Overview of Host Resistance
immune system
composed of wide variety of cells, tissues, and organs
recognizes foreign substances or microbes and acts to neutralize or destroy them
“probiotic—up to 500 species”, “prebiotic” – up to ¾ immune system reside in your gut
probiotic line intestine (mental health importance; dependent on nutrition)
said will not ask # of species
know difference between the two?
compromised by stress, health problems & unhealthy food / lifestyle
ability of host to resist a particular disease or infection
science concerned with immune responses
Susceptibility: Lack of resistance to a disease
Immunity: Ability to ward off disease
Innate immunity: Defenses against any pathogen
“nonspecific immunity”
Adaptive immunity: Immunity, resistance to a specific pathogen
Types of immune responses
Innate (nonspecific) defense system
responds quickly, offers resistance to any microbe or foreign substance, lacks immunological memory, and consists of:
First line of defense – skin and membranes
Second line of defense – antimicrobial proteins, phagocytes, and other cells
Inhibit spread of invaders throughout the body (stop the invaders)
Inflammation is its hallmark and most important mechanism (cause of swelling, heat, redness)
Where did you hear phagocytosis?
WBC will “eat” them; bacterias with capsule resistant to phagocytosis
Innate Immunity
First Line of Defense
Intact skin
Mucous membranes and their secretions
Normal Microbiota (antagonism)
antagonism is your normal bacteria on skin that keeps you “clean” → will be “mean/antagonize” new bacteria
Second Line of Defense
Natural Killer cells and phagocytic WBC
Antimicrobial substances
Adaptive Immunity (“specific”)
Third Line of Defense
Specialized lymphocytes: T and B cells (T cells are HIV’s target; B cells give antibodies)
received by getting sick and producing B cells or getting vaccine with B cells
Adaptive (specific) defense system
Also called acquired or induced immunity, has immunological memory, responds to a very particular foreign substance (why some substances last a shorter time than others? they don’t know yet; COVID is one that doesn’t have a long memory)
about 2 weeks to produce antibodies (don’t get vaccine when people are already sick, do it sooner)
Third line of defense
Takes longer to react than the innate system
Works in conjunction with the innate system
Components of the Innate Immune System
Skin (biggest organ)
most pathogens go through mucous membrane (eyes, nose, mouth)
Covid going for respiratory; cytocines? caused continous inflammation
stomach acid
food poisiong indicates eating a lot of bacteria
bacteria can go up through urinary tract and cause UTI, if not treated the bacteria can travel upwards
lysozyme cuts galasidic bond?
smokers cough in morning because paralysis of cilia (cilia moves the fluid upwards)
Innate (non-specific) defense systems
Surface Barriers: Skin, mucous membranes, and their secretions make up the first line of defense
sebaceous glands → oils (sebum)
Largest organ (20 sqft), 10+/- pounds
strong mechanical barrier to microbial invasion
keratin produced by keratinocytes (=basal cells) in outer layer
resists absorption of water and most inorganic chemicals; allows absorption of many organic and a few inorganic chemicals
Skin infection/reaction by microbes
Cellulitis: inflammation due to infection
does not have to be an open cut
Warts: viral infection cause excess skin growth
Herpes: HSV-1&HSV-2, periodic blisters around lips or genitals
cold sores
Hives: allergic reaction – not infection
Tinea: skin mycosis
fungal skin infection
Shingles: varicella zoster virus (linear DNA, lipid enveloped, herpes group)
DNA virus, enveloped, hide when young but “come out” when older
younger people can get it as well
Skin = inhospitable environment for many microbes
attached organisms removed by shedding of outer skin cells = part of your soap scum, eww
pH 3-5 = acidic
high NaCl concentration = why?
skin bacteria have a high salt toleration and dryness (mannitol salt agar!)
subject to periodic drying
Lysozyme in saliva and tears – function
prevents infection
Fungistatic fatty acids in sebum
Transferrin** in blood (who’s the bad guy?)
