Supply side policies

Supply side policies: policies that aim to increase the quality/quantity of the economy’s FoPs.


Definition - policies that aim to increase the quality/quantity of the economy’s FoPs by increasing government intervention.

OBJECTIVES - economic growth, decrease unemployment and decrease inflation.

POLICIES - increase government spending on: education (increase quality of labour), healthcare/medical research (increase quality of labour), infrastructure (increase quality of capital), technology (increase quality of capital).



Definition - policies that aim to increase the quality/quantity of the economy’s FoPs by decreasing government intervention.

OBJECTIVES: decrease govt debt, economic growth, decrease unemployment, decrease inflation - by increasing efficiency.

Efficiency: decrease wasted resources by…

  1. … getting more people into work

  2. … reallocating unproductive workers to more productive jobs.


  1. Policies to encourage competition:

More competition between firms

  • They must be as efficient as possible to make profit

  • Reallocate workers from unproductive to productive tasks (increase quality of FoPs) *

  • Or they lose their jobs… and find more productive jobs in new industries.

a) Privatisation

  • The sale of govt owned assets to private investors.

  • RWE: BT, Royal Mail, British Gas, British coal have been privatised in the UK since the 1980’s. Margret Thatcher did most of this as prime minister.

  • Private firms must make profit, and compete with other firms → incentive to be more efficient → *

b) Deregulation

  • Removing rules that firms must follow.

  • RWE: banks are significantly less regulated than they were in the 1980s in the UK. Thatcher

  • Firms become more efficient as new firms will join markets (increase competition) and no longer use workers for regulated tasks → *

c) Anti-monopoly policies (more competition)

d) Trade liberalisation - allowing more imports. (More competition)

  1. Labour market reforms

    Charging the way the labour market works to get more people into work (increase quantity of labour) *

a) Reduce unemployment benefits

  • RWE: Theresa May reformed the UK’s “universal credit” by system making it more difficult to claim unemployment benefits.

  • Incentivise job seeking → increase quantity of labour

b) Reduce income tax

  • RWE: UK’s income tax system has a £12 500 personal allowance (0% income tax)

  • Incentivise job seeking → increase quantity of labour

c) Reduce minimum wage

  • Enable more hiring →increase quantity of labour as wages fall

d) Reduce trade union power (same as above)

  1. Tax cuts

a) decrease income tax → incentive to work → increase quantity of labour

b) decrease corporation tax → incentive to invest → increase quantity of capital
