Industrial Revolution
1. Where did the Industrial Revolution begin? England
2. What two places did it spread to? Western Euro and the US
3. Prior to the Industrialization -> After Industrialization
4. Define Industrialization: The process of replacing human and animal power with machine power
5. Define Enclosure Movement: Wealthy landowners buy up land from poor farmers and closed it in fences
6. Where did poor unemployed framers move due to the enclosure movement? The city
7. Increased food production meant less farmers were needed on farms.
8. Unemployed famers were a cheap source of labor in cities.
9. England had abundant natural resources such as rivers, coal and iron.
10 a. Who invented the Spinning Jenny? James Hargraves
b. The Spinning Jenny made textiles faster then could be make with animal or human power.
11. Who invented the Steam Engine? James Watt
12. The new factory system replaced the old cotton industry.
13. What did workers use in factories to produce large amounts of goods? The factory system
14. Where did much of England’s cotton come from? Plantations in the south
15. Who invented the Cotton Gin? Eli Whitney
16. What was the effect of the Cotton Gin on slavery in the US? The demand for slave labor was increased
17. What two forms of transportation used the steam engine? Steam boats and railroads
18. What was the named of the process that made cheap and strong steel? The Bessemer Process
19. Who invented the smallpox vaccine? Edward Jenner
20. Who discovered bacteria? Louis Pasteur
21. What effect did the Industrial Revolution have on city population? It increased
22. What happened to standard of living for many in the Industrial Revolution? It increased
23. What happened to travel times during the Industrial Revolution? Travel was faster
24. As child labor ended at the conclusion of the Industrial Revolution what did children do instead? Go to school
25. What class of people saw their numbers increase during the Industrial Revolution? Middle class
26. What type of pollution increased during the Industrial Revolution? Environmental
27. How did factory workers feel at the beginning of the Industrial Revolution? Dissatisfied
28. Think of the game we played in class, what was the name of the growth of cities that occurred during this time? Urbanization
Industrial Revolution: Society
29. What were agricultural (pre-Industrial Revolution) economies based on? The family unit
30. The Industrial Revolution placed new demands on the labor of men, women, and children.
31. Workers organized labor unions to fight for improved working conditions and workers’ rights.
32. Family-based cottage industries displaced by the factory system
33. List three things workers faced working in the factories and mines of the IR? Heat, loss of limbs, and death
34. Many workers were forced to work in company towns where the company owned everything and the workers were perpetually in debt.
35. How much did children earn on average a day for working? $0.40-$1.00
36. What happened to slavery in the 1800s in most industrialized nations? It was outlawed
37. What legally ended slavery in the US? The 13th amendment
38. What expanded with the reform of child labor at the end of the IR? Education
39. Define suffrage: Womens right to vote
40. What did women have to do to gain the right to vote? Protest and lobby
41. Who is this champion of women and worker’s rights? Susan B Anthony
42. Which amendment made woman suffrage legal in the US in 1920? The 19th amendment
42. What did labor unions demand? (Two specific things…) Increased wages and improved worker conditions
43. How did Gov’t and business often respond to strikers? Violently
44. What did unions lobby for? For laws to improve the lives of workers
43. What is an example of the violence that often broke out between workers and government? The Great Railroad Strike of 1877
Industrial Revolution: Economic Systems
44. What economic system is based on private ownership and on the investment of money in business ventures in order to make a profit? Capitalism
45. Who is the “father” of capitalism? Adam Smith
46. What book did the “father” of capitalism write? The Wealth of Nations
47. This book argues that capitalistic countries are wealthier than those who are not.
47. What did it say business should do to gain each costumer’s money? Compete
48. By during the answer to #47 businesses will be able to provide better goods and services that are better and less expensive than their competition.
49. What does Laissez-Faire mean? Hands off
50. Under the economics of capitalism the government does not interfere in the economy
51. Who determines price in capitalism? The businesses
52. Capitalism had the positive effect that Competition led to…progress
53. What fueled the IR? Capitalism
54. Some saw an increase in…wealth
55. A negative of capitalism is that many poor workers were dissatisfied with their working conditions, and the unequal distribution of wealth.
56. Define Socialism: A shared economic responsibility of the people for the benefit of all of society
57. Who was an Irish politician, suffragist and socialist who fought for Irish Independence. The first women elected to UK’s House of Commons (Parliament) and first female cabinet member in Europe? Countess Markievicz
56. In socialism the government regulates the economy, it does not control it entirely.
57. In socialism the gov’t provides and runs social programs (ex. Social Security) to protect and provide for citizens.
58. Today socialism is a mixed economic system. He government regulates things but also allows private ownership and a competitive marketplace.
59. Define Communism: An economic system where the gov’t regulates everything and everything is shared
60. Who are the “fathers” of Communism? Karl Marx and Frederick Engels
61. What two books are associated with Communism that they wrote? Das Kapital and The Communist Manifesto
62. Communism was a reaction to the injustices of the IR and Capitalism. Specific injustices relate to wealth imbalance between rich and poor.
63. IR intensified class struggle (rich bs poor).
64. In communist theory what were the “have-nots” called? Proletarians
65. What were workers told they needed to do to redistribute (=share) wealth? Enact violence to the rich
66. Under communism what should cease to exist? Rich and poor
67. What gov’t shows this not to be true? USSR