*Antagonisms: competitive exclusion of normal microbiota (our bacteria)
**iron-binding blood glycoproteins
More about Skin
specialized cells called skin-associated lymphoid tissue (SALT)
Langerhans cell---NOT islet of Langerhans in pancreas!!!
dendritic cell that can phagocytose antigens
have lots of branches; can eat the pathogens (bring inside cell)
differentiates into interdigitating dendritic cell–presents antigen to and activates T cells
uses piece of pathogen to present to T cell
Antimicrobial Secretions
How?: tears, saliva
cut 1-4 galoscidic bond
produces superoxide radicals: toxic
mammary and salivary gland (saliva)
The Eye
flushing action of tears
lysozyme, lactoferrin and secretory IgA in tears
lactoferrin - transferrin (good?)
Lactoferrin: multifunctional protein (antimicrobial)
IgA = antibody
cover antibodies later
Mucous Membranes
form protective covering that resists penetration and traps many microbes
are often bathed in antimicrobial secretions which contain a variety of antimicrobial substances
contain mucosal-associated lymphoid tissue (MALT)
mucous can trap bacteria
Mucosal-Associated Lymphoid Tissue (MALT)
specialized immune barrier
gut-associated lymphoid tissue (GALT)
bronchial-associated lymphoid tissue (BALT)
two types of MALT
Respiratory system
turbulent air flow deposits microbes onto mucosal surfaces
Mucociliary blanket
mucous secretions that traps microbes
once trapped, microbes transported away from the lungs (mucociliary escalator)
can be expelled by coughing or sneezing
salivation washes microbes to stomach (pH 3-5)
alveolar macrophages
phagocytic cells in alveoli of lungs
capsule bacteria prevent digestion by phagotcytic cells
When you smoke…
Cilia paralized, smoker’s cough
being moved upwards
Smokers are sick more often because......
cilia is paralized therefore cilia isn’t moving upwards
Morning cough
80% lung cancer – due to smoking, 13% survive 5+ years
includes 2nd hand smoking
P53 gene – nose, liver, colon, myloid leukemia
cancer suppressing gene
Tobacco smoke contains a deadly mix of more than 7,000chemicals. Hundreds are toxic. About 70 can cause cancer. Here are some of the chemicals. (said wouldn’t ask about chemicals, just information)
Cancer-Causing Chemicals
Formaldehyde: Used to embalm dead bodies
Benzene: Found in gasoline
Polonium 210: Radioactive and very toxic
Vinyl chloride: Used to make pipes
Toxic Metals
Chromium: Used to make steel
Arsenic: Used in pesticides
Lead: Once used in paint
Cadmium: Used to make batteries
Poison Gases
Carbon monoxide: Found in car exhausts
Hydrogen cyanide: Used in chemical weapons
Ammonia: Used in household cleaners
Butane: Used in lighter fluid
Toluene: Found in paint thinners
Helicobacter pylori –in the disease packet
Gram -, Curved rod, Microaerophilic
microaerophilic - likes less oxygen (strept throat test)
80% of infected people = asymptomatic
Gastritis, linked to duodenal and stomach cancer – stress was to blame before the discovery
burrow into stomach
high salt diet dissolves membrane in stomach (high salt diet = higher chance of stomach cancer)
Stomach acid gradient chemotaxis
urea in stomach acid
Urease –Ammonia production, ph?
metabolize protein, pH increases
1st infection – antibody test
2nd and after – Urea or stool test
because possible antibodies from last infection
Picture: blood has plasma and cells (red blood cells, platelets, and white blood cells); centrifuge separates layers
Blood Plasma – approx. 55%
Glucose, fat
Protein – (antibodies 1/3)
Clotting factor
Electrolytes, vitamins
BP, pH
less fluid increase BP; neutral pH
Blood donation ---- NO NO
Have tested positive for hepatitis B or hepatitis C, lived with or had sexual contact in the past 12 months with anyone who has hepatitis B or symptomatic hepatitis C.
After donation, test for ....HIV, hepatitis, syphilis, Human T-lymphotropic virus
Platelets donation – not from mama. Why????
pregnant - may have antibody from baby
Plasma donation – no tuberculosis, malaria, sickle cell anemia, cancer etc..
