Recombinant DNA


  • enzymes are protein-based molecules that facilitate various biochemical reactions, including the cutting and joining of DNA strands

  • enzymes have an active site, which is where they bind with other molecules to combine or decompose them.

  • what are restriction enzymes?

    • enzymes that cut double-stranded DNA at a unique, specific place

  • two types of restriction enzymes:

    • endonuclease - makes cuts within the DNA molecule

      • three types - type II is used in rDNA technology as it makes cuts within recognition sites

        • examples: Eco R1, Hind III

    • exonuclease - removes nucleotides from the ends of the DNA strand

  • why the name restriction enzyme?

    • the enzymes of bacterium restrict the replication of viral genome

  • how do restriction enzymes cut DNA molecules?

    • recognition sites - DNA sequence of base pairs that reads the same on two strands in the 5’-3’ & 3’-5’

What is Recombinant DNA

  • DNA fragments that are extracted from an organism and then inserted into another organism to change the genome and phenotype.

How Does Recombinant DNA Work?

  • isolation - DNA is extracted from the source organism, and specific genes are targeted.

  • cutting DNA - restriction enzymes cut the DNA at specific sequences, creating fragments with blunt and sticky ends.

  • insertion - the DNA fragment is inserted into a vector, such as a plasmid or virus, which serves as a carrier for the DNA.

  • ligation - DNA ligase (‘lig-’ means ‘tie’) seals the DNA fragments into the vector, creating recombinant DNA.

  • transformation - the recombinant DNA is introduced into a host organism, such as a bacterium, using heat shock or electroporation techniques.

  • replication and expression - the recombinant DNA replicates and expresses the desired trait inside the host.

What is the Point of Recombinant DNA?

  • to manipulate what millions of years of evolution have allowed us to do

    • allows us to change genomes for all reasons

      • improve our immune systems to make us healthier

      • give organisms desired traits

  • medicine

    • production of insulin and vaccines efficiently and at a low cost

  • agriculture

    • development of genetically modified organisms

      • improved yield, pest resistance, and/or nutritional value.

  • research

    • replication of organisms to study viruses, diseases, and genetics

  • industry

    • manufacturing enzymes for detergents and biofuels.

Bacterial Transformations

Why Transform Bactiera?

  • genetic engineering

    • the old - the domestication of plants and animals through farming and selective breeding

    • the new - the direct alteration of an organism’s genetics to achieve desirable traits through the process of genetic engineering

  • genetic engineering involves the use of recombinant DNA technology

    • the recombinant DNA is then introduced into a host organism

The Tools of rDNA

  • plasmids - vectors used to transfer DNA

    • double-stranded DNA that replicates independently of the bacterial chromosome

    • can be genetically engineered

  • selectable marker

    • help researchers separate bacteria carrying the plasmid from bacteria not carrying the plasmid

    • most commonly antibiotic-resistant

  • recognition sites

  • ori region
