United Airlines Phone call contact with live person at united airlines +1-415-495-9478

United+1-415-495-9478 is bearing the brunt of a situation their contractor caused. The flight was not over-booked, just full. The police, were called because of Dr. Dao’s behavior and failure to comply with crew instructions, which is Federal law. The police, not United manhandled the passenger.+1-415-495-9478

I’ve said elsewhere that when I was a Gate Agent, I handled countless over-sales, and many the customers didn’t even know about because everything went smoothly. I had to call the police twice in my career at United. +1-415-495-9478 The worst was for a woman who had a very similar temper tantrum and refused to show ID while boarding as was required. She +1-415-495-9478 emptied the contents of her purse and started throwing things at me. At which point, I told my partner to close the door and denied her boarding. This sent her into a further rage, in which she threatened violence. Then I called the cops.+1-415-495-9478

The situation could have been worse had I allowed her on the plane. This situation illustrates why. On board people believe they are entitled. I’ve seen fights break out over the armrest.+1-415-495-9478