White Blood Cells and the Nonspecific and Specific Responses
white blood cells (WBCs) - major role in the innate and specific responses
Hematopoesis – hematopoetic stem cell differentiation process (all blood components)
stem cells that differenate
umblitical cord has stem cells
development of white blood cells in bone marrow of mammals
WBCs that mature prior to leaving bone marrow, e.g. macrophages and dendritic cells, become part of innate immune system and will respond to all antigens
WBCs that are not fully functional after leaving bone marrow become part of the adaptive immune response, e.g.B and T cells and could differentiate in response to specific antigens
know the differences
Monocytes and macrophages
highly phagocytic cells, 6% of WBC
engulf pathogen, lysosome digests pathogen
make up monocyte-macrophage system
are mononuclear phagocytic leukocytes
after circulating for ~8 hours, mature into macrophages
reside in specific tissues
have a variety of surface receptors
senses the pathogens
named according to tissue in which they reside
Dendritic Cells: Antigen-presenting cells (APC)
present in small numbers in blood, skin, and mucous membranes of nose, lungs, and intestines
contact, phagocytose and process antigens → display foreign antigens on their surfaces (antigen presentation)
bring antigen/pathogen to surface to show other cells (i.e macrophages)
stain bluish-black with basic dyes, 1% of WBC
release histamine, heparin, prostaglandins, serotonin, and leukotrienes from granules
histamine most important
play important role in development of allergies and hypersensitivities (inflammation)
stain red with acidic dyes, 3% of WBC
defend against parasites (protozoan and helminthes)
play a role in asthma/allergic reactions along with mast cells
stain at neutral pH
60% of WBC - majority
highly phagocytic - 1st to go to site
circulate in blood then migrate to sites of tissue damage
sequeeze through capillary walls
kill ingested microbes with lytic enzymes and reactive oxygen metabolites
high neutrophil count = bacterial infection
pus is normally dead neutrophils
Mast Cells
differentiate in blood and connective tissue
contain granules containing histamine, heparin, and other pharmacologically active chemicals, over 200+ chemicals
play important role in development of allergies and hypersensitivities
Mast cell activation syndrome
idopathic - don’t know what it is, may be genetic
major cells of the immune system, 30% of WBC
major populations include T cells, B cells, and natural killer (NK) cells
B and T lymphocytes differentiate in bone marrow from stem cells
B Lymphocytes
B cells (B lymphocytes)
mature mostly in lymph nodes and other lymph tissues
circulate in blood
can settle in lymphoid organs
after maturation and activation are called plasma cells and produce antibodies
memory and antibodies (after ~10 days)
outside of pathogens
T Lymphocytes
T cells (T lymphocytes)
Mature primarily in the thymus gland
can remain in thymus, circulate in blood, or reside in lymphoid tissue
like B cells, require antigen binding to surface receptors for activation and continuation of replication
need a signal (i.e antigen presenting cell - dendritic cell)
they have no memory or antibodies
cytokines, chemicals that have effects on other cells, are produced and secreted by activated T cells
Natural Killer (NK) Cells
small population of large non-phagocytic granular lymphocytes
kill malignant cells and cells infected with pathogens
two ways of recognizing target cells
bind to antibodies which coat infected or malignant cells (antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity (ADCC))
recognizes cells that have lost their class I major histocompatibility (MHC) antigen due to presence of virus or cancer
organ transplant
Cytotoxic T Cells and Natural Killer Cells
Cytotoxic T-cells : the specific antigens presented by their MHC class I molecule
recognize receptor and present it
NK cells : the absence of MHC class I molecules, specific types of antibodies, and
some type of cellular stress
Know the difference!
