Secretary of State Hughes tried to find something that could replace the League of Nations and prevent future wars
Washington Conference of 1921 - trying to prevent a naval armament race (US, Britain, Japan)
Reduce fleets and a 10 year prohibition of constructing large warships
Five-Power Pact - limits for total naval tonnage and a ratio of armaments
Nine-Power Pact - continuing Open Door policy in China
Four-Power Pact - US, Britain, France, and Japan would respect each other’s Pacific territories and prevent aggression
Kellogg-Briand Pact - outlawed war as an instrument of national policy
Protecting American trade
Needed to do something about European debt and financial structure
Dawes Plan: American banks would provide loans to Germans to meet reparation payments and in return, Britain and France would reduce the amount of those payments
Only lead to a circular pattern
Expanding oversea loans and investments - becoming too dependent on European economies
High tariffs - Fordney-McCumber Act —> European nations could not earn the money needed to repay their loans
Economic expansion in Latin America
Roads and facilities, loans to governments
Similar to Europe-difficulty repaying loans to US
World financial crisis - economic distress, threatened international agreements
Latin America - repair damage by not intervening in internal affairs
Would grant diplomatic recognition to any government in Latin America and refused US Intervention
Europe - prohibition on debts, did not want to cancel all European war debts to US
Growing of Fascism(Mussolini and the Nazis)
Japanese invasion of Manchuria
Failure of the international system - use internationalism and enter more meaningful agreements with other nations or use nationalism and rely on themselves’
Economic relations with Europe - participate in the World Economic Conference
Allowed gold value of money to fall so American goods could compete in markets
“Bombshell message” - reject agreement on currency stabilization
Stopped the circular loans - forbade American banks to make loans to any nation in default on its debt
Reciprocal Trade Agreement Act 1934 - lowered tariffs and other countries could also lower theirs
Exports increased but imports lagged - other nations unable to obtain money
USSR - No more propaganda in the US and protect American citizens in Russia, the US would recognize the Soviet Regime
Good Neighbor Policy
Latin America was important for trade - increased exports and imports
Hoover Administration: no longer used military force
Roosevelt creates the Good Neighbor Policy - did not use military force, used economic influence
Isolationism - many Americans in favor of it because of the disillusionment caused by WWI
Investigation into the corruption of businesses and banks during WWI
Still, Roosevelt wanted to become part of the World Court - immediately shot down by the Senate and the people
Neutrality Act of 1935 - prevent the US from being dragged into possible conflict in Europe or a new World War
Arms ban against both victim and aggressor in military conflict
Cash and Carry policy - European countries could only pay in cash and must go to America to buy goods
Mussolini conquers Ethiopia and allies with Nazi Germany - many people did not want America to intervene
Asia: Japanese aggression in China —> Roosevelt “quarantine speech” saying that the aggressors should be quarantined so to prevent war
Bad reaction from the public
Europe - Hitler begins to take over
Munich Conference - appeased Hitler and accepted the lands he took over as long as Hitler would expand no more
This failed - Hitler now threatens Poland and WWII begins after he invades
Favored the Allied nations (Britain, France, etc) - made armaments available to Europe
Prohibited American ships from entering war zone but did permit the sale of goods on a cash-and-carry basis
Start of WWII
Germany invades West Europe - countries being conquered left and right
Roosevelt now preparing against a possible invasion
Increased aid to allies and used 1 billion dollars to expand warplane —> made war material available to Britain
Shift in Public opinion - Germany now posed a direct threat to the US
Burke-Wadsworth Act - first peacetime military draft
Committee to Defend America by Aiding the Allies and the Fight for Freedom Committee
America First Committee (against America intervention)
Abandoning Neutrality
Britain went bankrupt and could not meet the cash-and-carry requirements
Started the “lend-lease” - America gives weapons to England and Britain had to promise to return or pay for them
America would only defend transport ships in their own hemisphere (western)
Germany invades the USSR and America extends the lend-lease to Russia—> Germany begins to target American vessels
US enters a naval war against Germany
The Atlantic Charter - written by Britain and America against Nazi Germany
Japan signs the Tripartite Pact - defensive alliance with Germany and Italy and America formally cuts off call supplies/trade to Japan
Bombing of Pearl Harbor
American forces now diminished in the Pacific —> finally unified the people to join the war
Declaration of war