survive, but there is no wild population
E.g. barbary lion
Critically endangered (CR)
Faces an extremely high risk of extinction in the near future
E.g. red wolf
Endangered (EN)
Faces a high risk of extinction in the near future
E.g. snow leopard
Vulnerable (VU)
Faces a high risk of endangerment in the medium term
E.g. Indian rhinoceros
Near Threatened (NT)
May be considered threatened in the near future
E.g. tiger shark
Least Concern (LC)
No immediate threat to species survival
E.g. giraffe
All other organisms may be listed as Data Deficient (DD) or Not Evaluated (NE)
EC: Extinction
Extinction = the complete cessation of a species or higher taxon level, reducing biodiversity
Can occur gradually as one population of organisms evolves into something else
Phyletic extinction
Can be sudden without any identifiable descendents → cease to exits
Abrupt extinction
Can be very difficult to determine the moment of extinction → most categorizations are usually done retrospectively
Occasionally species thought to be extinct can be rediscovered after a period of time
E.g. lazarus taxa
99% of all species that ever lived on Earth are considered to be extinct
Estimated to amount over 5 billion species
Natural catastrophes may cause mass extinction events
Large scale loss of species in relatively short period
Case Study: Tasmanian Tiger
Thylacinus cynocephalus
Became extinct after the arrival of European settlers to Australia
Tasmanian tigers would feed on introduced sheep → therefore hunted and poached
The loss of habitat due to human development + lack of successful breeding programs = population numbers dwindling
Aboriginal rock paintings suggest the Tasmanian tiger once lived on the mainland, but died out from predation and/or competition
Last Tasmanian tiger died in captivity in 1936
Declared extinct by international standards in 1986