Biology Lab Quiz Review


  • most are heterotrophic, some autotrophic

  • Single cell, prokaryotes


Coccus: circle shape

Bacillus: rod shaped

Spirillum: spiral shape

protists: most abundant of all Kingdoms

  • Single cell, eukaryotes (ameoba, paramericium, euclem)


  • multicellular, eukar yotes

  • autotropic - give off oxygen (photosynthesis)

Fungus: molds, mildews, yeast, mushrooms

  • no organs/tissue system

  • heterotrophic

    hyphae: instead of organs, fungus contain series of this "thread-like" a substana hiphae

mycellium: fungus body

rhizoids: root-like, in tangled mass of hyphae

  • anchors hypha to the food its growing on

stolons: also in hyphae, "runner-like"

  • allow hyphae to grow to nearby locations to locate additional nutriotion (spread)

sporangium: spherical spore-bearing structure

  • when mature, it ruptures and releases hundreds of tiny spores into air

  • spore capable of "germinatine" & forming new mycelium (reproducing)

autotropic: make your own energy

  • gives off oxygen

heterotrophic: gets energy from other plants/ animals

prokaryotic: no nucleus

eukaryotic: nucleus

microscope magnifications:

  • ocular: 10

  • Scanning: 4

  • Iow pover: 10

  • high power: 40

metric conversions:

I meter = 100 cm = 1000 mm = 39.37 in

2.54 cm = 1 in = 25.4 mm

I cm = 10 mm

25,400 micrometer (um) = 1 in

1000 micron = 1 mm

25,400,000 nanometer (nm) = 1 in

1000 nm = 1 micron


28g = 1 oz

1g = 1000 mg


1 L = 1.06 Qt

1000 mL = 1 L

temperature conversions:

  • F° = C° + 40 × 1.8 - 40

  • C° = F° + 40 × 0.55 - 40
