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Prohibition: alcohol banned, many smuggled alcohol or formed speakeasies.

Navigation Acts: King Charles II restricted colonial trade in the Royal Colonies 1684

Edmund Andros(kind of like a bounty hunter): paid to get colonists to listen to British rule

James II: Glorious Revolution

1st time ever there was a joint monarchy: William + Mary

Salutary Neglect(1688-1763): free, but with attachments

Colonies remain loyal: mother country would be less strict

Colonies can do what they want as long as they don’t cross the line

Great Awakening: Awakening of religion

Loose constructionist:(localized version of christianity) evangelical:(spread the word)

Jonathan Edwards: fiery preacher whom’s sermons attracted millions of people(got people back into christianity)

Spider over a flame: God can either drop you or save you

J.E was focused on: a less structured version of worship

Salem Witch trials brought: enlightenment

Enlightenment thinkers: sought to improve society by challenging society’s authorities(religious and political) via their own philosophical beliefs based on the ‘empiricism’ and RATIONAL thinking wt/out emotio

Enlightenment blossomed in: France & England

Philosophers believed that one could apply: reason & logic to all aspects of life.

JOHN LOCKE: Believes that THE PEOPLE and KINGS should work together to promote the general well-being of all peoples within a society**; Believes that all people are born with NATURAL RIGHTS to life, liberty, and property; >PETITION THE GOVERNMENT<**

**MONTESQUIEU: **was a judge and French philosopher; separation of powers; different governmental bodies share power so that one person/faction doesn’t rule for themselves

BECCARIA: Italian Philosopher…condemned torture and the death penalty; penalty should fit the crime

VOLTAIRE: Believed logic needed to replace religion in society; Was a __deist __(believed God to be a ‘clockmaker’); TOLERANCE!!!

prohibition: alcohol ban

JEAN-JACQUES ROUSSEAU: GENERAL WILL of the public (do as the people decide, but people are immoral sometimes)

Direct Democracy: every person has a say in the government

Inspired the French Revolution

MARY WOLLSTONECRAFT: Men weren’t superior to women

Woman should be educated (which would make women more virtuous, better mothers, & give women the opportunity to take part in politics…marriage=slavery)

Salutary Neglect: free but with attachments

Navigation acts: restricted colonial trade

Salutary Neglect: free but with attachments

Navigation acts: restricted colonial trade

France was an: absolute monarchy

Ohio: good water source for trading; fur trade..BEAVERS= France wanted to expand their empire eastward(the British empire was expanding westward, so… conflict)

**War started in: Pittsburgh, fort duquesne(**1st interaction-GW took down the french, who then came back with allies and destroyed the British)

French fort where they are surrounded on two sides by water.

Mercantilism: economic system European powers use to become wealthy/powerful(Export more goods than you Import… and you will become RICH)

Guerrilla warfare: sneak attacks

1754: GW failed attempt at attacking the french

1755: GW tries attacking again, with help(ed Braddock), but the french made alliances too(natives).

1756: French destroyed the British with ‘hit and run’ tactics

1757: William Pitt= gov. Of 13 colonies(not really though)

Pitt: organized attacks the french empire across the globe rather than just the french in NA(messed up their trade system/economy).

Henry VIII: established the Great Navy

1763: British won the war & salutary neglect ended; Treaty of Paris was established

1763: Pontiac kept the British war going across modern Detroit (captured 8 forts)

The more raw materials you have: the more items you can manufacture

The more items you manufacture: Economic Independence, Increase in wealth, & the more you can spend to expand your empire and build your military

England wanted more independence: 13 colonies & its cash crops

PILGRIM: person who travels for religious reasons

PURITAN: believe in pre-destination…broke off from church of england because they didn’t agree with them(wanted to purify them, but couldn’t, so they left)

Pilgrims 1st landed in the:Netherlands

AMSTERDAM: very liberal(relaxed/free will/hippies/weed…) very accepting. Dutch didn’t really like puritans(they were too strict, so they kicked pilgrims out who then went north)

Puritans wanted to land in Virginia, but they landed in: Provincetown(kicked again, then they landed in Plymouth in the winter)

MAYFLOWER COMPACT: signed by John Carver, Wm. Bradford, Myles Standish, Wm. Brewster in 1620

All native tribes hated: Pequot

Samoset: first thing he said was ‘Hello’

Squanto: was kidnapped and learned English + showed them fishing spots…when he was taken back, his people were gone so he joined the wampanoags.