Primary Lymphoid Organs and Tissues
immature undifferentiated lymphocytes (generated in the bone marrow) → mature
obtain a specific antigenic specificity within the primary lymphoid organs and tissues, bone marrow and thymus gland
unique to pathogens
Secondary Lymphoid Organ/Tissue
Secondary lymphoid tissue includes: lymph nodes, tonsils, adenoids, Peyer’s patches (intestine), spleen
throughout the body
interface between innate and acquired host immunity (overlap)
act as areas of antigen sampling and processing
determine if the threat needs to be neutralized
some lymphoid cells are found closely associated with specific tissues
e.g., skin-associated lymphoid tissue (SALT)
e.g., mucous-associated lymphoid tissue (MALT)
e.g. bronchial associated lymphoid tissue (BALT)
Secondary Lymphoid Organ/Tissue
highly organized lymphoid organ
filters blood - scanning
trap microbes and antigens
present antigens to B and T cells
most common way that lymphocytes become activated to carry out their immune functions
lymph nodes
highly organized lymphoid tissue
filter lymph
microbes and antigens trapped and phagocytosed by macrophages and dendritic cells
B cells differentiate into memory and plasma cells within lymph nodes
process by which phagocytic cells (monocytes, tissue macrophages, dendritic cells and neutrophils) recognize, ingest and kill extracellular microbes
How bacteria resist?
two mechanisms for recognition of microbe by phagocyte
opsonin-independent (nonopsonic) recognition
opsonin-dependent (opsonic) recognition
phagocytosis can be greatly increased by opsonization
Opsonization (stopped here w/ anki)
opsonin – Greek: prepare for eating
opson – Greek: delicious side dish
process in which microbes are coated by serum components in preparation for recognition/ingestion by phagocytic cells
molecules that carry out above are called opsonins = antibodies, complement molecules
some complement proteins are opsonins
bind to microbial cells, coating them for phagocyte recognition
Opsonin-Independent Mechanism
involves nonspecific and specific receptors on phagocytic cells
four main forms:
recognition by lectin-carbohydrate interactions
recognition by protein-protein interactions (PPI)
recognition by hydrophobic interactions
detection of pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs) by pattern recognition receptors (PRRs, e.g., toll-like receptors)
*lectin: carbohydrate binding proteins
*PPI: Alzheimer’s, CJD, Cancer
Pathogen-Associated Molecular Patterns (PAMPs)
PAMPs are unique to microbes, not present in host
Examples of unqiue features
e.g., lipopolysaccharide (LPS) of gram negative bacteria
e.g., peptidoglycan of gram positive bacteria
PAMPs recognized by pattern recognition receptors (PRRs) on phagocytic cells
Toll-Like Receptors (TLRs)
recognize and bind unique PAMPs of viruses, bacteria or fungi
Macrophages, Dendritic cells
on these cells
Intracellular Digestion
vacuole which results from fusion of phagosome with lysosome
presence of toxic chemicals
e.g., degradative enzymes
e.g., toxic reactive oxygen intermediates (ROIs) (kills microorganisms)
e.g., reactive nitrogen intermediates (RNIs)
Neutrophils – after digesting microbial fragments
also phagocytic - 1st to be at site of injury
process used by neutrophils to expel microbial fragments after they have been digested
phagolysosome unites with cell membrane
results in extracellular release of microbial fragments
Inflammation (innate side)
nonspecific response to tissue injury
can be caused by pathogen or physical trauma
acute inflammation is the immediate response of body to injury or cell death
cardinal signs---PRISH (reactions from inflammation)
Pain – release of chemicals such as histamine
Redness – increased blood flow
Immobility - altered or loss of function
Swelling – edema (accumulation of fluid)
application of ice pack (no more than 20 min because it slows the process of blood flow which gets rid of the waste)
Heat – increased blood flow
Acute Inflammatory Response
Vascular phase first, then cellular phase
vascular is the fluid
the release of inflammatory mediators from injured tissue cells initiates a cascade of events which result in the signs of inflammation
involves chemical mediators
chemokines - signaling proteins/cytokines
released by injured cells
cell adhesion molecules on activated capillary endothelial cells
adhesion receptors on neutrophils
blood vessel will get loose because of histamine and neutrophils can squeeze through
Inflammatory Response Vascular Permeability
Chemicals released by the inflammatory response stimulate mast cells next to capillaries
Mast cells release histamines to increase permeability of capillaries
histamines make you “leaky”
Plasma seeps into tissue (interstitial) spaces causing local edema (swelling), which contributes to the sensation of pain
*pain – Na+channel
lidocaine blocks Na+ channel
Inflammatory Response Phagocytic Mobilization
