Unit 1A: History & Perspectives Vocab

Psychology: The science of behavior and mental processes

Humanistic Psychology: How our needs of love, acceptance, and self-fulfillment are met.

Behavioral Psychology: How observable responses (behaviors) are learned

Biological Psychology (Same as Neuroscience): How the biology of the brain and nervous system actually function (neuroscience).

Cognitive Psychology: How information is remembered, processed, and communicated.

Evolutionary Psychology: How behaviors and the mind have evolved.

Psychodynamic Psychology (Same as Psychoanalytic): How the unconscious mind affects the conscious mind.

Social-Cultural psychology: How different cultures and environments affect our behavior

Industrial-Organizational Psychology: Psychology used to maximize efficiency in the workplace.

Clinical Psychology: Profession that assesses and treats mental and behavioral disorders

Psychiatry: Profession that prescribes medication or therapy for those with mental and behavioral disorders

Nature vs. Nurture: Biggest debate in psychology: are people born with certain traits are do they develope with experience?
