Imperialism Debate
With territories under spheres of influence, nations faced off in economic competitions and defending their territories
Isolationists were pacifists and humanitarians reformers, vs. imperialists who wanted to expand into foreign territories
Anti-Imperialist League
Formed in 1898
Mission to reverse imperialist foreign policy
Battled the American annexation of the Philippines as an insular area
Spheres of Influence
A diplomatic term denoting an area in which a foreign power or powers exerts significant military, cultural, or economic influence
The region over which a group or institution has power, which is separate from whoever is traditionally in control
Alfred Thayer Mahan
1890 - Wrote The Influence of Sea Power upon History
Oversaw the gradual buildup of the US Navy + naval bases
Cuban Revolution
Cuba was an economic hub for sugar, tobacco, and coffee
1895 - Cuban slaves revolted using modern weapons
General Valeriano “Butcher” Weyler oversaw cruel Cuban concentration camps
Was heavily published in American newspapers
Spanish-American War
After Cuban atrocities and the sinking of the USS Maine, McKinley declared war against Spain
Invaded Cuba and the Philippines
Teddy Roosevelt oversaw the Rough Riders, which was his lead-up to national fame
Cuba + Philippines + Guam + Puerto Rico were sites of the war
Joseph Pulitzer
Using “yellow journalism,” he sensationalized and overexaggerated the news to increase circulation
Promoted the war with Spain
Founded a journalism school and the Pulitzer Prize
USS Maine
In Havana, Cuba, the Maine protected American citizens
1898 - Was destroyed + sunk in an explosion
With yellow journalism newspapers, “Remember the Maine!” was used to sensationalize the incident
However, the US couldn’t prove that Spain exploded the ship
Teller and Platt Amendment
1898 - The Teller Amendment declared that the US wouldn’t interfere in Cuban affairs
1901 - The Platt Amendment declared that it wouldn’t go into treaties with other foreign nations and would intervene if danger arose
Established a US naval base at Guantanamo Bay
Rough Riders
A volunteer cavalry led by Teddy Roosevelt
Invaded Cuba
High casualty rate
Made Roosevelt famous
1893 - American sugar and fruit planters overthrew Hawaiian Queen Liliuokalani
McKinley was pro-annexation
Congress established a joint resolution that eventually led to the US annexing the Hawaiian islands in 1898
Foraker Act
Puerto Ricans were represented in American gov’t BUT couldn’t participate
Coaling Stations
Coaling stations were US islands stocked with coal for refueling
US cargo ships picked up coal and supplies at these islands
Insular Cases
Answered the question of “Does the Constitution follow the flag?”
Does US law apply equally to foreign territories that it annexes?
Decided that these islands were ruled by the US BUT the people wouldn’t receive full American rights
Filipino Insurrection
Because the US governed the Philippines, it helped Filipinos
Fighting between Filipinos and American soldiers
Guerilla warfare led by Emilio Aguinaldo
Open Door Policy
1899 - Created by John Hay
Didn’t exclude the US from trading in China
High competition from other nations for spheres of influence in China eventually led to the Russo-Japanese War (1904) and the Portsmouth Treaty (1905)
Boxer Rebellion
The Boxers wanted to overthrow the Qing Dynasty and to kill all foreigners in China
The US sent troops which eventually crushed the Boxers
Roosevelt Corollary
Established by Theodore Roosevelt
US wanted stability in Western Hemisphere
Established the US as an international police force
Hay-Paunceforte Treaty
Gave British consent to build the Panama Canal and to fortify the Canal Zone
Panama Canal
With Colombia unwilling to negotiate with the US, Roosevelt encouraged the Panamanian Revolution
1904 - The Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty allowed for the building of a canal zone
1914 - Canal was completed
Great White Fleet
Managed by Theodore Roosevelt
The nickname for 16 American battleships that circulated the globe
Root-Takahira Agreement
Minimized tensions between Japan and the US in China and California
Allowed Japan to pursue its own imperial goals
Dollar Diplomacy
Coined by William Howard Taft
Believed that the US should intervene in foreign affairs without using its military
If nations cooperated with US interests, the US would provide them with investment money
Pancho Villa
A guerilla fighter during the Mexican Revolution (1911)
Led an invasion on US soil
Escaped and wasn’t caught by the US military
Spanish actions in Cuba + yellow journalism → Spanish-American War
What to do w/ Spanish colonies?
Imperialists - Gain Pacific Ocean territories
Teddy Roosevelt - Panama Canal + Great White Fleet
US is world power → Protect interests + exert influence