Margination – neutrophils cling to the walls of capillaries in the injured area
Diapedesis – neutrophils squeeze through capillary walls and begin phagocytosis
know margination and diapedesis
Chemotaxis – inflammatory chemicals attract neutrophils to the injury site
Chronic Inflammation
slow process
may not notice
rhuematoid arthrisis
involves formation of new connective tissue
usually causes permanent tissue damage
dense infiltration of lymphocytes and macrophages at site of inflammation
walled off area formed when phagocytic cells can’t destroy pathogen
process in which microbes are coated by serum components in preparation for recognition/ingestion by phagocytic cells
molecules that carry out above are called opsonins
make pathogen more visible
some complement proteins are opsonins
bind to microbial cells, coating them for phagocyte recognition
Dead leukocytes (mostly neutrophils)
Color varies
Abscess=enclosed in tissue
Pimple=visible collection within/beneath the epidermis
Pus causing bacteria = pyogenic
Example from your lab: Staphylococcus aureus (pink eye), S. epidermidis, S. pyogenes (strept throat) (Gram+, β-hemolysis, catalase-), Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa
The Complement System (or cascade)
composed of >30 serum proteins – mainly produced in liver (pro-proteins)
augments (or “complements”) the antibacterial activity of antibody
part of innate immunity, will NOT change over ones lifetime, does not adaptable
genetic, pre-determined
aide in getting rid of pathogen
Other Functions of Complement Proteins
function as chemotactic signals that recruit phagocytes to their activation site
puncture cell membranes causing cell lysis
important function
many complement activities unite the nonspecific and specific arms of the immune system to destroy and remove invading pathogens
Complement Activation Pathways (innate)
specific proteins are unique to the first part of each of the three complement activation pathways, but all complement pathways have the same outcome
Opsonization - phagocytosis
stimulation of inflammatory mediators
lysis of microbes by membrane attack
all pathways are activated as a cascade; the activation of one protein results in the activation of the next
all complement proteins are in the inactive state until activation when the host is challenged by an invading microbe
soluble proteins or glycoproteins that are released by one cell population that act as intercellular mediators or signaling molecules
released from mononuclear phagocytes
i.e macrophages
released from T lymphocytes
released from one leukocyte and act on another leukocyte
colony stimulating factors (CSFs)
act on hemopoietic stem cell, stimulate growth and differentiation of immature leukocytes in bone marrow
Interferons (IFNs) =type of cytokines
regulatory cytokines produced by some eukaryotic cells in response to viral infection
viral infection is important (acute)
do not prevent virus entry into host cells, but defend against viruses by preventing viral replication and assembly
also help to regulate the immune response
responsible for “flu-like” symptoms
clinical use for viral infection, MS and cancer treatment
cancer treatment: elicit T cells (side effects: thinning hair, flu-like symptoms); T cells attack cancer
37.5-38.3 °C (99.5-100.9°F) or above
dr starts to get worried at 105
most common cause of fever is viral or bacterial infection or bacterial toxins
Viral --- DO NOT ask for antibiotics!!!!
Thermostat set point located in hypothalamus
More About Fever
in most cases, the endogenous pyrogen, a cytokine produced in response to pathogen, directly triggers fever production
after release, pyrogens → hypothalamus and induce production of prostaglandins which reset hypothalamus to a higher temperature
increase temp
When the hypothalamus is reset, what has to happen to increase body temperature?
*Pyrogen = a fever inducing substance
**Prostaglandins = found in every tissue, hormone-like effect, lipid derived
***Physical activity is needed to increase metabolic rate, heat production = This accomplished by shivering thermogenesis.
know where body’s thermostat is
Should fever be reduced with medicines?
Yes! Because......
Febrile seizure (epileptic seizure) – can be dangerous
some people can get seizures from fever (temperature increases too quickly)
Feeling awful/miserable – treating the symptom, not the cause
fever caused by infection
bacterial infection treated by antibiotics, no treatment for viral infection
No! because..........
Not high enough fever
may hinder immune system
Research (2014) has shown that using fever-suppressing drugs may allow patients to mistakenly feel better quicker than normal resulting in their premature return to the population
Concerning influenza, it is estimated that this will result in a 1% increase in the number of cases and about 700 more deaths each year in the U.S.
contributes to spread