Puritans assumed it was ? that they met the wampanoags: divine intervention

1630: Boston established

1636: Coalition formed against Pequot Tribe

PEQUOT WAR: BLOODIEST WAS IN THE HISTORY OF US 1636-1638: 1st conflict in New England Dutch demanded more for goods=violence(Pequot killed/beheaded Captain John Stone-mistaking him as Dutch )

King Philip’s War: encroaching upon native land

Philips real name: Metacomet(raised Christian, educated in Harvard, was leader of wampanoag)

What happened to Metacomet?: Metacomet was arrested, put on trial, then beheaded(head was on pike for about 100 years)

1650-55: English civil war Guerilla tactics

Salem Witch Trials:1692

Salem Witch Trials was pre-what?: Enlightenment

1692(SWT) problems: Everyone was DEEPLY religious & were either puritists or separatists

Why was SWT so horrible?: it was people turning against each other and the government supporting these accusations

What’s the SWT lesson: don’t give too much power to those in charge

Witch Craze In Europe(1590-1600) 1600 thousand women were killed for witchcraft(ended with Salem witch trials)

Proclamation line of 1763: Disallowed British colonists to cross Appalachian Mountains

Why was the proclamation made: Avoid further conflict Britain and Natives

What was the result of this proclamation: Colonists were angered by the order (felt as though they fought to obtain the region and had the right to settle)

We’re the British able to maintain this proclamation: Britain did not have the manpower to enforce the proclamation

What ended with the Proclamation: Salutary Neglect

The proclamation is the 1st domino to what: the revolution


Prohibition: alcohol banned, many smuggled alcohol or formed speakeasies.

Navigation Acts: King Charles II restricted colonial trade in the Royal Colonies 1684

Edmund Andros(kind of like a bounty hunter): paid to get colonists to listen to British rule

James II: Glorious Revolution

1st time ever there was a joint monarchy: William + Mary

Salutary Neglect(1688-1763): free, but with attachments

Colonies remain loyal: mother country would be less strict

Colonies can do what they want as long as they don’t cross the line

Great Awakening: Awakening of religion

Loose constructionist:(localized version of christianity) evangelical:(spread the word)

Jonathan Edwards: fiery preacher whom’s sermons attracted millions of people(got people back into christianity)

Spider over a flame: God can either drop you or save you

J.E was focused on: a less structured version of worship

Salem Witch trials brought: enlightenment

Enlightenment thinkers: sought to improve society by challenging society’s authorities(religious and political) via their own philosophical beliefs based on the ‘empiricism’ and RATIONAL thinking wt/out emotio

Enlightenment blossomed in: France & England

Philosophers believed that one could apply: reason & logic to all aspects of life.

JOHN LOCKE: Believes that THE PEOPLE and KINGS should work together to promote the general well-being of all peoples within a society**; Believes that all people are born with NATURAL RIGHTS to life, liberty, and property; >PETITION THE GOVERNMENT<**

**MONTESQUIEU: **was a judge and French philosopher; separation of powers; different governmental bodies share power so that one person/faction doesn’t rule for themselves

BECCARIA: Italian Philosopher…condemned torture and the death penalty; penalty should fit the crime

VOLTAIRE: Believed logic needed to replace religion in society; Was a __deist __(believed God to be a ‘clockmaker’); TOLERANCE!!!

prohibition: alcohol ban

JEAN-JACQUES ROUSSEAU: GENERAL WILL of the public (do as the people decide, but people are immoral sometimes)

