Untitled Flashcards Set

Wed, Feb 5th, 2025 - Nonverbal Communication


  • disclaimers - an example of a true/false question would be - “a disclaimer is a powerful speech” but its not, it would be false because in the textbook the def is that its powerless speech

  • For next monday, 6 hypothetical midterm questions

    • chapter 5

    • chapter 7

Nonverbal Communication -

  • Approximately 93% of communication is NONVERBAL!

  • A highly CODIFIED LANGUAGE that by itself is without spoken word

    • We miss signals often

      • Nonverbal’s are pretty subtle

  • Primarily, nonverbal’s communicate feelings

    • They range in both meaning and impact

  • Its not about WHAT you say, its HOW you say it

    • Its all about tone

  • We are never in a state where we are not transmitting information

Perception and Identity

  • Nonverbal communication can be ambiguous, cryptic and harder to read. (higher potential for miscommunications)

  • Nonverbal’s are higher on the abstraction ladder

    • Non verbals tend to be more abstract than direct

The Nature of Nonverbal Communication

  • Typically: we learn to adjust our nonverbal behavior by mirroring the other to conform


  • You can tell someone is lying when they look up and to the right

    • although eye contact is something to pay attention to

  • Closed body language “hides” your nonverbal’s or acts as a blocking behavior

    • You are always transmitting some sort of information

  • The “Pinocchio Effect” says you can target a single nonverbal behavior to determine deceptiveness (ex: eye movement)

    • No concrete or quantifiable data has proven this claim

      • Then how do we know?

        • When asking criminals, the longer people spoke for for answering questions, were probs lying

        • You need a baseline

          • You need to know them well

          • CONTEXT is important when distinguishing a habit from a nonverbal tell

            • What does the overall situation tell us?

From Top to Bottom:

The Face

  • When it comes to first impressions nonverbally, THE FACE IS KEY - and takes primacy

Hairstyles and grooming

  • When it comes to first impressions nonverbally, the face is key - and takes primacy, including hair

Facial Expressions

  • Key role in expressing thought, emotions and attitudes

  • Our faces are constantly telegraphing emotions, sentiments, desires etc, whether we realize it or not


      • Comfort

        • Neutral Facial Expression

      • Discomfort

        • Muscles showing for example excitement, tension, or shock

  • Chirality

    • An asymatical

      • Faces showing two emotions

      • If you divide the face in half you can see the true feels when u get rid of it

  • Authenticity in Nonverbal comm

    • Epstien, red flag, creepy smile

Managing Impressions

  • Impressions Management - trying to get others to view you as you want to be seen


      • MANNER

        • the way in which you carry yourself

        • Manner is the way you act


        • The way you dress and groom yourself

      • SETTING

        • The physical items you surround yourself with

First Impressions

  • We make many early decisions on people based on nonverbal particularly from personal appearances

  • Interviewers say they can size up someone in the first 15 seconds

Authenticity in nonverbal communication

  • its important to understand the double edged sword of nonverbal comm, particularly how “positive” nonverbal’s may give us a good overall impression of someone, who may be misleading us, or are in fact malicious or just a bad person

What can nonverbals do for you?

  • fake it til you make it

  • Amy Cuddy coined the term “Power Posing”

    • EX: raising fists, opened body language

    • Movement prior to something stressful

    • You can change the way you think about yourself by how u think about urself

    • The low-life hack of changing posture and opening body language can change your testosterone and cortisol levels all which can CHANGE OUR FEELINGS ABOUT OURSELVES

Study of “Kinesics” = Study of Body Language

  • Body Language

    • Facial Expressions

    • Movement

    • Eye contact

    • Hand Gestures

    • Posture

“Eyes are windows to the soul”

  • Bridges the divide between you and the other person

  • In western cultures, eye contact signals RESPECT AND MUTUAL INTREST. May also suggest comfortability or attraction

  • Look people in the eye

    • If you ask someone to do something by looking them in the eyes, more likely to do what they are asking you to do.

    Moderation is key

    • If someone stares at you too much, eye contact is too much, its strange


  • Very important feature of “nonverbal” voice is one of your most distinctive features

  • Paralinguistic - the study of vocals

    1. Voice Qualities: Tone, pitch (rising/falling), rate-of-speaking, articulation, pronunciation and affectations

    2. Vocalizations - sounds (pausing, laughing, crying, sighing, fillers)

  • The “Vocal Fry”

    • A vocal effect produced by very slow vibration of the vocal cords and characterized by a low guttural pitch

Hand gestures

  • Nonverbals that signify, complement, emphasize, or complement what is being said


    1. Emblems

      • Is a non verbal substitution

      • Immediately understood nonverbal’s that act as substitutes/replacements for verbal expressions

        • EX: waving goodbye

        • EX2: Flipping the bird

    2. Regulators

      • Nonverbals that control and “regulate” interactions

        • EX: Hand gestures that are apart of the verbals

Use of Time

  • Monochronic

    • Rigid, punctual and singular view of time

      • EX: Our class meeting at the same time each week

  • Polychronic

    • Flexible, change-warranted, and multiple views of time

      • EX: A lot of countries in Europe

PROXEMICS - the study of peoples use of space

  • TERRITORIALITY - the “defense” of an area

    • The visible area a person claims through nonverbal communication

    • Usually by “marking” an area



    • The Study of “haptics” looks at touch as physical connection

    • Intimacy and connection hinges on how touch is treated

    • Studies show that loneliness leads to a shorter lifespan


  • The study of smells in comm

  • For example, the use of perfumes indicates an attempt to establush a favorable first impression

  • On the other hand, bad odors are perceived negatively

  • Other Examples: Pheromones, freshly mowed grass, grandmothers house, smell of good drink
