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1. Atoms, Structures, and Properties

  • The Scientific Approach to Knowledge

    • science: observation of the physical world

    • scientific law: amount of related observation to create a generalization

    • hypothesis: explanation of observations

    • scientific theory: explains underlying reasons for observations and laws

    • experiments: controlled procedures designed to produce new observations

  • Modern Atomic Theory and the Laws That Led to It

    • Law of Conservation of Mass: in a chemical reaction, matter is neither created nor destroyed

    • Law of Definite Proportions (constant composition): All samples of a given compound, regardless of their source or how they were prepared, have the same proportions of their constituent elements

    • Law of Multiple Proportions: When 2 elements form 2 different compounds, the masses of element B that combine with 1 g of element A can be expressed as a ratio of small whole numbers

    • Dalton’s Atomic Theory:

      • elements are composed of tiny, indestructible particles called atoms

      • all atoms of an element have the same mass and other properties

      • atoms combine in simple, whole number ratios to form compounds

      • atoms of one element can’t change into atoms of another element, they simply bind together with other atoms

  • The Structure of the Atom

    • Thomson’s Plum-Pudding Model

      • negatively charged electrons were small particles held within a positively charged sphere

    • Rutherford’s Nuclear Model

      • most of atom’s mass and all of its positive charge are in the nucleus

      • most of the atom is made of empty space, with electrons dispersed

      • there are negatively charged electrons outside the nucleus and positively charged particles (protons) within the nucleus, making the atom neutrally charged

    • Chadwick → discovered neutrons in the nucleus

  • Subatomic Particles: Protons, Neutrons, and Electrons

    • protons and neutrons have nearly identical masses

    • protons and electrons have electrical charges

    • elements are defined by the amount of protons

  • Atomic Mass: The Average Mass of an Element’s Atoms

    • Atomic Mass: average mass of an elements isotopes

  • Elements and Isotopes

    • sum of the fractions of the isotopes times the mass of each isotope

    • masses of atoms and their abundance are measures using mass spectrometry

  • Intensive vs Extensive Properties

    • Intensive: used to identify substances based on type (ex: density)

    • Extensive: depends on the amount of the substance (ex: mass)

  • Chemical vs. Physical Properties

    • Physical Properties: property that a substance displays w/o changing its composition

      • order, taste, color, appearance, melting point, boiling point and density

    • Chemical Properties: property that a substance displays only by changing its composition via a chemical change

      • corrosiveness, flammability, acidity, toxicity

  • Conservation Laws: Mass and Energy

    • Energy: capacity to do work

    • Law of Conservation of Energy: energy is neither created nor destroyed

2. Measurement, Problem Solving, and the Mole Concept

  • The Metric System and SI Units

    • prefix multiplier

      • Giga: 109

      • Mega: 106

      • Kilo: 103

      • Deci: 10-1

      • Centi: 10-2

      • Milli: 10-3

      • Micro: 10-6

      • Nano: 10-9

      • Pico: 10-12

    • standard units:

      • length → meters

      • mass → kg

      • time → sec

      • temp → K

      • amount → mol

      • electric current → A

  • Scientific Notation

  • Significant Figures

  • Consistency vs. Precision

  • Density

  • Energy and Its Units

  • Converting between Units

  • Problem-Solving Strategies

  • Solving Problems Involving Equations

  • The Mole Concept

    • 1 mol = 6.022 × 1023 particles

3. Chemical Bonds, Formulas, and Names

  • Types of Chemical Bonds

    • Ionic Bonds: form between metal and nonmetals, involve the transfer of electrons

      • metals lose electron to nonmetals, become cation and anion

      • form compound with a lattice (regular 3-D array) structure

    • Covalent Bonds: between two or more nonmetals, involve the sharing of electrons

      • form molecular compounds

  • Representing Compounds: Chemical Formulas and Molecular Models

    • Empirical Formula: gives the relative number of atoms of each element in a compound

    • Molecular Formula: actual number of atoms of each element in a molecule of a compound

    • Structural Formula: uses lines to represent covalent bonds and shows how atoms in a molecule bond to each other

      • single bond: weaker, longer

      • double bond: stronger, shorter

    • Ball-and-Stick Model

  • The Lewis Model:

