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Amendment Test p. 1

Civil Rights :: curbs on the power of majorities, preserves equal citizenship, majorities can not make decisions that benefit some at the expense of others

Civil Liberties :: limitations placed on the government, things the government can’t do that might interfere with your personal freedom

Bill of Rights Purpose:: to put limits on the government, to protect and respect minority rights

George Mason :: VA delegate at Constitutional Convention and refused to ratify the Constitution without Bill of Rights

James Madison :: father of the Constitution, didn’t want to modify the Constitution, thought lawmaking processes would already support minority rights

Thomas Jefferson eventually persuades JM that a Bill of Rights is necessary

JM, a Rep in House, persuades House to pass 17 amendments, Senate passes 12 amendments, and GW sends to states, 10 are passed. #protecttheminorities

JM said no government can be perfect, and the least imperfect government is the best form of government

BILL OF RIGHTS CONTENT ---------------------------

1st amendment :: Freedom of press, speech, petition, assembly, religion

2nd amendment :: the right to bear arms and keep a militia

3rd :: protection against housing troops

4th :: warrant requirement and no unreasonable searches or seizures

5th :: anyone put on trial is entitled to a jury, no double jeopardy, no self incrimination, and eminent domain

6th amendment :: right to a speedy and public trial, to know your accusation and accusers, and to have a lawyer assist you

7th amendment :: the right to a jury in a civil trial

8th :: no excessive bail or fines, no cruel or unusual punishments

9th:: all rights not written in the Constitution belong to the people

10th :: powers of the states

THEMES --------------------------------

Intolerable Acts :: 2nd, 3rd, 4th

Justice System :: 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th

Privacy :: 3rd, 4th, 5th

Things not Mentioned in Constitution :: 9th and 10th

Amendment Test p. 1

Civil Rights :: curbs on the power of majorities, preserves equal citizenship, majorities can not make decisions that benefit some at the expense of others

Civil Liberties :: limitations placed on the government, things the government can’t do that might interfere with your personal freedom

Bill of Rights Purpose:: to put limits on the government, to protect and respect minority rights

George Mason :: VA delegate at Constitutional Convention and refused to ratify the Constitution without Bill of Rights

James Madison :: father of the Constitution, didn’t want to modify the Constitution, thought lawmaking processes would already support minority rights

Thomas Jefferson eventually persuades JM that a Bill of Rights is necessary

JM, a Rep in House, persuades House to pass 17 amendments, Senate passes 12 amendments, and GW sends to states, 10 are passed. #protecttheminorities

JM said no government can be perfect, and the least imperfect government is the best form of government

BILL OF RIGHTS CONTENT ---------------------------

1st amendment :: Freedom of press, speech, petition, assembly, religion

2nd amendment :: the right to bear arms and keep a militia

3rd :: protection against housing troops

4th :: warrant requirement and no unreasonable searches or seizures

5th :: anyone put on trial is entitled to a jury, no double jeopardy, no self incrimination, and eminent domain

6th amendment :: right to a speedy and public trial, to know your accusation and accusers, and to have a lawyer assist you

7th amendment :: the right to a jury in a civil trial

8th :: no excessive bail or fines, no cruel or unusual punishments

9th:: all rights not written in the Constitution belong to the people

10th :: powers of the states

THEMES --------------------------------

Intolerable Acts :: 2nd, 3rd, 4th

Justice System :: 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th

Privacy :: 3rd, 4th, 5th

Things not Mentioned in Constitution :: 9th and 10th
