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Gov Basics Study 9/27 ISS

Anarchy :: A society lacking government

State of Nature :: Hypothetical anarchic society without government

Purpose of Government :: provide protection, create order, and provide for its citizens

Characteristics of State:: population, territory, sovereignty, government

The State” :: a body of people, living in a defined territory, organized politically, and having the power to make and enforce laws, without needing the consent of higher authority

Public Policy :: a system of laws, regulatory measures, courses of actions, and funding priorities concerning a given topic publicized by a governmental entity or its representatives

Origin - Force Theory :: person or people takes over are through military intervention (dicatorship)

Origin - Evolutionary Theory :: states are developed out of a basic family unit; family networks are created and head of family is also head of state (monarchy)

Origin - Divine Right Theory :: power is given by God to a person on earth, God is responsible for the creation of the state (theocracy)

Origin - Social Contract Theory :: Government represents free will of people. (democracy)

The Social Contract :: Agreement where people give up some free will in return for protection from government. Government can not be a theocracy, monarchy, or dictatorship. If the people are unhappy with the existing government, there will be a peaceful transition of power. (democracy)

Hobbes’ work :: Leviathan, 1651

Locke’s work :: Two Treatises of Government, 1689

Rousseau’s work :: The Social Contract, 1762

Thomas Hobbes :: Believed humans in a “state of nature” would behave badly towards each other. Any person has a natural right to do anything to preserve their own liberty or safety. War is not in man’s best interest, and man has a self-interested, materialistic desire to end war and enter a social contract. There is no natural morality, and government should show power and punish lawbreakers. Dictatorship.

John Locke :: Humans in “state of nature” were selfish but human nature is characterized by reason and tolerance. In anarchy, people are independent and equal, and none have the right to harm any others “life, health, liberty, or possessions”. If all are naturally equal, those rights are unprotected. Once a government is established, all must agree to the government. Otherwise, the government will collapse. Parliamentary system.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau :: Men are “noble savages”, and our bad habits are the products of corrupting forces in society. He is critical of: social hierarchy, property, and markets. Says hierarchies doesn’t work with equality. Believes humans are cooperative and the state should promote the “General Will”. People should be asked what they want, as voting is part of a democracy. Parliamentary or presidential system.

Unitary :: all powers belong to one body. Local governments are subject to central government an their powers are devolved by the central government. Not necessarily totalitarian or dictatorship. Pros: government is less expensive to run and there is national unity. Cons: local issues not met, or could be ignored.

Federal :: Good for large landmass countries and ethnically diverse countries. Power divided between central and local. Both are controlled by a superior government, like a constitution. Both levels act directly on the people through their own sets of laws, officials, and agencies. Pros: local issues met, not ignored. Cons: does not promote national unity as much, could create regionalism. Could be disputes over who actually has power over certain things, central or local??

Confederate :: An alliance of independent states, where the “central” government only has powers which member states assign it. Generally the member states reunite for trade and war. Members act independently on state matters but function as a group when common concerns arise. Pros: power would never be consolidated into one central body, makes alliances for war and trade easier. Cons: central government is very weak and unstable.

Presidential :: executive’s term is limited, and there is separation of power. The exec and leg branches are voted for separately. The two branches have divided powers as well.

Parliamentary :: Exec branch has Prime Minister, who is chosen from the legislative branch. PM is an MP. PM selected by and subject to parliament. Can call snap elections.

Dictatorship :: Rule by minority. Seeks absolute political power, government is not accountable for it’s policies, and often militaristic and gains power by force.

Autocracy :: One person controls all in a dictatorship

Oligarchy :: a small elite, self-appointed group controls all

Authoritarian :: wishes to control all political freedom

Totalitarian :: wishes to control every aspect of citizens’ lives

Influences on Government :: History and past experiences; demographics, culture, ideologies and social values; geography (physical and political)

Gov Basics Study 9/27 ISS

Anarchy :: A society lacking government

State of Nature :: Hypothetical anarchic society without government

Purpose of Government :: provide protection, create order, and provide for its citizens

Characteristics of State:: population, territory, sovereignty, government

The State” :: a body of people, living in a defined territory, organized politically, and having the power to make and enforce laws, without needing the consent of higher authority

Public Policy :: a system of laws, regulatory measures, courses of actions, and funding priorities concerning a given topic publicized by a governmental entity or its representatives

Origin - Force Theory :: person or people takes over are through military intervention (dicatorship)

Origin - Evolutionary Theory :: states are developed out of a basic family unit; family networks are created and head of family is also head of state (monarchy)

Origin - Divine Right Theory :: power is given by God to a person on earth, God is responsible for the creation of the state (theocracy)

Origin - Social Contract Theory :: Government represents free will of people. (democracy)

The Social Contract :: Agreement where people give up some free will in return for protection from government. Government can not be a theocracy, monarchy, or dictatorship. If the people are unhappy with the existing government, there will be a peaceful transition of power. (democracy)

Hobbes’ work :: Leviathan, 1651

Locke’s work :: Two Treatises of Government, 1689

Rousseau’s work :: The Social Contract, 1762

Thomas Hobbes :: Believed humans in a “state of nature” would behave badly towards each other. Any person has a natural right to do anything to preserve their own liberty or safety. War is not in man’s best interest, and man has a self-interested, materialistic desire to end war and enter a social contract. There is no natural morality, and government should show power and punish lawbreakers. Dictatorship.

John Locke :: Humans in “state of nature” were selfish but human nature is characterized by reason and tolerance. In anarchy, people are independent and equal, and none have the right to harm any others “life, health, liberty, or possessions”. If all are naturally equal, those rights are unprotected. Once a government is established, all must agree to the government. Otherwise, the government will collapse. Parliamentary system.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau :: Men are “noble savages”, and our bad habits are the products of corrupting forces in society. He is critical of: social hierarchy, property, and markets. Says hierarchies doesn’t work with equality. Believes humans are cooperative and the state should promote the “General Will”. People should be asked what they want, as voting is part of a democracy. Parliamentary or presidential system.

Unitary :: all powers belong to one body. Local governments are subject to central government an their powers are devolved by the central government. Not necessarily totalitarian or dictatorship. Pros: government is less expensive to run and there is national unity. Cons: local issues not met, or could be ignored.

Federal :: Good for large landmass countries and ethnically diverse countries. Power divided between central and local. Both are controlled by a superior government, like a constitution. Both levels act directly on the people through their own sets of laws, officials, and agencies. Pros: local issues met, not ignored. Cons: does not promote national unity as much, could create regionalism. Could be disputes over who actually has power over certain things, central or local??

Confederate :: An alliance of independent states, where the “central” government only has powers which member states assign it. Generally the member states reunite for trade and war. Members act independently on state matters but function as a group when common concerns arise. Pros: power would never be consolidated into one central body, makes alliances for war and trade easier. Cons: central government is very weak and unstable.

Presidential :: executive’s term is limited, and there is separation of power. The exec and leg branches are voted for separately. The two branches have divided powers as well.

Parliamentary :: Exec branch has Prime Minister, who is chosen from the legislative branch. PM is an MP. PM selected by and subject to parliament. Can call snap elections.

Dictatorship :: Rule by minority. Seeks absolute political power, government is not accountable for it’s policies, and often militaristic and gains power by force.

Autocracy :: One person controls all in a dictatorship

Oligarchy :: a small elite, self-appointed group controls all

Authoritarian :: wishes to control all political freedom

Totalitarian :: wishes to control every aspect of citizens’ lives

Influences on Government :: History and past experiences; demographics, culture, ideologies and social values; geography (physical and political)