Direct Democracy: every person has a say in the government

Inspired the French Revolution

MARY WOLLSTONECRAFT: Men weren’t superior to women

Woman should be educated (which would make women more virtuous, better mothers, & give women the opportunity to take part in politics…marriage=slavery)

Salutary Neglect: free but with attachments

Navigation acts: restricted colonial trade

Salutary Neglect: free but with attachments

Navigation acts: restricted colonial trade

France was an: absolute monarchy

Ohio: good water source for trading; fur trade..BEAVERS= France wanted to expand their empire eastward(the British empire was expanding westward, so… conflict)

**War started in: Pittsburgh, fort duquesne(**1st interaction-GW took down the french, who then came back with allies and destroyed the British)

French fort where they are surrounded on two sides by water.

Mercantilism: economic system European powers use to become wealthy/powerful(Export more goods than you Import… and you will become RICH)

Guerrilla warfare: sneak attacks

1754: GW failed attempt at attacking the french

1755: GW tries attacking again, with help(ed Braddock), but the french made alliances too(natives).

1756: French destroyed the British with ‘hit and run’ tactics

1757: William Pitt= gov. Of 13 colonies(not really though)

Pitt: organized attacks the french empire across the globe rather than just the french in NA(messed up their trade system/economy).

Henry VIII: established the Great Navy

1763: British won the war & salutary neglect ended; Treaty of Paris was established

1763: Pontiac kept the British war going across modern Detroit (captured 8 forts)

The more raw materials you have: the more items you can manufacture

The more items you manufacture: Economic Independence, Increase in wealth, & the more you can spend to expand your empire and build your military

England wanted more independence: 13 colonies & its cash crops

PILGRIM: person who travels for religious reasons

PURITAN: believe in pre-destination…broke off from church of england because they didn’t agree with them(wanted to purify them, but couldn’t, so they left)

Pilgrims 1st landed in the:Netherlands

AMSTERDAM: very liberal(relaxed/free will/hippies/weed…) very accepting. Dutch didn’t really like puritans(they were too strict, so they kicked pilgrims out who then went north)

Puritans wanted to land in Virginia, but they landed in: Provincetown(kicked again, then they landed in Plymouth in the winter)

MAYFLOWER COMPACT: signed by John Carver, Wm. Bradford, Myles Standish, Wm. Brewster in 1620

All native tribes hated: Pequot

Samoset: first thing he said was ‘Hello’

Squanto: was kidnapped and learned English + showed them fishing spots…when he was taken back, his people were gone so he joined the wampanoags.

Puritans assumed it was ? that they met the wampanoags: divine intervention

1630: Boston established

1636: Coalition formed against Pequot Tribe

PEQUOT WAR: BLOODIEST WAS IN THE HISTORY OF US 1636-1638: 1st conflict in New England Dutch demanded more for goods=violence(Pequot killed/beheaded Captain John Stone-mistaking him as Dutch )

King Philip’s War: encroaching upon native land

Philips real name: Metacomet(raised Christian, educated in Harvard, was leader of wampanoag)

What happened to Metacomet?: Metacomet was arrested, put on trial, then beheaded(head was on pike for about 100 years)

1650-55: English civil war Guerilla tactics

Salem Witch Trials:1692

Salem Witch Trials was pre-what?: Enlightenment

1692(SWT) problems: Everyone was DEEPLY religious & were either puritists or separatists

Why was SWT so horrible?: it was people turning against each other and the government supporting these accusations

What’s the SWT lesson: don’t give too much power to those in charge

Witch Craze In Europe(1590-1600) 1600 thousand women were killed for witchcraft(ended with Salem witch trials)

Proclamation line of 1763: Disallowed British colonists to cross Appalachian Mountains

Why was the proclamation made: Avoid further conflict Britain and Natives

What was the result of this proclamation: Colonists were angered by the order (felt as though they fought to obtain the region and had the right to settle)

We’re the British able to maintain this proclamation: Britain did not have the manpower to enforce the proclamation

What ended with the Proclamation: Salutary Neglect

The proclamation is the 1st domino to what: the revolution