The French & Indian War(1753-1763)
the British v the French
Native Americans caught in between and ally with France
Treaty of Paris (1763) → truce
British victory but a major financial cost to the empire
British keeps some soldiers in the US at forts
Colonists upset with British because they also lost money and men
Shift in population - population boom
British in 1700 → 25,000
Colonies in 1700 → 3,000
British in 1770 → 125,000
Colonies in 1770 → 125,000
African, german, irish, scottish, dutch,etc.
Identity Crisis: Colonists & the Crown (John Locke & Natural Rights)
Divine Right of Kings
It’s in their blood to rule
King decided rights that people got and didn’t get
Natural rights → rights that everyone has acess to no matter your social standing
The Divided Ground: The Proclomation of 1763
white colonial settlers cannot move west past the Proclomation line
colonists wonder why they helped to fight the war but don’t get more land
first economic rift
Changing of the Guard: Grenville;s Program
the crown, the colonies, & economic policy
get money to quench debts and raise money for soldiers still in colonies
salatory neglect
The Sugar Act(1764) → was already taxed but because of salitory neglect, both sides ignored the original tax
first tax of many
Americans start to see themselves as Amercans and believe that they deserve more rights
The Stamp Act
no taxation without representation
took aim at new england merchants
tax on any paper document, certificare, etc,
had to pay tax to get stamp to signify legitimacy
up roar in colonies as product is made in America
virtual representation → people are arguing for colonies but they aren’t from the colonies
November 1, 1765
The Stamp Act: Colonial Response
words, wit, & wisdom
letter writing, editorials, pamphlet printing, sermons
claim that only colonial authority has the right to tax citizens
claimed that colonists were englishmen according to british law and that british were violating it
Intimidation & Violence
burn buildings and attack stamp collectors
tar and feathering
Samuel Adams and Sons of Liberty
try to write pamphlets and get colonists to understand
also pulling the strings
British pull the Stamp Act
resistence is seen as succesful
British pass the declaratory acts
parliament working on developing a new colonial taxation program
declare authority of colonies
The Townshend Acts(1767)
Internal (produced in and for colines) v External (exports and imports) taxation
Direct (directly payed at the time of purchase) v Indirect ( placed on an item at port) taxation
John Dickinson & ‘letters from a farmer in Pennsylvania’
collection of essays written over 10 weeks
signed essays as “the farmer”
argues that taxes are illegal because they want to raise revonue for British
published in a pamphlet
Adams leades organized recolts
loose-loose situation for Britian
more principle over economic
merchants jack up prices because of indirect taz
Benjamin Franklin misleads British
calls for banning and poycotting of goods
The Boston Massacre(1770)
Paul Revere, Smauel Adams, & Patriot Propaganda
colonists assemble and take to the streets
throw snowballs and insults at soldiers
soldier calls for backup
someone shoots and then soldiers shoot crows
4 colonists die immediatley and 1 later
soldiers arrested
Sam Adams puts togeth a funeral procesion to recognize the lost
at least 60% of Boston shows up
Paul Revere - Silver smith, member of sons of liberty
creates template of what happens - calls it the bloody massacre
first big piece of propaganda
The Tea Act(1773)
Boston tea party & the beginninf of irrepressible conflict
places monopoly on tea
this act undercut the profit of local sellers and stopped merchants
start refusing tea ships - ships can’t dock
3 ships anchor in harbor
colonists won’t let them unload but they need to unload to return to britian
sons of liberty put together protest to destroy 342 chests of tea
dressed up as indians
extremley organized protest
pushes Britian to the brink
restricts town meetings to once a year - massachusets govoner act
royal govoner can move trials to england - administrationat justice act
british soldiers can live in homes
close boston harbor - boston port act
the first continental congress(1774)
54 members
commitees of correspondence
carpenters hall - 7 week meeting
suffolk resolves
took aim at massachusetts govoner act
outline strategy for resistance
Joseph Galloway’s Plan
wanted to reunite with British
recommended 1 man = to parliment
against suffolk resolves
in favor of ending any importation, consumption, and exporting of goods to/from british
2nd Contintental Congress
never meets because of war
Lexington & Concord
doesn’t meet untill 1775
John Adams says that Washington shouldbe in command
Olive branch petition - last ditch effort to reconcile
rejected by King George III
a leap in the dark
thomas pain & common sense
publishes 47 page pamphlet
sathing critique on the british
also states that colonies should seperate
responsible for getting more people to join the revolution than enything else
The Lee Resolution
ought to be free and independent states
need someon to draft declaration of independant
Thomas efferson writes declaration of independance
borrows a lot from enlightenment writers
Dividing Power & Polotics
the result of the war creates 13 new states
each state has their own constitution and state govornment
put together a confederation
loose allience of states
articles of confederation
states have mosst of the political power and withold it from the national govornment
Articles of Confederation
a legislature
national govonrment not given majority power because they just escaped a monarchy that had a strong central govornment
natioal govornment:
coudln’t raise or levy taxes
couldn’t draft taxes
no exective branch
no court system
in order for a law to be passed, it required 9/13 votes
in order to change/ammend the articles, it required all 13 votes
Powers given to government:
make/establish treaties with other governments
raise an army
declare war
could create postal offices
war costs money
govornment couldn’t raise taxes
government asked and borrowed money from states
dramatic amounts as govonrment tries to escapte debt
states pass taxes to try and cover debt
Shays’s Rebellion
farmer and war veteran in Massachusetts
property tax passed which affects farmers
farmers and local militia march on state courthouse
fight between editors and debters
after this, some americans five up on popular government and wanted King of Prussia to come and be their King
states raised taxes to clear debt which in trn made citizens debters
national government created IOUs for states to recieve money
Bond speculators
buy IOUs from soldiers, states, etc. for 1.2 the value
beleive that bonds will eventually increase in value
out of all states, Virginia had the worst debt
in congress or articles, each state had one vote
could send multiple people
has no army or navy to handel affairs around the world
states taxing each other
British signed peace treaty but British won’t leave America
British restricts trade
Spain controlls mississippi river
Western Lands
does land belong to states or national government
states will break into war
states give up Northwestern region to government
land ordiances
government broke it up to squares and sold it
first form of revenue
sets up policy - 60,000 population limit
can have government and apply for statehood
no slavery in new land
some states like Vermont, new england, and massachusets ban slavery
middle states say that children of slaves will be free at 28 years old
southern states still hold on to slavery
manumission laws
owners can declar slaves to be free