    • Representing Valence Electrons with Dots

    • The Octet Rule

  • Ionic Bonding: The Lewis Model and Lattice Energies

  • Molecular Compounds: Formulas and Names

  • Formula Mass and the Mole Concept for Compounds

  • Composition of Compounds

  • Determining a Chemical Formula from Experimental Data


1. Atoms, Structures, and Properties

  • The Scientific Approach to Knowledge

    • science: observation of the physical world

    • scientific law: amount of related observation to create a generalization

    • hypothesis: explanation of observations

    • scientific theory: explains underlying reasons for observations and laws

    • experiments: controlled procedures designed to produce new observations

  • Modern Atomic Theory and the Laws That Led to It

    • Law of Conservation of Mass: in a chemical reaction, matter is neither created nor destroyed

    • Law of Definite Proportions (constant composition): All samples of a given compound, regardless of their source or how they were prepared, have the same proportions of their constituent elements

    • Law of Multiple Proportions: When 2 elements form 2 different compounds, the masses of element B that combine with 1 g of element A can be expressed as a ratio of small whole numbers

    • Dalton’s Atomic Theory:

      • elements are composed of tiny, indestructible particles called atoms

      • all atoms of an element have the same mass and other properties

      • atoms combine in simple, whole number ratios to form compounds

      • atoms of one element can’t change into atoms of another element, they simply bind together with other atoms

  • The Structure of the Atom

    • Thomson’s Plum-Pudding Model

      • negatively charged electrons were small particles held within a positively charged sphere

    • Rutherford’s Nuclear Model

      • most of atom’s mass and all of its positive charge are in the nucleus

      • most of the atom is made of empty space, with electrons dispersed

      • there are negatively charged electrons outside the nucleus and positively charged particles (protons) within the nucleus, making the atom neutrally charged

    • Chadwick → discovered neutrons in the nucleus

  • Subatomic Particles: Protons, Neutrons, and Electrons

    • protons and neutrons have nearly identical masses

    • protons and electrons have electrical charges

    • elements are defined by the amount of protons

  • Atomic Mass: The Average Mass of an Element’s Atoms

    • Atomic Mass: average mass of an elements isotopes

  • Elements and Isotopes

    • sum of the fractions of the isotopes times the mass of each isotope

    • masses of atoms and their abundance are measures using mass spectrometry

  • Intensive vs Extensive Properties

    • Intensive: used to identify substances based on type (ex: density)

    • Extensive: depends on the amount of the substance (ex: mass)

  • Chemical vs. Physical Properties

    • Physical Properties: property that a substance displays w/o changing its composition

      • order, taste, color, appearance, melting point, boiling point and density

    • Chemical Properties: property that a substance displays only by changing its composition via a chemical change

      • corrosiveness, flammability, acidity, toxicity

  • Conservation Laws: Mass and Energy

    • Energy: capacity to do work

    • Law of Conservation of Energy: energy is neither created nor destroyed

2. Measurement, Problem Solving, and the Mole Concept

  • The Metric System and SI Units

    • prefix multiplier

      • Giga: 109

      • Mega: 106

      • Kilo: 103

      • Deci: 10-1

      • Centi: 10-2

      • Milli: 10-3

      • Micro: 10-6

      • Nano: 10-9

      • Pico: 10-12

    • standard units:

      • length → meters

      • mass → kg

      • time → sec

      • temp → K

      • amount → mol

      • electric current → A

  • Scientific Notation

  • Significant Figures

  • Consistency vs. Precision

  • Density

  • Energy and Its Units

  • Converting between Units

  • Problem-Solving Strategies

  • Solving Problems Involving Equations

  • The Mole Concept

    • 1 mol = 6.022 × 1023 particles

3. Chemical Bonds, Formulas, and Names

  • Types of Chemical Bonds

    • Ionic Bonds: form between metal and nonmetals, involve the transfer of electrons

      • metals lose electron to nonmetals, become cation and anion

      • form compound with a lattice (regular 3-D array) structure

    • Covalent Bonds: between two or more nonmetals, involve the sharing of electrons

      • form molecular compounds

  • Representing Compounds: Chemical Formulas and Molecular Models

    • Empirical Formula: gives the relative number of atoms of each element in a compound

    • Molecular Formula: actual number of atoms of each element in a molecule of a compound

    • Structural Formula: uses lines to represent covalent bonds and shows how atoms in a molecule bond to each other

      • single bond: weaker, longer

      • double bond: stronger, shorter

    • Ball-and-Stick Model

  • The Lewis Model:

    • Representing Valence Electrons with Dots

    • The Octet Rule

  • Ionic Bonding: The Lewis Model and Lattice Energies

  • Molecular Compounds: Formulas and Names

  • Formula Mass and the Mole Concept for Compounds

  • Composition of Compounds

  • Determining a Chemical Formula from Experimental Data